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08-24-2006, 02:18 AM
So are you a console gamer, or a PC gamer?:)

I'm all PC, never owned a console in my life.

PC rawks. All cheats, mods, tweaks, trainers, new maps, etc. are available for PC.

Not to mention you never have to buy a single PC game, and so many great games are free for multiplayer these days. (wolfenstein and F.E.A.R. anyone?)

08-24-2006, 02:35 AM
I own a PS2 but I haven't turned it on in probably 4 years.

I have only owned 4 PC games ever:

Far Cry I bought first. It's OK, but I never finished it as the save points are hours apart. I kept dying at this one part and would have to play for a good 45 minutes just to get back there again. After 3 or 4 times of that I gave up.

Next I bought Call of Duty with the expansion. I bought that probably 2 years ago and I still play it all the time. I think I might be the best online Call of Duty player out there. Seriously.

A few months back I bought Call of Duty2. The graphics where unbelievable, but the gameplay was pretty poor compared to CoD: United Offensive. It was basically the exact same game as the original Call of Duty before the expansion, but with better graphics. I uninstalled it 2 weeks after buying it and haven't ever played it again, and probably won't ever reinstall it.

I downloaded Brothers In Arms shortly after it came out. I can describe that whole game in four simple words: Run, flank, shoot, repeat. Boring!!!

I also have no intentions of ever buying another console. They're a rip off imo. Most of the games come out on PC. But again, I don't play many games and I'm very critical of the ones I do play, but PC games suit me just fine.

08-24-2006, 02:44 AM
I own a PS2 but I haven't turned it on in probably 4 years.

I have only owned 4 PC games ever:

Far Cry I bought first. It's OK, but I never finished it as the save points are hours apart. I kept dying at this one part and would have to play for a good 45 minutes just to get back there again. After 3 or 4 times of that I gave up.

Next I bought Call of Duty with the expansion. I bought that probably 2 years ago and I still play it all the time. I think I might be the best online Call of Duty player out there. Seriously.

A few months back I bought Call of Duty2. The graphics where unbelievable, but the gameplay was pretty poor compared to CoD: United Offensive. It was basically the exact same game as the original Call of Duty before the expansion, but with better graphics. I uninstalled it 2 weeks after buying it and haven't ever played it again, and probably won't ever reinstall it.

I downloaded Brothers In Arms shortly after it came out. I can describe that whole game in four simple words: Run, flank, shoot, repeat. Boring!!!

I also have no intentions of ever buying another console. They're a rip off imo. Most of the games come out on PC. But again, I don't play many games and I'm very critical of the ones I do play, but PC games suit me just fine.

No way Dude, CoD 2 was teh shit, even though it was similar to the first. CoD2 was more open and stuff, and you had allies..

As for brothers in arms 2, i can't dispute what said, the game was indeed boring.

Well i've been finding myself enjoying emulators more and more simply, because they let you save WHEN EVER YOU FUCKING WANT, well depending of if the programmers implent it, which most of them do.. I wouldn't be as far as i am in FF7 (psx) if it werent for this... Emulators on pc + ps2 controller USB converter = PC PWNAGE over console... well i'll say im a PC gamer..

08-24-2006, 02:51 AM
No way Dude, CoD 2 was teh shit, even though it was similar to the first. CoD2 was more open and stuff, and you had allies..

As for brothers in arms 2, i can't dispute what said, the game was indeed boring.

Well i've been finding myself enjoying emulators more and more simply, because they let you save WHEN EVER YOU FUCKING WANT, well depending of if the programmers implent it, which most of them do.. I wouldn't be as far as i am in FF7 (psx) if it werent for this... Emulators on pc + ps2 controller USB converter = PC PWNAGE over console... well i'll say im a PC gamer..

CoD was the exact same as the first. Hell, half of the maps were even the same. (Carentan, Harbor, Dawnville, etc.) :dry:

It was the same gameplay with less features.

No sprint
No nade cooking
No satchels
No jeeps
No tanks
No smoke

I thought surely this was just a ploy to bait me into buying a future expansion, but there isn't even one planned! :angry: If they knew the first time around that those were necessary features, and the public demanded them, why not include them in part 2?? :angry:

08-24-2006, 02:51 AM
I've had PS2 and I have Xbox. The only time I play it is if im stoned at my friends house.

