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View Full Version : Podtropolis takeover

08-03-2006, 06:13 AM
Podtropolis, a torrent tracker and website dedicated to iPod encoded content, is being resurrected by isoHunt administrator, Gary Fung.

The site was formally owned by Andrew Wilkinson, who set up the tracker in November 2005 to provide video content for the video iPod, which was unveiled a month before. Crucially, all content tracked was already converted to an iPod compliant format.

Despite the promising theory, Podtropolis was forced to abandon plans of becoming the video version of iTunes after failing to raise $580 in hosting costs.

“We have been unable to pay it due to the fact that we lost an advertiser and donations have become practically non-existent,” Wilkinson reported at the time.

However, Wilkinson is now working with Fung, who is a fellow Canadian, to restore the site and tracker.

“He can't afford the hosting, I have servers,” Fung simply explained for the takeover.

Fung also owns and operates TorrentBox, a BitTorrent site and tracker. Podtropolis will utilize the TorrentBox trackers, but the two sites will have different front ends. There are no plans to change the old look or feel of Podtropolis.

It is not yet clear whether Wilkinson will continue to work on the Podtropolis project after the new setup is complete.

In spite of an MPAA lawsuit against isoHunt and TorrentBox hanging over his head since February, this is not the first file sharing site rescued by Fung. In early April he brought the eDonkey hashlink site ED2K-It back online.

ED2k-It originally closed under the pressure of another MPAA lawsuit, which was filed at the same time as the claim against isoHunt and TorrentBox.

Fung feels that Podtropolis will fit neatly into his portfolio of file sharing sites and does not question whether, unlike his predecessor, he can improve the hit count and make it a success.

“I liked the sites design mostly, and niche has its advantage,” he told Slyck News. “It's not going to fail, I don't have hosting problems. The question is how big of a success can it be?”

:source: Source: http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=1252
:view: Homepage: http://www.podtropolis.com/

08-04-2006, 12:34 PM
Dude, I never even heard of this...I'm interested!

08-05-2006, 10:33 AM
I have some friends that use it though I've never checked it out myself I heard the content can be prety average. It will be interesting to see how it shapes out once it gets back online as it's a realy good idea for a specialised tracker.

08-12-2006, 11:27 PM
Well with the pub it has now, i believe a bunch of people will go there.
Fung to the rescue once again lol :lol: