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05-03-2003, 03:16 AM
saw this movie just now, the chinese subbed version. The movie itself was definatly better then the first one, its better in every way, more special effects, more charecters, more everything. and since i saw it witht he chinese version, i learned how to spell no in chinese hehe.. still the ending was kind of confusing, i wont say what it is but for those that saw it should know what im talking about.. the last 10 seconds of the movie, anyone know what it meant?

the movie was good and there should be a sequal, what do ya all think of the movie??

05-03-2003, 03:21 AM
I saw it at the ciname on Thursday and I loved it. I wasn't even a particularly big fan of the first one (though I did like it), so it way exceeded my expectations. I did get the ending but I don't really want to give it away to those who haven't seen it.

And there will be an X-Men 3 for definite, and I think the movie set up the next film nicely.

All in all I was very impressed B)

05-03-2003, 04:02 AM
is it on k-lite yet?

The Great Dude
05-03-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Eversman@2 May 2003 - 19:02
is it on k-lite yet?
Can't you even wait alittle? :lol:

Eh, the movie was ok, nothing to really :w00t: about. :lol: I secretly want my refund.


05-03-2003, 04:25 AM
i saw the movie today at 5 already, i loved it great movie. the ending was cool how they set it up for the next movie, i know what is gonna happen but i won;t say anything.

05-03-2003, 04:33 AM
can't you find out the story of the next film by reading the comics?
i haven't seen the film myself yet, i think i'll go sometime soon, i'm looking forward to it, not nearly as much as the matrix reloaded though, that should easily be better (hopefully :P )

05-03-2003, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by Eversman@3 May 2003 - 05:02
is it on k-lite yet?
yes...the cam version of course. not sure if anyone has the screener yet.

and man I can't wait til X3 comes out. Hope Jean is gonna come back as ******* :lol: I think that's gonna be her, I"m pretty sure she will. "X-men's don't die that easy u know". :P

And when the heck is Gambit gonna be part of this? :(

ne ways, I still luv X2

05-03-2003, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by Eversman@3 May 2003 - 05:02
is it on k-lite yet?
yes...the cam version of course. not sure if anyone has the screener yet.

and man I can't wait til X3 comes out. Hope Jean is gonna come back as ******* :lol: I think that's gonna be her, I'm pretty sure she will. "X-men's don't ???? that easy u know". :P

And when the heck is Gambit gonna be part of this? :(

ne ways, I still luv X2

Oops, forgot about ur post :::amphoteric88::: have to edit this post so I won't ruin it since u didn't see the film yet. :)

edit:::double post???????man i just press the backspace......sorry for that..

05-03-2003, 06:14 AM
I thought the movie was excellent. Lots of action, and a great script to boot. I will admit, that I wanted to see more of Colossus. The scene where his chest became metal, that was very cool, but they could have incorporated his character into the movie more. Either way, I've give it an 8.5 out of 10. B)

Gandalf on Crack
05-03-2003, 06:16 AM
yah...that was some what indescrete call about putting the ending
So if you were confused by the ending all it was, was:

There once was a lady named Jean and she is a great person who owns a one to many Pheonixes.

05-03-2003, 06:23 AM
ahhhhhhh ruin it....... :lol: .....now that's gonna make him think

05-03-2003, 09:00 AM
Cheers guy's.. at least i know the movies not gona to b a disappointment..just can't wait till 1 of u to get a scr or rip. :) :)

05-03-2003, 09:03 AM
yeah, thanks for ruining the film for me, Gandalf
just cos of that, i'm gonna ruin life for you: one day you're gonna die, you won't get out alive
how do you feel about that then?

05-03-2003, 10:01 PM
im going to see it tonight. i hope its all what u say it is :huh:

Infested Cats
05-04-2003, 02:28 AM
I saw it opening night, with one of my friends that have been following the X-Men universe for quite some time now.

