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08-19-2006, 01:49 AM
What should i do if my first download from a new register site isnt
popular enough for me to seed to others. I just want to build up my
share ratio and if no one downloads the only file iv downloaded how
do I build it up

Dr. Lecter
08-19-2006, 01:56 AM
look 4 other torrents in u're site that has peers (leechers)
go 2 a different site, download the same file from there & go back 2 u're first site & seed it there....

08-19-2006, 01:58 AM
how do you choose where you want to seed

Dr. Lecter
08-19-2006, 02:19 AM
after u finished downloading the file that u want 2 seed from the second site.
u come back 2 the first site, download the torrent & open it in u're bitt. prog.
stop the download & delete/remove the torrent from the bitt prog. go 2 the original files that u downloaded from the second site & copy them over the new files that was created after u open the torrent in the first site.
download again the torrent from the first time & u're bitt. prog. will start checking the files & recognize u as a seeder.
I hope it's not 2 complex what I wrote...

08-19-2006, 02:54 AM
...go 2 the original files that u downloaded from the second site & copy them over the new files that was created after u open the torrent in the first site.
download again the torrent from the first time & u're bitt. prog. will start checking the files & recognize u as a seeder.

When you start the torrent from the site you want to seed to, just point your BT client to the folder where you downloaded the files from the other site.
No need to copy files at all.

Dr. Lecter
08-19-2006, 03:08 AM
yap, that's also an option.
I don't know why... I think I was born like this - somehow I like 2 complex things :D

08-19-2006, 06:25 AM
Just make sure its the same release or else you will end up with two files of the same thing. Since when the client checks the files and they dont match it will create a whole new folder.

Also sometimes different trackers add there own nfo to the file and this will be downloaded before you start seeding, but dont worry it shouldnt be much since thats just a few kb's usally.

So Basically the key things to check is
1. Is the file the same as the one you downloaded on the other tracker
2. By the way its titled
3. By the size of it

Then you should be fine. ;)