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06-21-2006, 01:43 PM
A Russian scientist and a Czechoslovakian scientist had spent their lives studying the grizzly bear. Each year they petitioned their respective governments to allow them to go to Yellowstone to study the bears.
Finally, their request was granted, and they immediately flew to Yellowstone. They reported to the ranger station and were told that it was the grizzly mating season and it was too dangerous to go out and study the animals. They pleaded that this was their only chance, and finally the ranger relented.

The Russian and the Czech were given portable phones and told to report in every day. For several days they called in, and then nothing was heard from the two scientists. The rangers mounted a search party & found the camp completely ravaged, with no sign of the missing men.

Following the trails of a male and a female bear, they finally caught up with the female. Fearing an international incident, they decided they must kill the animal to find out if she had eaten the scientist.

They killed the female and opened the stomach to find the remains of the Russian scientist.

One ranger turned to the other and said, "You know what this means, don't you?"

The other ranger nodded and responded......

"I guess it means the Czech is in the male."

The young blonde bride made her first appointment with a gynecologist and told him that she and her husband wished to start a family.
"We've been trying for months now, Doctor, and I don't seem to be able to get pregnant," she confessed miserably.

"I'm sure we'll solve your problem," the doctor reassured her. "If you'll just take off your underpants and get up on the examining table."

"Well, all right, Doctor," agreed the young woman, blushing, "but I'd rather have my husband's baby."

06-22-2006, 06:13 AM
"I guess it means the Czech is in the male."


06-22-2006, 06:09 PM
second one's great, but i don't get the first at all..

06-22-2006, 06:31 PM
i didnt either until CPtAzad quoted the pun.. check /mail

alot of story for an outdated pun

06-22-2006, 10:03 PM
I dont understand either of them. . .

06-24-2006, 03:37 PM
I dont understand either of them. . .


Now that's a punchline.:D

06-26-2006, 06:05 PM
A blonde and a brunette are running a ranch together in Arkansas. They decide they need a bull to mate with their cows to increase their herd. The brunette takes their life savings of $600.00 dollars and goes to Texas to buy a bull. She eventually meets with an old cowboy that will sell her a bull.
"It's the only one I got for $599.00, take it or leave it.", the cowboy says.

She buys the bull and goes to the local telegram office and says, "I'd like to send a telegram to my friend in Arkansas that says: Have found the stud bull for our ranch, bring the trailer."

The man behind the counter tells her, "Telegrams to any where in the U.S. are $0.75 per word."

She thinks about it for a moment and decides. "I'd like to send one word, please."

"And what word would that be?", inquires the man.

"Comfortable.", replies the brunette.

The man asks, "I'm sorry miss, but how is your friend gonna understand this telegram?"

The brunette replies, "My friend is blonde and reads REAL slow, when she gets this, she will see COM-FOR-DA-BULL."

A husband and wife were in the bathroom getting ready for work when the husband looked at his wife and said, "I gotta have you!"
He backed her up against the bathroom door, pulled down her panties and ravaged her. He knew he was doing great because she screamed and wiggled more than she ever had before.

When he finished, he started putting his clothes back on and when he noticed his wife still writhing against the door he said, "That was the best, honey. You've never moved like that before, you didn't hurt yourself did you?"

His wife said, "No, no. I'll be OK once I can get the doorknob out of my ass."

06-28-2006, 07:20 PM
first was old, second was funny.