X2 was definatley the "Return of the Jedi" of the the X-Men movies. It blew us both away. I've come up with a list of mutants that appear in the movie (in no order, and some comments on certain mutants):

1: Wolverine [according to the comics/cartoon series, Wolverine should have actually known Lady DeathStrike because
2: Cyclops
3: Rogue [When will she develope her super-strength and flying ability (taken from Marvel Woman)?]
4: Storm
5: Iceman [His body is suppsed to become ice, but he never does!]
6: Nightcrawler [Son of Mystique, but there's no hint of it in the movie.]
7: Prof. Xavier
8: Jean Grey [was chosen by the phoenix]
9: Phoenix [According to the comics, Pheonix is from the future, originally embodying a woman named "Rachel Summers"]
10: Shadowcat [the one who can walk through walls]
11: Siryn [the one who screamed in bed. Her father is the X-Man Banshee.]
12: Pyro [in the comics, he eventually teams up with the character "Avalanche", and eventually gets the Legacy Virus (kills mutants)]
13: Colossus [from Russia, but didn't have an accent in the movie!]
14: Magneto
15: Mystique [mother to Nightcrawler]
16: Mastermind [aka Jason Wyngarde, Striker's son]
17: Lady DeathStrike [Striker's Daughter. Even though she dies, in the comics she comes back as a deadly cyborg]

At the end of the movie, when a bunch of students are in Prof. X's office, the one student with all the jewlery I think is Jubilee. But I only think so because of the way she looked.

Also, who was the boy with the blue-snake tongue? He probably isn't a definable mutant... but just in case anyone out there knows...

I think the next movie is going to involve the Legacy Virus, Avalon, and of course, Phoenix. Perhaps Magneto will remove Wolverine's adamantium from his bones in the next movie...

05-04-2003, 02:35 AM
beast was also in the movie :x

Infested Cats
05-04-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Stonecoldfreak1@3 May 2003 - 21:35
beast was also in the movie :x
What??? Where? I didn't see any sign of him (original Beast, or Blue Beast)

05-04-2003, 03:13 AM
I didn't see it, but my mate said when Mystique was looking through the computer records Gambit's name came up (but with no picture, would make sense if they haven't cast the actor yet), so hopefully he'll be in the next one too.

Didn't see Beast though.

05-04-2003, 03:36 AM
in the bar when mystique goes seducing that security guard. on the tv they are interviewing Hank McCoy who later becomes Beast. but his character is in the movie.

05-04-2003, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Donut@3 May 2003 - 23:36
in the bar when mystique goes seducing that security guard. on the tv they are interviewing Hank McCoy who later becomes Beast. but his character is in the movie.
Yeah, they show Dr. Hank McCoy on the TV in the bar, but only for a brief moment. Wasn't the boy with the tongue supposed to be Toad? I think that was the name, but I'm not really sure.

Another point in the movie which was interesting, is that they explored Wolverine's origin and the Weapon X facility a bit. I thought this was a nice touch. This will give some background when Wolverine's movie comes out next year. B)

05-04-2003, 05:16 AM
i am trying to download it, but it can't find any sources.

is someting wrong?

05-04-2003, 05:21 AM
time to wait for the matrix. :D

I downloaded xman 2 off BT, yeah it was better the first one, yeah everything seem to be better then in the first movie but....the story line a bit short and not alot of story to tell, mostly action, don't get me wrong, action great but i like a good story plot, and a interesting one too. :D

time to wait for the matrix. :lol: :D :rolleyes: :P :huh:

05-04-2003, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Jibbler@3 May 2003 - 06:14
I thought the movie was excellent. Lots of action, and a great script to boot. I will admit, that I wanted to see more of Colossus. The scene where his chest became metal, that was very cool, but they could have incorporated his character into the movie more. Either way, I've give it an 8.5 out of 10. B)
Thx couldnt rember his name for the life of me

05-04-2003, 06:12 AM
I just got back from it at the movie theaters and i loved it. im glad i didnt spend 7 hours downloading it though because its definitly a film everyone should see on the big screen. the action was hella kool, but the only thing the movie lacked which i wish it didnt was some good rock songs on the hardcore action scenes.. on some of the action scenes it was like just really down low music and it was pissing me off because a good rock song would of made that scene just that much better. heh..

overall.. 8.5/10


05-04-2003, 03:57 PM
it was okay i guess.... okay it ruled ass! (kinda cool)

05-04-2003, 04:05 PM
Off to see it tonight on the big screen with the g/f :)

Hope its as good as some of you point out.

