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View Full Version : No one told me

07-29-2006, 07:35 PM
I've just found out that my Auntie died last week and no one told me, how fecked up is that, my last auntie on my fathers side of the family, a simple phone call or visit, nothing at all.

the last few days things have been shit for me, some people are treating me like a dirt bag, Am I actually that bad, please God, No.
Why do people do this,
am I just the target for overspill of peoples shite,
it's pop at Baz time, let's fuck him up a bit more, Cunt.

today so far I’ve been out on the piss, first time for months, I want to be my usual self but things are starting to frustrate me, in the last 4 days I’ve so fucked into and for what, I’m just me, that laid back Baz, why push me into something I'm not, I’m pushed to the extreme by wankers with no respect.
i'm venting, sorry

Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.

To my Auntie, I'm Sorry, RIP, God Bless, Love Barry

07-29-2006, 08:08 PM
Seems to me you're entitled, Baz.

Cheap behavior, indeed.

Condolences on your loss, lad.

Prayers to you and your Auntie.

07-29-2006, 08:08 PM
Not letting you know isn't right. My condolences Baz.


07-29-2006, 08:12 PM
Seems to me you're entitled, Baz.

Cheap behavior, indeed.

Condolences on your loss, lad.

Prayers to you and your Auntie.

What he said.