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View Full Version : Am i about to recieve a cease and desist?

06-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Hi there guys, whilst d/loading a particular torrent, i noticed that my peerguardian was going crazy with connections from safenet.inc and an american barracks that were being blocked as well as "possible media sentry" attack. Suddenly, i noticed a new list in my blocked lists that said permanent blocks as the description but was allowed!!! Getting further details i found out it was the safenet.inc and barracks ip address as well as Time Warner. I have blocked this list, restarted my machine and connected to the net not d/loading and this list has just re-appeared and allowed itself again, I'm getting slightly worried :cry: :wacko: :stars: :sick:

06-12-2006, 11:30 PM
I recommend you put your hard drives in a barrel of acid, change your name, and move out of whatever country you happen to be in. better safe than sorry

06-13-2006, 01:00 AM
Yes he is right dig a hole in the backyard start a fire and throw you computer in there monitor and all.If not they will get you then you going to jail for sure.Those media sentry guys are mean too.

06-13-2006, 09:18 AM
Really? do you think its that big a deal? I wasn't seeding anything at the time so surely they can only of seen what was being d/loaded? I did consider running eraser on my HDD yesterday but decided I was feeling overly paranoid......

So I closed all ports, banned everything that I felt should be banned within PG2 and deleted all possible sources of the attack (all media that i had d/loaded since the attacks started)

Still, not getting caught would be better than having to trash everything..... I know I am a noob so please don't take advantage of that and tell me that leaving the country is my only option!!- I would like to know the possibilty of recieving a cease and desist.

I'm in the UK by the way and thanks for your help so far

Rip The Jacker
06-13-2006, 09:46 AM
Ok, real advice (ignore the other two) :P:

Hell with it. You messed up, sure. But how badly? Not that badly. I mean, you were unprotected by PG for a few minutes, and were not seeding correct? Really, sounds like no big deal.

1. Don't leave the country/kill your computer.
2. If your really really paranoid, law low for a while.
3. Usually what happens is your ISP sends you a letter, you don't just get sued in a matter of seconds.
4. Any of this information could be inaccurate.
5. Don't let no. 4 worry you.

... really, if some people seed/download shit like crazy, without PG, and nothing happens to them... the odds of anything happening to you are pretty slim.

EDIT: Also, your not in the USA, less to worry about. And assuming you weren't downloading the next big movie of the year, that's also less to worry about. Don't wipe your HDD clean, you'd feel really dumb if you did and nothing bad happened...

06-13-2006, 10:05 AM
Thanks, thats what my initial thought on the matter was but having not seen anything like this before, I was slightly concerned!! I'll keep you posted but thank you for your help!

06-13-2006, 03:33 PM
Ok, real advice (ignore the other two) :P:

Hell with it. Blah Blah Blah...:D
Thanks Jack, for settin' that straight. And Topic starter, I've been having Verestar & SafeNet on my PG2 blocklist for the past month nothin' happen yet...
Here's this: http://forums.phoenixlabs.org/showthread.php?t=11799 Its just another discussion, but apparently alotta people are getting hits from these people.

06-13-2006, 04:19 PM
Yeah dude i posted that yesterday as a joke i didnt think you would take it seriously :).You have nothing to worry about dude.

06-13-2006, 09:16 PM
Thanks alot guys! I think i just needed reassurance.....on with the download!!!

06-14-2006, 03:02 AM
the letters don't mean anything

06-19-2006, 03:09 PM
Well, after about a week without running bit torrent, i decided I'd reconfigure my machine to use a different port, re-assign myself a new ip address and see what happened....
Five seconds after loading into Azereus, peer guardian went crazy, blocking constant connections from safenet inc, time warner, riaa, mpaa, various army barracks and RIPE communications in holland!!! All trying to attack my old b/t port and my new one....
Feeling slightly paranoid still, I cancelled the download and just watched as for the next twenty or so minutes, peerguardian blocked over 1000 different IP address from connecting to these ports, Outpost couldn't even hack the amount of traffic being generated and ground to a halt!! Still no letter but I still feel I am being watched, severly!
Is there any chance that the time they got in that they may of installed something in Azereus to tell them when I use b/t? My old port isn't even open on any of my firewalls now but still the attacks come. I think I am probably more worried about the allowed connections to these ports during this time, running the ARIN WHOIS? search, it seems that the riaa amongst others have a helluva lot of unfiltered ports that they can still connect to you through. What were they upto? Have I been comprimised again? this only happened yesterday, the first time I have used b/t since my first concern and I haven't noticed anything like this happening when i use this machine to browse the web...

Ideas please anyone? (that don't require me melting my HDD or leaving the country please!)

Again, I'm in the UK so does anybody know if these connections are even gonna be relevant?

Thanks in advance!

06-21-2006, 07:33 AM
Anybody? surely someone can help soothe my paranoia out there!!! really wanna use B/T but I don't want these organizations messing with my stuff.

Anybody think its possible that something may of been installed in my azearus during the first attack on my machine?

06-21-2006, 08:47 AM
M8 I wouldn't worry about it too much PG blocks alot of stuff that isn't a problem. I don't think the anti p2p forces will use easily identifiable addresses if they realy want to fuck you over.

on top of that if they've installed spyware on your computer then your prety safe as anything they find out about what your doing will be thrown out of court as installing shit on your system ie: hacking it is illegal.

having said that what the fuck do I know i'm no lawyer and i've never been sued by the mpaa.

If your realy worried put your computer in safe mode and do some serious spyware anti virus scans. also run a hijack this scan and either research it yourself or find someone on the net to help you figure out exactly what's running on your system and if there is somthing there get rid of it :)