Pc is all I use..hopefully Dead Rising will come out for it soon.

08-24-2006, 05:50 AM
Pc = World Of Warcraft = L337!!!

08-24-2006, 07:50 AM
im i command and couquer is my thing

08-24-2006, 05:34 PM
When i play i play old pc games and sometimes something else like doom games or some strategy, emulator games. I own a commodore 64 also.

08-24-2006, 05:51 PM
So are you a console gamer, or a PC gamer?:)

I'm all PC, never owned a console in my life.

PC rawks. All cheats, mods, tweaks, trainers, new maps, etc. are available for PC.

Not to mention you never have to buy a single PC game, and so many great games are free for multiplayer these days. (wolfenstein and F.E.A.R. anyone?)

I hate using the keyboard and love the ps2 controller. I bought a thing for my pc so i could use my ps2 controller on my pc and i can tell ya its awesome.:D

Edit:- In the poll i wanted to choose both PC and Playstation....but oh well i guess the ps2 gets the priority!!!!! Although PC gaming experience is like the ps2 thanks to being able to use a ps2 controller.

08-24-2006, 05:56 PM
I love my psp - it's fun having mobile console that graphically is equal to psone with great sound too and ability to play small videos :)

mr. nails
08-24-2006, 06:57 PM
i too wanted to pick pc and ps2. i love my ps2, but barely get around to it. i'm a die hard fps fan on the pc and a die hard rpg fan on the console. any console that is, but ps2 is probably which one i like the best atm. yes, good thing for emulation! i can play all my old school rpg's from the past from the nes and "RockNES" is the best! my vote went for PC. as for the far cry saves... um, that was fixed a long time ago. lol, u CAN save anywhere. u don't use patches? anyway, currently playing css and FEAR! css is good, but imo it still needs work. i'm finding myself playing more and more FEAR! CTF, CTF, & CTF! that's all u need to know and the fact that i DO own u.

Austin FEAR CTF serv!

08-24-2006, 10:50 PM
I have a Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox. I also have games for the PC.

I rarely play any of my games and many are still shrink-wrapped. I was known among my friends as the one that would conquer a game in short time but now I don't have the time and when I do, I don't play games as much. :dog:Run-On:dog:

I absolutely hate turn-based RPGs (I think they are for geeks). They may have 80-plus hours of gaming simply cos of a number of hour long turn-based fights.:dabs:

I am waiting for the abilty to mod a Xbox 360 and then I'll get that. There are some really great games coming for that (I'd have to buy Madden though).

I am not a fanboy of any system (no console or PC). They all have their disadvantages.

For the PC I'm going to get a Logictech 8-button mouse. That should give me the ability to nix most of the keyboard "play".

If I get a Wii, it will be for the 10 (probably less) or so good exclusives. I won't hold my breath though. The mileage versus cost for even a GC was absofucknlootlee harrree-ble.

The PS3 is must buy if Blu-Ray takes off...but that might be the reason Blu-Ray takes off....what a paradox.

The 360 has value right now. However, at $60 a game, they can duck sick (lysdexia). Only elite games warrant a purchase. Taking a chance on a game is not in the cards anymore.

The great advantage that the PC had in graphics is no more now that HD consoles are here.

PCs are great for: getting games free, mouse for FPSs, exclusives, and the greatest number of emulators

The Wii is great for: exclusives, "Xavix" controller exclusive games

The 360 and PS3 are unknowns somewhat. I really don't know what games on the 360 will also be for the PS3 (Halo excluded of course). However, the 360 is here now. The PS3 is problably half a year away (or more).

This is one reason why I'm waiting for a modded 360.

Last go round the Xbox was my goto console. All cross console games were best on the Xbox (besides a few).

This go round I'm thinking the PS3 will be the goto console. My thought is that all these "exclusive" 360 games won't be come next year. The best move M$ could have made was to come out first.

The best value and mileage for your buck last go round goes to the PS2. It was backward compatible and going strong the longest before the next incarnation.

The worst was the GC for it's paltry number of good games and lack of 3rd party support.

08-25-2006, 05:08 AM
PC, For me but I play my ps2 and gamcube, and Nintendo ds every once in awhile but Im usually playing on the pc!

