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View Full Version : Attention!! Attention!! Regarding my giveaways.

08-19-2006, 10:40 AM
Good evening my humble fellow friends at this strong facade of a forum. The message to this answer may be very quaint and somewhat anfractuous. The very torrent of this form is based on the sole invitations back and forth umong users from one community to another, for better or worse. As some of you may or may not know, I do indeed give free invites to the best sites known or for those pristine people, their very essence of what makes a top site. The fact adheres, however, that in order to permeate these invites (bitmetv, oink, tl, (;especially some ScT give aways;)) in giveaways...It is necessary, laudable, and venerable that truly the most capable should be chosen but not all of the same quality or partisan. So, it is to say, that any person of a Middle Eastern descent and/of the specified regions mentioned implicit, be given the highest priority during these giveouts should time and will apply it. Without further adue, that is all.



08-19-2006, 11:03 AM
wtf?? seriously is this neccesary??? as if race or region has anything to do with credability... why did u bother to post this??

Rip The Jacker
08-19-2006, 11:03 AM
With all due respect,

No one is going to understand what the hell your talking about. =/

08-19-2006, 11:37 AM
this guy just bored....and want to post something, better close this thread, i dont understand what he mean too.

08-19-2006, 12:23 PM

08-19-2006, 12:25 PM
Maaan its like taking another english lesson reading that thing!!!

08-19-2006, 12:40 PM
mideastern decent = credible? riiiiight! :wacko:

anyways, using big words incorrectly only demonstrates your ignorance.

08-19-2006, 12:44 PM
...anyways, using big words incorrectly only demonstrates your ignorance.


08-19-2006, 12:46 PM
#1, I didn't use any words incorrectly.

#2 If your going to flummox my writing and say that it implies I meant that the only credible people is a certain race, you're stupid and you didn't read correctly.

#3: tetrakis, try actually making the proper grammatical structure when your trying to imply something I didn't say. "Mideastern descent= credibility." Not creditable. I suggest you start taking English lessons before you sit your butt down before the matrix trilogy and use quotes like "using big words incorrectly only demonstrates your ignorance."



P.S. If those are big words to you...god really ..really help you.

08-19-2006, 12:55 PM
Simply put, we have less middle eastern people on this forum out of a calculated profile and there's a chance they might get the invites most of the time since theres so few of them to be considered

08-19-2006, 12:57 PM
okay, let's analyze your post, shall we?

words used incorectly:

strong facade of a forum? how is it a facade...seems exactly like a forum to me.

torrent of this form? What form and you're not using torrent properly

permeate...doesn't mean to give out, like you've used it.

venerable...this means to be given respect...not important like you've used it. Same thing with laudable. So perhaps you're looking for laudable and venerable people to give the invites to, but you didn't use those words properly the way you've written.

but debating this is just silly, but that's your fault for having such a retarded post. how old are you anyway, 16?

Colt Seevers
08-19-2006, 01:42 PM
mideastern decent = creditable? riiiiight! :wacko:

anyways, using big words incorrectly only demonstrates your ignorance.


08-19-2006, 05:06 PM
Had a spelling test have you, thecoolguy?

OK, in all seriousness I would expect someone living where you do to have a better grasp of the English language.

Please feel free to either edit your initial post or re-post it in proper English.
I won't delete this thread because that would deny us insight but I'll probably lock it.

08-19-2006, 06:22 PM
How does one prove they are middle eastern? I could change my profile and find a pic of some guy and claim to be him.

08-19-2006, 06:31 PM
Prais allah! Might I please get a ScT invite? :)

08-19-2006, 06:36 PM
^ Hahaha.

08-19-2006, 07:31 PM
I might as well change my flag to a Middle Eastern one. :P

08-19-2006, 07:37 PM
Probably this person feels that people of middle eastern descent don't have enough representation in such a forum,hence they end up not getting invites.One reason why they aren't here may be that internet is heavily censored in the middle east,and access to many sites is banned by their ISP's.Coolguy there is a saying in my country that the one who is here right now is King.

08-20-2006, 03:06 AM
strong facade of an icon - Gullivers Travels..in your idiotic rebuttal, you would say this is exactly an icon..(incorrectly used: no you fucking tard)

torrent of this form - Les Miserables

Permeate these accounts - William Coxe

Venerable - I didn't use it to mean important.

Now tetrakis..I'm kind of surprised that if I was 16, that an OLD dinosaur like you couldn't realize that words are given to figurative language and such usage doesn't mean the words are incorrect. So listen you old fart, if you want to fuck with hundreds of years of literature and say each author used them incorrectly just because you're a mendicant with a peanut sized brain and can't afford the proper "English for Dummies" books, don't start being hypo-critical about it. P.S. a skill that is useful (other than looking up words in google..which you've demonstrated you're excellence in ..wow...) is to actually perceive implicit mentions.

Can this topic be closed now..it wasn't meant to teach english.

08-20-2006, 04:16 AM
See for a cool guy you're not acting so cool right now. Why write that way? Is it to show how well versed you are? Mabye it's to make others feel stupid or uneducated. Thants just not right tetrakis is such a nice guy he has helped me personnaly and others here too. You can quote whomever you like to seem more inteligent but to me it seems like you are picking on others for their lack of education and their lack of financial means. NOT COOL CoolGuy. More like TheBullyGuy. Perhaps the words are not incorrect but they are quite out of place here I too can use google for a quote here goes...

"Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction" - Aesop

08-20-2006, 06:32 AM
i already say that is better close or lock this thread , then this confusion situation not happen.:lol:

08-20-2006, 06:55 AM
Probably this person feels that people of middle eastern descent

what do you mean !!!!!! :cool:

08-20-2006, 08:12 AM
Coolguy m8 you need to get off your high horse. using quotes doesn't make you smarter of better educated than anyone else...

I took out some things I should'nt have said :whistling

08-20-2006, 08:50 AM
Good evening my humble fellow friends at this strong facade of a forum. The message to this answer may be very quaint and somewhat anfractuous. The very torrent of this form is based on the sole invitations back and forth umong users from one community to another, for better or worse. As some of you may or may not know, I do indeed give free invites to the best sites known or for those pristine people, their very essence of what makes a top site. The fact adheres, however, that in order to permeate these invites (bitmetv, oink, tl, (;especially some ScT give aways;)) in giveaways...It is necessary, laudable, and venerable that truly the most capable should be chosen but not all of the same quality or partisan. So, it is to say, that any person of a Middle Eastern descent and/of the specified regions mentioned implicit, be given the highest priority during these giveouts should time and will apply it. Without further adue, that is all.



exactly! :)

08-20-2006, 09:36 AM
@ the so-called cool guy. As if!

Talk is cheap. It's about time you started giving out those invites or fecked off.

There are enough race wars in the real world without starting another one here.

I for one would like to see this locked. Chewie?

08-20-2006, 09:54 AM
strong facade of an icon - Gullivers Travels..in your idiotic rebuttal, you would say this is exactly an icon..(incorrectly used: no you fucking tard)

torrent of this form - Les Miserables

Permeate these accounts - William Coxe

Venerable - I didn't use it to mean important.
You can't just quote phrases randomly in a sentence and claim it makes sense. Well... you can do it, but we're all laughing.

Now tetrakis..I'm kind of surprised that if I was 16, that an OLD dinosaur like you couldn't realize that words are given to figurative language and such usage doesn't mean the words are incorrect. So listen you old fart, if you want to fuck with hundreds of years of literature and say each author used them incorrectly just because you're a mendicant with a peanut sized brain and can't afford the proper "English for Dummies" books, don't start being hypo-critical about it. P.S. a skill that is useful (other than looking up words in google..which you've demonstrated you're excellence in ..wow...) is to actually perceive implicit mentions.

Oh, please. There you go again.

Can this topic be closed now..it wasn't meant to teach english.
Don't worry, I doubt it has taught anyone anything about English.