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View Full Version : Stop The Blocking

Unafraid Cheese
05-01-2003, 08:17 PM
it is absolutly pathetic how this forum rattles on about LEECHES it seems to me that by blocking so called leeches you are makeing a rod by whitch you`ll be smacked sooner or later coz when you start blocking sooner or later you`ll be blocked. i have posted a reply in one of the threads explaing what i do for both up loads and down loads so for GOD SAKE DONT START SOME THING YOU`LL LIVE TO REGREAT.

I have found that with my 600k Broad Band NTL uk Conection that setting my up loads to 256 kbs i am able to give 2 peeps an up load speed of 5 to 7 kbs constantly. 600k only allows me 15 kbs uploads at best speed.

I would rather give 2 peeps good or half good speed much better than giveing 15 peeps 1 kbs or less each. useing this setting dose not affect my down load speeds at all.

If you have to que then thats tough shit. If you block me then your a total Twat and unable to grasp the concept of Kazaa at all.

STOP THE BLOCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!! :nuke:


because of my limmertations and inability to share files fast I could be deemed as a leech and there for blocked. Inocent as i am. Thats the point being made here some how in all the posts here in this forum you so called computer experts totaly missed that point. In additon when you start to block you start a ball rolling you block me and then i block you so thats 2 blocked then another gets blocked and so on. Add to this we all have contacts and friends who also so block the same peeps i have blocked so by 1 person blocking we now have the ball rolling. Also I clearly explained why i thought Blocking was not the answer in my other posts. also i have clearly stated with 4,000,000 Kazaa users why worrie just enjoy what you can get and give all that you can u guys see what you want you offer sarcamas as an answer. Read the posts and not just the title try it. You know it makes sense.

05-01-2003, 08:18 PM
Indeed! I don't block cause it could be the users first time on there.

05-01-2003, 08:22 PM
Its not about beeing remotely queued or having slow speeds, its about not sharing.

Unafraid Cheese
05-01-2003, 08:37 PM
good god man r u a compleat dick head read it properly then make your remarks or please stop wasting our time. what if they dont give you a file lifes a bitch and then you die. get over it blocking is not the answer.


because of my limmertations and inability to share files fast I could be deemed as a leech and there for blocked. Inocent as i am. Thats the point being made here some how in all the posts here in this forum you so called computer experts totaly missed that point. In additon when you start to block you start a ball rolling you block me and then i block you so thats 2 blocked then another gets blocked and so on. Add to this we all have contacts and friends who also so block the same peeps i have blocked so by 1 person blocking we now have the ball rolling. Also I clearly explained why i thought Blocking was not the answer in my other posts. also i have clearly stated with 4,000,000 Kazaa users why worrie just enjoy what you can get and give all that you can u guys see what you want you offer sarcamas as an answer. Read the posts and not just the title try it. You know it makes sense.

05-01-2003, 08:39 PM
Unafraid Cheese - calm down! Nobodys gonna take you serioulsy if you start flaming.

Unafraid Cheese
05-01-2003, 10:05 PM
lol ok sorry but u the one with the whip.

Sorry Beanno I just see some thing comeing and I seem to be the voice in the dark shouting "turn the bloody light on I`m sure there is a cliff just infront of you!" :rolleyes:


because of my limmertations and inability to share files fast I could be deemed as a leech and there for blocked. Inocent as i am. Thats the point being made here some how in all the posts here in this forum you so called computer experts totaly missed that point. In additon when you start to block you start a ball rolling you block me and then i block you so thats 2 blocked then another gets blocked and so on. Add to this we all have contacts and friends who also so block the same peeps i have blocked so by 1 person blocking we now have the ball rolling. Also I clearly explained why i thought Blocking was not the answer in my other posts. also i have clearly stated with 4,000,000 Kazaa users why worrie just enjoy what you can get and give all that you can u guys see what you want you offer sarcamas as an answer. Read the posts and not just the title try it. You know it makes sense.

05-01-2003, 10:17 PM
Leechers or otherwise, the point of Kazaa is to share so I never block anyone. Who has the time to check anyways?

05-01-2003, 10:50 PM
Leechers or otherwise, the point of Kazaa is to share so I never block anyone. Who has the time to check anyways?