08-25-2006, 08:08 AM
PC > nintendo DS > PSP > everything else.

the wii might be good if the online is as simple as the DS. animal crossing DS multiplayer is the one of the few things that can call itself "next-gen". i'd call that ability to tick one (well i think it's closer to three, but so what) thing to let other people into your singleplayer game is what should be worked on more. imagine playing cops and robbers on gta without even knowing if your enemy is AI or human :smilie4:

08-25-2006, 08:28 AM
Now I'm mostly PC, though I had one of these back in the day. :P



Rip The Jacker
08-25-2006, 08:55 AM
PC Gamer, with some console gaming every now and then.

Oh, and handhelds. PSP + Devhook + 4GB MS = The shit.

08-25-2006, 06:14 PM
im i command and couquer is my thing

I love Command and Conquer series. I just finished downloading the C&C: First Decade and I'm lovin' it, especially Red Alert 1 with the blocky gfx, but hey, it's just so damn addictive:)

08-25-2006, 06:40 PM
PC gamer for life! Although i may be getting a Wii next year...

08-26-2006, 03:55 AM
well i am am PC Gamer n it rocks , n far better in furure proof as one can afford new tech on pc, where as console one has to stick with same graphics the year it is bought n after few years its the same , one might have noticed oblivion frame drops on xbox360, whereas on pc loaded with proper hardware it just rocks, where as pc is like a blackhole u just keep putting new tech it wil consume that also :naughty: , but still consloes stand noway near when o compared to FPS or strategy games , n every best looking game is available on pc n coming to pc. so PC is the best :cool2:

mr. nails
08-26-2006, 04:44 AM
Now I'm mostly PC, though I had one of these back in the day. :P



i just wanted to repost this pic again! i miss my 8-bit childhood days... repressed?

08-26-2006, 11:34 AM

Massive variety of games, from commercial games to homebrew games. Mods are very important as well as they can make a great game even better. Mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier to use than a joypad (except for football games..). Being able to upgrade hardware to get the best graphics is also very nice.

In fact, the only thing that has tempted me to buy a console is the lack of any decent wrestling games on the PC.

08-26-2006, 11:49 AM

Massive variety of games, from commercial games to homebrew games. Mods are very important as well as they can make a great game even better. Mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier to use than a joypad (except for football games..). Being able to upgrade hardware to get the best graphics is also very nice.

In fact, the only thing that has tempted me to buy a console is the lack of any decent wrestling games on the PC.

That's right I forgot about mods but now that consoles have gone internet, they have mods too they just have to be "approved".

I really don't understand why consoles don't have mice. FPSs and RTSs are just better with them.

08-26-2006, 01:10 PM

Massive variety of games, from commercial games to homebrew games. Mods are very important as well as they can make a great game even better. Mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier to use than a joypad (except for football games..). Being able to upgrade hardware to get the best graphics is also very nice.

In fact, the only thing that has tempted me to buy a console is the lack of any decent wrestling games on the PC.

That's right I forgot about mods but now that consoles have gone internet, they have mods too they just have to be "approved".

I really don't understand why consoles don't have mice. FPSs and RTSs are just better with them.
you play PC games at a desk. you play console games from the sofa :dabs:

08-26-2006, 01:51 PM
No question- PC gamer- I've never even owned a console before. besides, I can't stand the console controler. besides, while a computer is more money, it offers so much more outside of games that I can't justify the purchase of a console. oh ya, and I don't own a tv to hook the console up to anyways.

08-26-2006, 10:17 PM

08-26-2006, 10:36 PM
PC Gamer, with some console gaming every now and then.

Oh, and handhelds. PSP + Devhook + 4GB MS = The shit.

Tell me about it.....but i have 2GB dammit.:lol:

08-26-2006, 10:36 PM
No question- PC gamer- I've never even owned a console before. besides, I can't stand the console controler. besides, while a computer is more money, it offers so much more outside of games that I can't justify the purchase of a console. oh ya, and I don't own a tv to hook the console up to anyways.

Do you play platformers?

08-27-2006, 07:29 AM

Massive variety of games, from commercial games to homebrew games. Mods are very important as well as they can make a great game even better. Mouse and keyboard is infinitely easier to use than a joypad (except for football games..). Being able to upgrade hardware to get the best graphics is also very nice.

In fact, the only thing that has tempted me to buy a console is the lack of any decent wrestling games on the PC.

That's right I forgot about mods but now that consoles have gone internet, they have mods too they just have to be "approved".