05-04-2003, 05:09 PM
I saw it on the opening day so it was very crowded and let me tell y´all that Jean Grey will turn into Phoenix, it will probably be the next plot to the X3.

05-04-2003, 11:28 PM
DOOD! this movie kicks so much ass! I just saw it a 2nd time in the theater, and now its time to chat!

1. Yes, Dr. Hank Mccoy was shown on the news...
2. A gambit cameo was shot, using wolverines stunt double, but it was cut from the movie, apparently maybe it will be on the dvd, and his name was shown on the list of mutants on strykers pc. Hopefully he makes the next flick, as he is a great character, they just better hit that accent perfectly.
3. Yes, i wanted more of colossus! Goodness. why couldnt wolverine said yes to wanting his help, that would have been so bad ass... him and Rasputin fuckin up some more of those troops would have ruled!
4. That was jubile at the end, if you saw the extended cut of xmen 1, on the xmen 1.5 dvd, there is more of her in the first one, in the class room with iceman and rogue. And that looked like the same actress.
5. I dont see avalon or the legacy virus in the next one... maybe the virus... but i dont see much space related action yet... we still havent seen sentinels, and think thats prolly where the next one may lead... sentinals, maybe the virus, and of course, phoenix... do we see a modified dark phoenix storyline? That would be the shit...
6. I still dont know how sabertooth could be dead, they should bring him back, after all, he has a healing factor just like wolverine, and a new adamantium skeleton in the comic.
7. If im not mistaken, deathstrike didnt have a healing factor did she? In the comic?
8. I almost cried when jean sacrificed herself for the team, even though i knew she would be okay, it was still dramatic... i guess, when uve read the dark phoenix storyline 20,000 times, i kinda related it to that. Great moment. though one question....
9. why not just have storm just whip up some wind, and life the jet? one of the few inconsistancies i saw,
10. I saw the pyro thing comming, any xmen fan woulda, or reader of the comic, cuz pyro was a member of the brother hood of evil mutants, with mystique, avalanche etc.
11. WHERE THE HELL IS THE DANGER ROOM! DAMN IT! Okay, two movies, no danger room... i heard they shot some, or all of a danger room scene for x2, but that it didnt make the final cut... so we better something of this on the dvd...
12. Requests for the next flick... SENTINELS! Gambit, Archangel/angel, Juggernaut, (i wish, doubt it though), danger room, phoenix, (thats a gimmie),

overall... its definately better then the first, and id give it a 8-9 out of 10... great stuff! A must see for any comic fan, and a recommendation for any fans of action.

05-04-2003, 11:41 PM
Gambit has his own movie on the way, as well as Wolverine, and a new Punisher (though punisher has nothing to do with xmen, but its a comicbook movie anyway).

Colossus could have had a huge part but I bet we'll see more on the DVD.

Lady Deathstrike obtained the regenerative powers as part of the weapon X experiement, if I remember correctly.

I also, have seen it twice. Guess the MPAA can kiss my filesharing ass. :lol:

05-05-2003, 12:16 AM
And if all else fails! BRING ON APOCALYPSE!

En Sabah Nur!

and where did u hear about a Remy LeBlue movie, ie Gambit? I miss my news one day? That would kick some ass

and the punisher promo shot i saw, sucked... the guy looks like a sissy, way too small...

a wolverine movie will be 1337.

ya, i so wanted more colossus... i guess, especially with him dieing in the comic a while back, I was beggin for more... fuckin legacy virus anyhow...


ps. Screw the MPAA... paid twice, and shared, they can go to hell.