Exactly my thoughs....of course I think leeching is bad, and leechers are either very stoopid, or just plain evil people, however, I'm not going to waste my time staing in front of the comp 24/7 watching out for a leecher, and gleefully cutting him of :rolleyes: It's a lot more sensible (and easier) to just say "fuck it", I'm doing my part, screw the rest ;)

05-01-2003, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Unafraid Cheese@1 May 2003 - 21:17
it is absolutly pathetic how this forum rattles on about LEECHES it seems to me that by blocking so called leeches you are makeing a rod by whitch you`ll be smacked sooner or later coz when you start blocking sooner or later you`ll be blocked. i have posted a reply in one of the threads explaing what i do for both up loads and down loads so for GOD SAKE DONT START SOME THING YOU`LL LIVE TO REGREAT.

I have found that with my 600k Broad Band NTL uk Conection that setting my up loads to 256 kbs i am able to give 2 peeps an up load speed of 5 to 7 kbs constantly. 600k only allows me 15 kbs uploads at best speed.

I would rather give 2 peeps good or half good speed much better than giveing 15 peeps 1 kbs or less each. useing this setting dose not affect my down load speeds at all.

If you have to que then thats tough shit. If you block me then your a total Twat and unable to grasp the concept of Kazaa at all.

STOP THE BLOCKING NOW!!!!!!!!!! :nuke:
Well old chap, if you think this forum is pathetic why don't you go elsewhere.

You have done nothing but pick fights and contradict other people anyway.

Please don't feel you have to stay and sort us out.

Just drop this persona and come back with another one.

Unafraid Cheese
05-02-2003, 01:00 AM
Inocently i have tried to warn you of the problems blocking will bring about all u seem to do is diss me well u guys who tinker and make such program s as this are both good and evil when all is sunny in the garded life is good for you but when you go a bit to far with your wonderous programming and shit hits the fan u stand back and say it wasant me. who made the program that blocked so called Leeches you guys. Now you say oh oh some one is talking sense and we cant handle that well screw u all Kaz lite is a very good thing its helped me increase my down loading and i have learned alot from it. if you ever bother to read my posts i have had nothing but praise for you guys but if you feel Blocking is the answer then please carry on and you`ll reap the rewards. If you can not see the sence in what i am saying then you should be closed down.

Your picking on the wrong guy here. I never saw my self as the bad guy but well if it is then screw you all. Block away I`ll get that blocking program and screw you.


I`m happy in my ignorance I am proud to say i will become a leecher and invite other to join I will take and never give back. now block me off this crap and let end it.

To the guy who wants to block us all have a long miserable life. all viruses accepted.

end transmision ...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---..................................... :beerchug: (cheers or normal Kazaa and fuck u all. seecret to good leeching is to restart your computer before each search. re new the ip.)

because of my limmertations and inability to share files fast I could be deemed as a leech and there for blocked. Inocent as i am. Thats the point being made here some how in all the posts here in this forum you so called computer experts totaly missed that point. In additon when you start to block you start a ball rolling you block me and then i block you so thats 2 blocked then another gets blocked and so on. Add to this we all have contacts and friends who also so block the same peeps i have blocked so by 1 person blocking we now have the ball rolling. Also I clearly explained why i thought Blocking was not the answer in my other posts. also i have clearly stated with 4,000,000 Kazaa users why worrie just enjoy what you can get and give all that you can u guys see what you want you offer sarcamas as an answer. Read the posts and not just the title try it. You know it makes sense.

05-02-2003, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Unafraid Cheese@2 May 2003 - 03:00
end transmision ...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---
that's the most intelligent thing you have said yet. i sure hope you mean it. :geek:

Fatal Error
05-02-2003, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Unafraid Cheese@1 May 2003 - 21:00
Inocently i have tried to warn you of the problems blocking will bring about all u seem to do is diss me well u guys who tinker and make such program s as this are both good and evil when all is sunny in the garded life is good for you but when you go a bit to far with your wonderous programming and shit hits the fan u stand back and say it wasant me. who made the program that blocked so called Leeches you guys. Now you say oh oh some one is talking sense and we cant handle that well screw u all Kaz lite is a very good thing its helped me increase my down loading and i have learned alot from it. if you ever bother to read my posts i have had nothing but praise for you guys but if you feel Blocking is the answer then please carry on and you`ll reap the rewards. If you can not see the sence in what i am saying then you should be closed down.