They have to be paid for as well unfortunately, Oblivion for the 360 has six or seven mods that cost about $2 each whereas the PC has an absolute plethora of free mods. In the case of Oblivion I can't imagine not playing it with a least 20 "vital" mods installed (such as No Psychic Guards, Oscuro's Overhaul and BTMod). Vanilla Oblivion is good but flawed.

I tend to think they'll keep the mods as having to be "approved" because the games companies and M$ like the idea of receiving micro-payments after they have sold you the game.

Of course, the counter-argument I guess, is that for a game like Oblivion for the PC you need to spend a fucking fortune and a fair bit of tweaking to have it running at its graphical best :lol:

08-27-2006, 03:55 PM
That's right I forgot about mods but now that consoles have gone internet, they have mods too they just have to be "approved".

They have to be paid for as well unfortunately, Oblivion for the 360 has six or seven mods that cost about $2 each whereas the PC has an absolute plethora of free mods. In the case of Oblivion I can't imagine not playing it with a least 20 "vital" mods installed (such as No Psychic Guards, Oscuro's Overhaul and BTMod). Vanilla Oblivion is good but flawed.

I tend to think they'll keep the mods as having to be "approved" because the games companies and M$ like the idea of receiving micro-payments after they have sold you the game.

Of course, the counter-argument I guess, is that for a game like Oblivion for the PC you need to spend a fucking fortune and a fair bit of tweaking to have it running at its graphical best :lol:

True dat but free is free. I didn't know 360's mods cost money. I mean XB Live already costs money.:dry:

If I get a modded 360, I wonder is there a way for me to get the mods for free as well (internet) for a game such as Oblivion (for 360 of course).

I have a modded Xbox and want to get the mods for Splinter Cell (extra missions) but haven't looked into it yet.

To your last, I try to get a hook-up on graphics cards but they don't come by often. Memory doesn't cost much and I can usually find a legal good deal...often.

08-28-2006, 09:38 PM
PC all the way

09-04-2006, 03:34 PM
gustafo's game evolution goes like this: Nintendo NES, Game Boy, PS1, PC.

But nowadays i play games very very rarely (mostly Flight Simulators and stuff).

09-08-2006, 02:55 AM
100% Pc :d since ever!
I love to adjust the settings like AA, AF, etc

Dark Steno
09-08-2006, 03:23 AM
My favorite games are RTS and FPS. No way they will be better on consoles. So, I am a PC Gamer.

09-08-2006, 05:03 AM
My favorite games are RTS and FPS. No way they will be better on consoles. So, I am a PC Gamer.

Mouse games.

09-09-2006, 03:53 PM
Got Only PC :)

09-16-2006, 12:16 PM
i love my ps2 and xbox

09-16-2006, 07:14 PM
I play video games. PC, Xbox, Gamecube mostly.

If it's fun I'll play it, who cares what it's for? Right now I'm playin' through Fable for xbox.

09-19-2006, 01:52 AM
Obviously Playstation since I am somewhat addicted to japanese Rpg's. I play PC often for mmorpg and FPS classics like Q3 arena... ^^ always wellcome in Lan-Party !

09-24-2006, 01:32 PM
Play station

09-26-2006, 10:03 AM
PC Gamer gave up on consoles when i discovered the joys of online gaming back in 98

silent h3ro
09-28-2006, 12:08 AM
All the above needs to be an option. :wacko:

09-30-2006, 07:54 PM
well i like mostley statergy games and rpg

10-01-2006, 02:49 AM
I do not play gamesa lot but when I do only on the pc and mostly very sloooow games like adventures and rpg games

10-01-2006, 08:37 AM
When i got new pc,my xbox is used only 4 NBA 2k series and some soccer games.Pc always was better than any console,though x64 windows are still in testing periods so i get plenty of errors trying to install something,which makes me go play good old x

10-01-2006, 10:06 AM
I mostly play on my gaming laptop, but only during 'addiction' periods. The last game that got me addicted was Battlefield 2.

10-01-2006, 10:22 AM
PC Gamer gave up on consoles when i discovered the joys of online gaming back in 98

Age of Empires, FTW! :01:

10-01-2006, 01:14 PM
I mostly play on my gaming laptop, but only during 'addiction' periods. The last game that got me addicted was Battlefield 2.

The last game I was addicted to was RE4.

