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View Full Version : burning issues help anyone???

07-05-2006, 06:10 PM
ok so heres the deal i am converting xvid to dvd using nero vision and when i burn a single cd movie (700mb or so) it converts fine and everything looks good in the main title but the thing is when i hit play on my dvd remote nothing happens and tried to select other options on my dvd nothing. But when i burn a dvd with more then one file on it i can select either or.

07-05-2006, 06:25 PM
1. Why was this posted in the Bit-torrent section? EDIT: Post moved.

2. I'm guessing you didn't actually read through your post prior to submitting it. If you'll go back and edit your post to make it readable, I'd guess you'll get some responses. As it is now, I have no idea what you're trying to ask, or what "options" you're referring to.

The second line of that post is absolute gibberish.

07-06-2006, 04:48 PM
yea maybe you can make your statement more clear, so more people will try to help you. ^_^

07-07-2006, 01:39 AM
First off you say your making a dvd but then you say a 700mb cd, so what is it a dvd or a vcd? I can see why the others will not answer you but I'll give you some advice, nero is great for burning something all ready to go but for converting it just plain sucks. Use something else for converting and then you can use nero to burn.