05-05-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Schmiggy_JK23@4 May 2003 - 20:16
and where did u hear about a Remy LeBlue movie, ie Gambit? I miss my news one day? That would kick some ass

and the punisher promo shot i saw, sucked... the guy looks like a sissy, way too small...

a wolverine movie will be 1337.

ps. Screw the MPAA... paid twice, and shared, they can go to hell.
Gambit movie is an on/off kinda thing. It was scrapped last year, but with the big money comic book movies are raking in, they have reopened the idea.

The new Punisher star looks like a sissy, I agree, but he can't be as bad as Dolf Lungren.

Wolverine is a definite, they will be starting production next year.

Which brings us to the new list of comic movies heading to the big screen:

remake of Punisher
Ghost Rider - starring Nicolas Cage
League of Extraordinary Gentleman (LXG)
Spiderman 2
Xmen 3

yet another Superman, and another Batman
also a Catwoman, with Ashley Judd as Catwoman - though this isn't confirmed, some sources say they are trying to recruit Halle Berry

fuck the MPAA - I paid too, and I'll pay again

05-05-2003, 12:27 AM
and hellboy, they are looking into vin diesle for that

05-05-2003, 12:34 AM
Ya, LXG looks mint... seen the latest hulk trailer? BAD ASS!

I have heard about all those also... spidey 2, with doc oc! oh ya... they better have venom in part 3 :angry:

nods on the punisher thing... they shoulda got someone with like, vin diesels build, not him, as it would be vins movie, and not, the punisher, but someone bigger...

the superman thing, at least asshat Brett Ratner is off of that one... now bring in Bruckhiemer, and do that shit right... and of course, they still have no one for sure for supes... though i liked that no name guy that was rumored a while back. Id love to see the superman lives script from Kevin Smith on the big screen, but that will never happen, have u read that? Definately sweet...

Batman year one, seems doomed, but who knows... but the next bat flick is rummored to be based on the "The frightening" batman script, i have it, if u want to read it... Scarecrow is the main villian i guess... though id much rather see a year one...

And, a Fantastic Four is in the early stages of planning... that could be sweet, if given the right budget...

05-05-2003, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Schmiggy_JK23@4 May 2003 - 20:34
And, a Fantastic Four is in the early stages of planning... that could be sweet, if given the right budget...
Fantastic Four should be nice. I bought a bootleg copy off ebay a few years back. The original wasn't that bad, but by today's standards, it would only be a made-for-tv quality compared to the big budget Spiderman releases. :)

05-05-2003, 05:03 AM
i haven't seen the movie but i've heard only good things about it. i didn't read n e more of the postes cuz i was afraid of someone ruinging the end. but i was glad to see nightcrawler hes my favorite X-men close second would be Wolverine. i dont think he will ever get his Aluminium removed cuz he just wouldn't be Wolverine n e more.

05-05-2003, 02:49 PM
Watched it last night at the cinema and i have to agree with you all,kick ass movie.

Better in everyway than the 1st one,quality.

Another thing,they showed the trailer to The Hulk and jesus didnt think Hulk would be that big :o

He was f' kin huge,so much so i was laughing at him :lol: ...looks good tho!

05-05-2003, 03:05 PM
BTW... heres a list of all the mutants that appeared on strykers PC when mystique was rumaging around...

Keniucho Harada (Silver Samurai), Garrison Kane (Kane), Remy LeBeau (Gambit), Eric Lensherr (Magneto), Artie Maddicks, Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man), Xi'an Coy Mahn (Karma), Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver), Kevin McTaggart, Danielle Moonstar (Mirage), Ororo Munroe (Storm), Paige Guthrie (Husk), Samuel Guthrie (Cannonball)

05-06-2003, 04:53 AM
Props to Schmiggy for all the details. B) :P

05-06-2003, 06:24 AM
i saw it today and by far one of the best movies i've seen in that genre. did n e one else see the Matrix Reloaded Trailer. i can not wait.the Hulk had great visual effects.i thought it was gonna look worst but i was impressed