Games like that make PC games look shit.

10-01-2006, 02:13 PM
I mostly play on my gaming laptop, but only during 'addiction' periods. The last game that got me addicted was Battlefield 2.

The last game I was addicted to was RE4.

Games like that make PC games look shit.

Though it is coming out for PC very soon. :unsure:

10-01-2006, 02:24 PM
The last game I was addicted to was RE4.

Games like that make PC games look shit.

Though it is coming out for PC very soon. :unsure:

I figured as much....the game has been on the GC going on 2 years now.:unsure:

10-01-2006, 02:32 PM
Though it is coming out for PC very soon. :unsure:

I figured as much....the game has been on the GC going on 2 years now.:unsure:

Though, to be fair, there was some sort of exclusivity deal going on for the Resident Evil series and the Gamecube. I guess it just means the PC version will have better graphics. :dabs:

10-01-2006, 03:00 PM
I figured as much....the game has been on the GC going on 2 years now.:unsure:

Though, to be fair, there was some sort of exclusivity deal going on for the Resident Evil series and the Gamecube. I guess it just means the PC version will have better graphics. :dabs:

Most definitely.

The Wii won't have much better praphics than the GC.:dry:

10-02-2006, 02:18 AM
The PC has already surpassed PS3's gfx power:no1:

mr. nails
10-03-2006, 10:03 AM
The PC has already surpassed PS3's gfx power:no1:

yep, ps3 a year to late... :(

10-03-2006, 08:16 PM

10-03-2006, 08:16 PM
The PC has already surpassed PS3's gfx power:no1:

Yeah but by how much? I mean I remember the gap between arcade games and consoles being far apart and now they are dead even.

PCs and consoles aren't that far off now. Of course PCs and graphics cards are updated more often than consoles so the PC should stay ahead.

Consoles last 4-5 years. There's a faster PC and graphics card every 6 months (and probably shorter).

10-03-2006, 08:57 PM
pc mainly, although you cant beat consoles for playing games like the burnout series or tony hawks

still since i play FPS and RTS mainly i hardily touch consoles, so much so that i use emulators to play sonic and tomb raider 2 rather than find my old consoles :P

10-04-2006, 12:01 AM
im a PC gamer and console
i play shooters on pc and sports/driving game son console

10-05-2006, 06:33 PM
PC Gamer gave up on consoles when i discovered the joys of online gaming back in 98

Age of Empires, FTW! :01:

great game got number 3

10-08-2006, 05:38 PM
I play on PC and consoles.

Mostly FPS,RTS,RPG and driving games :)

10-10-2006, 01:50 AM
Used to be a PC, PS2, and Xboxer. All 3 of my PS2s broke, I gave up my PC and got a Mac, and got a 360.

Ill NEVER buy a Sony system again. Ended up with 3 because they kept breaking. I like the 360 though (although Im also on my 3rd, I did opt for the extended warranty so theyve replaced it free)

10-10-2006, 04:01 AM
Used to be a PC, PS2, and Xboxer. All 3 of my PS2s broke, I gave up my PC and got a Mac, and got a 360.

Ill NEVER buy a Sony system again. Ended up with 3 because they kept breaking. I like the 360 though (although Im also on my 3rd, I did opt for the extended warranty so theyve replaced it free)

Wow what do you do to them? I have had my ps2 since 1999 so for 7 years, and Its never broken or anything, my gamcube a year after launch date, and a bunch of old systems that all still work perfectly.

10-10-2006, 09:08 AM
PC :D I don't feel any need for console, too many good games are already on the PC.

10-10-2006, 10:33 PM
Used to be a PC, PS2, and Xboxer. All 3 of my PS2s broke, I gave up my PC and got a Mac, and got a 360.

Ill NEVER buy a Sony system again. Ended up with 3 because they kept breaking. I like the 360 though (although Im also on my 3rd, I did opt for the extended warranty so theyve replaced it free)

Rofl, you're lyke, the gaming reject.

10-16-2006, 03:00 PM
I started out as a console gamer (NES,SNES,Megadrive) but grew into a pc gamer later on. Now I cannot imagine not owning a pc, lol. I might pick up the Wii though since it plays some of the oldies as well, that is if they provide my favourite games like chrono trigger, Metroid, Killer Instinct and Zelda.

10-18-2006, 09:26 AM