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View Full Version : Damn You Suse

05-02-2003, 02:14 AM
Linux is meant to be open source right. Meaning freely available and all that.

Then why am I having to resort to illegal methods to get at the latest version of suse 8.2

I am at the moment downloading The 5 cd pro version off of bittorent because Suse have decided that they will not offer iso's like all the other distro's.

Im sure it is out there on kazaa somewhere but i have decided against downloading it off kazaa because it is 3.5 gigs big and i really do not fancy downloading all that just to find crc errors.

The reason im going to all this trouble is because I went out and bought suse 8.0 and rather liked it. It was slighty less user friendly then red hat which was about my level. I also saw a nice review on the register which kinda clinched it for me.

This is gonna take about 48 hours to download even on dsl.
the torrent (http://10mbit.com/suprnova/apps.htm) if any ones else is interested.

05-02-2003, 02:22 AM
that sucks man. linux distributions should be free. i'd consider getting red hat or mandrake instead.

05-02-2003, 02:41 AM
nope they do not offer iso's for suse so it will not be there.

they do offer a live evaluation there but it is not permanent at the moment. so it kinda sucks alot.

They will sort it out soon to be the full installer but not until this distro is old enough to be outdated almost.

05-02-2003, 03:10 AM

05-05-2003, 08:48 PM
It has taken 3 days for suse to download.

But it was worth the wait. The new kde 3.1 is drop dead gorgeous.

The media support is good right out of the box unlike red hat.

I have not tried installing software yet but im guessing it is gonna be tough.
This is gonna be the distro i stick with for a long while. :D