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View Full Version : Biggest & Acceptable U:D Ratio

08-23-2006, 01:33 AM

I have just joined Filesharingtalk and look forward to being more invovled in the community.

Just a quick question to people who bother to read this thread,

1. What is the biggest Upload Download RATIO you've ever achieved or have seen?
Please post up photos as evidence if it is rediculously high.:stars:

2. What is the acceptable ratio that a noob like myself should strive to achieve.

Thanks People :P

08-23-2006, 05:52 AM
A ratio of 1.1 is what most sites ask for and if you are a little under that you will not get kicked but then you wont probably get invited to other sites since when the invitee asks for proof it wont look good.

So anythng above 1.1 is what really helps you in the long run and anything below 0.5 will most likely be on the verge of getting you disabled for leeching, I am not saying all sites do this as each one is different but just be aware of it.

Last but not least some sites are unique and they have a share index which helps those that dont have fast uploads but are willing to share the file for a long time.


08-23-2006, 10:18 AM
Last but not least some sites are unique and they have a share index which helps those that dont have fast uploads but are willing to share the file for a long time.

I only know one with share index system...:)

08-23-2006, 10:27 AM
the biggest ratio number i havw e seen i forget but there have been many up in the thousands .xxx....2...you must seed to at least 1.1 on every torrent if you can't get it on one torrent make up for it on others ..if you are going to use private trackers then the more you seed the better...but for a n00b i think that at least 05 for a while until the n00b learns how it all works ..yes and many trackers give you bonus upload just as long as you have the torrent running , meaning you get upload without the leechers , not much but better than nothing and a leech most of the time comes by ...

08-23-2006, 10:48 AM
if your computer can work 7*24 (like mine) , you will get a bigbigbigbig ratio.
you donot need do anything , just always open your client.

08-23-2006, 11:16 AM
My ratio at Tvjunkies.... : 3,479,809,999.080 :D lol.

08-25-2006, 07:28 AM
berserk1980 i keep my comp on 24/7 and i get a good ratio but not bigbigbigbig lol, guess i download too much and have a bad connection.

08-25-2006, 08:31 AM
guess you misunderstand me. hehe , i think
ratio>0.95 is ok
r>1.05 is good
r>1.15 is sexy
ratio > 1.3 is bigbigbig

08-25-2006, 12:43 PM
guess you misunderstand me. hehe , i think
ratio>0.95 is ok
r>1.05 is good
r>1.15 is sexy
ratio > 1.3 is bigbigbig

Get to 1.05 ratio because that is ONE of the requirements to become a power user and the other is have 25GB uploaded.:lol: