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View Full Version : router over heating

06-06-2006, 03:51 PM
lately my routers been screwing its self up and i cant seem to be able to fix it.

the net just seems to stop working but im still able to view the router settings... able to reconnect the net as well but its still screwed up.

anyway i did the ping google.com stuff to check if its anything on my pc/laptop and both my pc and laptop got a few times out while doing it at the times it stopped working.

right now i got the router sitting on a ducktaped up ice bag :P cooled it down at 1st but then the dam thing started leaking abit so i duck taped the whole thing up and its not cooling it down as much now... :cry:

is there anyway or any ideas of how i can cool it down?

gunna get a desk fan soon but im gunna order that off the net along with a headset so 2 lazy to go to the shops and buy 1 :ermm:

any ideas of what i could do 2 cool it down? :cool2:

06-07-2006, 05:44 PM
you could get your wife to blow on it

06-08-2006, 05:04 AM
His wife :lol: He's 16

06-08-2006, 07:39 AM
Routers often run quite hot anyway - they don't often have fans.
So I'd be surprised if overheating router is the problem.
You're not very specific about the nature of the problem, but it may just be that the router is knacked. They do wear out.

06-08-2006, 11:17 PM
Yes my router is extremly hot, i mean it is on 24/7...should be expected...also might just be wear and tear as said by nerval

06-15-2006, 07:03 AM
If you running alternative firmware that raises the wireless transmission power, try to lower it.