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08-27-2006, 11:14 PM
We got these two pms from them

From System at 2006-08-27 22:41:56 (23 mins ago) GMT

Ok, new idea, seeing as i just got 70PMs in the past 10 mins, use the report button on the users account, then all staff can deal with them! if u cant find there account, pm a Kitch / iYoda or diapper. Again, when reporting inc Screenshots. Ppl who have pmed staff already, pls report again.


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From System at 2006-08-27 21:26:54 (1 hour ago) GMT

On a side note, please dont give invites to people asking for them in public fourms, or irc chans, we dont want random ppl here plz. We are watching all over the net, and you WILL be banned, and the ppl you invited.

If anyone sees anyone giving out invites or offering, please screenshot it, and send it to a G.Mod+, and it will be delt with. If that user is found guilty and banned, the person who reported the incident will get 2GB upload credit for your efforts.

/ Feeling


08-27-2006, 11:17 PM
We got these two pms from them

From System at 2006-08-27 22:41:56 (23 mins ago) GMT

Ok, new idea, seeing as i just got 70PMs in the past 10 mins, use the report button on the users account, then all staff can deal with them! if u cant find there account, pm a Kitch / iYoda or diapper. Again, when reporting inc Screenshots. Ppl who have pmed staff already, pls report again.


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From System at 2006-08-27 21:26:54 (1 hour ago) GMT

On a side note, please dont give invites to people asking for them in public fourms, or irc chans, we dont want random ppl here plz. We are watching all over the net, and you WILL be banned, and the ppl you invited.

If anyone sees anyone giving out invites or offering, please screenshot it, and send it to a G.Mod+, and it will be delt with. If that user is found guilty and banned, the person who reported the incident will get 2GB upload credit for your efforts.

/ Feeling


True....but thats how they want it i guess we have to go by it too.:)

08-28-2006, 12:19 AM
harsh? not at all. it's been made clear from the beginning of sct that invites should be given to trusted people only.

08-28-2006, 12:22 AM
harsh? not at all. it's been made clear from the beginning of sct that invites should be given to trusted people only.

I agree with that....which brings us to the point that it can be a community where one can feel safe downloading and stuff.:) :D

08-28-2006, 12:40 AM
lol they're funny.. trying to make ppl sell themselves for 2 gb LOL use different usernames and post emails in pm only :) f*ck them, p2p is for everyone
edit: and btw, beware of ppl who says they NEED sct invites, they may be double facing :)

08-28-2006, 01:04 AM
I know that it's not the right place to talk about and should've stay shut but i often see people about talking the sites that say "trusted users".
How can you define that? ok so you have friends, so you tell them to behave and not to cheat so both get into trouble. But you don't control their mind! he may have other friends too and they tell him that they found a new way to do this and that, get a xpto ratio...yeah he should trust you or the other (not common but equally important to him) friends?

Maybe someday he's lazy and after downloading a file he just shut down the pc. Gets a warning...

I'm trying to say that there's a lot of situations you can't control. Are the staff of those sites aware of that? i believe so and they think, in theory, that that situations are reduced by inviting people you know personally but i think that that's not always the case.

Sorry for the long text but i had to say this.

Cheers :cool:

08-28-2006, 01:20 AM
very good point FreeDoom!

for me, a person who shares screens of ratio on well-known, respected trackers is trustworthy, even if i don't know much about him/her.

on the same note, someone who i know in real life (which is who one would normally refer to when speaking of friends/ trusted users) can have good intentions, but keep a below-average ratio nonetheless, for various reasons.

in my experience, ppl who i've invited (given ratio proof) are reliable, even if i do not know them, so who's to say those guys don't deserve a chance if they dont know anyone within the site?

08-28-2006, 01:31 AM
i agree with what u guys are saying. u don't necessary have to know the guy in life to know he is a good user. a few reliable screenshots usually will tell what that person is like. also, i know rules are rules but its very harsh saying u cannot invite someone from public forums etc. all my friends are like study geeks, straight A's guy etc that don't even know what is bittorrent. if i invited those guys they wouldn't even touch it thinking it would waste all their studying time.

also, if they traded out some hard earned invites/accounts they don't want to be banned so they are most likely going to try to work their ratio up high. i think all of us deserve chances right?