Your picking on the wrong guy here. I never saw my self as the bad guy but well if it is then screw you all. Block away I`ll get that blocking program and screw you.


I`m happy in my ignorance I am proud to say i will become a leecher and invite other to join I will take and never give back. now block me off this crap and let end it.

To the guy who wants to block us all have a long miserable life. all viruses accepted.

end transmision ...---...---...---...---...---...---...---...---..................................... :beerchug: (cheers or normal Kazaa and fuck u all. seecret to good leeching is to restart your computer before each search. re new the ip.)
Check this out:

First of all.. YOU should be flaming the guy that started the thread.. instead of making unfounded allegations against a member in very good standing of this board.. Benno NEVER said or made any such comment that you alledge.. I CHALLENGE YOU TO SHOW ME OTHERWISE... go ahead post his quotes,I want to see this.

Secondly, NOBODY disagreed with you that blocking a suspected "leecher" is not the way to go.. certainly if everyone started to do this.. it would indeed come back to bite us all in the ass..we are all aware of this,and thats WHY we DONT do it.. we all KNOW that there is NO WAY to determine who is sharing and who's not and its simply not that important, we will survive.

Third, If you want to become a leech..fine with me, I share with everyone,no exceptions. Go ahead throw your childish tantrums.. just dont go around accusing people of doing things that they didnt do. (show me)

Benno was right.. you made a total fool of yourself..without ANY help from him. And by the way: its YOU thats picking on the wrong guy here. ;)

05-02-2003, 06:45 AM
Ive said this before lets dtop worrying about the leechers i think we should be more worried about the assholes out there who arnt leechers sharing fakes and spoiling it for us all i rather leeches then those people :angry: :angry:

05-02-2003, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by adthomp@2 May 2003 - 07:45
Ive said this before lets dtop worrying about the leechers i think we should be more worried about the assholes out there who arnt leechers sharing fakes and spoiling it for us all i rather leeches then those people :angry:  :angry:
This, I can agree with :) Last summer, I could download games/programs, movies/music with no problems. "Beginning" last fall, I find it extremly hard to get "working" games/programs (I have better luck with movies/music). It is impossible for me, now, to download an ISO "without" bad CRC's.

Back to the subject ;) Blocking IP&#39;s of "leeches" is a bit...childish :rolleyes: Whats to stop someone from making a downloadable IP-block list and adding names/IP&#39;s of people s/he dosen&#39;t like? (I&#39;m not 100% sure how this works, as I don&#39;t bloack IP&#39;s <_< ).

I thought the "whole" P2P experience was to distribute programs that one would otherwise be unavailable (too expensive). Example; you like 3d graphics? you have some talent? do you have &#036;3000-&#036;4000 for Maya, or 3dMax? :huh: :blink: :unsure: Do these "leechers" prevent one from sharing "files" that aren&#39;t even thiers (by right) to share in the first place?

Unafraid Cheese
05-02-2003, 09:18 AM
if you bother to read my posts the point of why should we worrie about leeches is clearly made and that blocking is realy not the answer thats the very point i made i went on to give an example of how i my self could be deemed as a leech and as such blocked inocently.

In return all i got was sarcamam.

I`m sorry if i blew my stack but read and understand what is being said before you make comments. Cut the sarcasam.

The guy at the start of that thread wanted a program to block leeches. say no more.

Read the points made

05-02-2003, 10:23 AM
:D The word for today is.....BLOCK.Anything that has BLOCK in it. :D

05-02-2003, 02:48 PM
hello Mr Unafraid Cheese &#33;
i get the impression you deliberately do typegraphical errors to make it look like you are a total vacuum-head &#33;
i don&#39;t think you are &#33; and if english is not your first language i humbly apologise in advance.
m8t :unsure:

05-02-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Unafraid Cheese@1 May 2003 - 21:17
If you block me then your a total Twat

First of all, shove your gay english insults up your ass, second how are they going to get blocked sooner or later when theres well over 4 million people on kazaa so its 1/10000 they will get the same person within the next 3 monthes and by that time the person has forgot all about it, second im not a leecher and have the exact same modem speed and kazaa settings as you and im not bitching about it so if you need someone to blow off steem too, try your mom as she appearently runs on steem shes so fucking old.