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08-12-2006, 06:32 AM
Dear Readers,

Alright I did something extremely stupid today.. I accidently deleted a very important folder of mine that contained about 40-50GB's worth of videos (A few of which can't be found anymore) and well obviously it was too large for the recycle bin so it deleted without a trace... Also.. I accidently deleted this folder becaus ei mistakened it for another that had about the same FolderName...

BUT I was grateful that TU-U 2k6 has the option to restore files so I thought I would test it.. so I tested a few files and they worked just fine.. and then I tried to restore EVERYTHING within that folder and all the Conditions read as 'Good' but then after they were restored and I tried to play them.. it wouldn't play... Due to several different errors on different files (Cannot Render File was most common) I got mad again because as mentioned before I can't download a few of the videos due to it being 'discontinued' haha... So I was wondering if there are any other tips when using this Feature from TU-U 2k6....

As I have never really used the program except for the Reg/File cleaners....


08-12-2006, 03:42 PM
First off do not defragment the drive or copy or download or anything that may over write your files. Do not save files you recover to the same drive your recovering them from or you may overwrite sections of the files you deleted. Perhaps it would be best to try a program specifically designed for this purpose like GetDataBack or R-Studios Recovery. If the files are not on your C drive then it would be ok to download to there and save to there while recovering. If the files were on your C drive then just installing the recovery program could make some of the files hard to recover (yu could install to D if you have two drives). What about System restore, or have you made a backup of the files at some point you forgot about. System restore may be your best option since when you delete to the recycle bin (even large files) nothing is really deleted so restore might bring them back if you haven't goofed and recopied your attemped recover to the same drive.

08-12-2006, 07:18 PM
Hehhe got fonsued bubut yeah I don't use System Restore (Bleh)

And as for those programs thanks, I give them a shot, and I was only able to recover like a 4th of my files which is better than none...

And yeah I don't htink I did any dfragmenting/ not too sure on the copy.. didn't download... and yeah I do have two drives and tried putting it on the other and that didn't do anything..

Bah oh wells.

peat moss
08-12-2006, 08:16 PM
Ah that's a shame you lost your files , I never use System Restore either and could careless about trying to recover important files , as all my back ups are on DVD or CD .

I recently formatted and one of the first programs I installed was Tuneup . I'm thinking maybe give a program like Winternals Software a try . I D/L'd a program called PowerMix Cd that has recover tools as well . Good luck tho .

I tryed to find Wininternals on our verified , did n't see it but found this gem .


08-13-2006, 12:57 PM
U used the wrong program to restore em. This happend to me also, i tryed more than 30 such programs but at end only one could restore not corrupted files.

08-13-2006, 02:33 PM
Thanks for that program, I'll give it a go when the time comes.