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View Full Version : Xp Pro Question

05-03-2003, 04:06 PM
hi all, i did a search but i couldnt really find a complete answer to my Q which is: i dl'd the corporate pro version of xp now when i click on it i get the " not a valid win32 application" etc etc. from what i understand i have to rename the file from .exe to .iso is this correct?????

if so, when i click on it again i get the " select program to use" menu.

do i have to now burn this file to cd and run it that way???

or could someone post me a link on what to do?

many thanks in advance


05-03-2003, 04:40 PM
It is easy to burn it to cd. If you are familiar with Nero, you can just burn it as and image. You will set it up for an image of the original cd installer. From your description, you have the same copy as mine. It works, but may be missing a .dll. During the installation, just jot down the .dll and dl it from an internet site. Don't worry, it will work fine.

Burn the iso as an image at the slowest speed possible.

Get a valid corp key.

Restart your computer and enter into the BIOS setup. Change the boot config so that your cd-rom is started first. This will allow you to begin the installation from the CD. Follow the on screen prompts.

I suggest you do a clean install, so make sure you backup all you wanted files, ie. favorites, music, movies, apps, contact list, documents, etc.

Format your HDD as NTFS (not the quick version)

Install XP after that.