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View Full Version : I'm just so freakin angry right now!

08-31-2006, 09:28 PM
1. Ok, about a month ago, I took my car to get inspected and it failed inspection because my cadelidic converters were bad on my ford crown vic. I then ordered both converters which cost my $475.00. Got them via fedex today and took them to a shop to have them put on. It took the mechanics over 4 hours to put them on... which I thought it would only cost me about $150.00 for the labor. Well, they freakin charged my $345.00 because they said they had to put new oxygen sensors on both which ran 114.95 a piece.

So, here I just spent $820.00 total for these damn things... which was almost close to what I paid for the damn car. This bastard better pass the inspection now.

2. Last night I was just going on home on a rainy night when another vehicle was coming off the on ramp and did not stop before merging onto the lane I was driving on. So this idiot side swiped my right front passenger door and dented my right rear panel. Then had the gaul to tell the police officer it was my fault.

3. I ordered 4 brand new black police rims for my car which cost my $325.00. They were supposed to come into the tire store today. So, I go into the shop to have them put on my car when they tell me that somehow Fedex lost one rim and they only recieved 3 of them. So, they are trying to track were the one lost rim disapeared to.. which they told me they would call me back within the hour and update me where the rim went to. I waited 6 hours and no call so I went back to the shop and chewed the manager a new butthole. His excuse..."We were extremely busy". My answer..."I paid you all $345 for service and that is was I expect." Now.. I have t wait another 2 days for them just to ship 1 damn rim.

aaaaahhh.. this week can't get any worse!!!!!!!!! :angry:

08-31-2006, 09:30 PM

Mr. Mulder
08-31-2006, 09:31 PM
files haringtalk.com :unsure:

08-31-2006, 09:33 PM
Ya he loikes to talk about rabbit shaped mammals

08-31-2006, 09:33 PM
File's herring talk doc Tom.

08-31-2006, 09:35 PM
when you wake up your car will have been stolen :(

08-31-2006, 09:39 PM
Them garages always rip off media stars what have been on telly and got all famous.

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 09:40 PM
what are black police rims btw?

08-31-2006, 10:04 PM
what are black police rims btw?

http://img308.imageshack.us/img308/3313/rimsvg7.th.jpg (http://img308.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rimsvg7.jpg)

sorta like this one.

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:05 PM
you could have just painted some standard steel wheels:blink:

08-31-2006, 10:15 PM
The guys a taxi driver in a car that cost about $820, I don't think we have to analyze any further than that chaps.

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:15 PM
wrong thread

08-31-2006, 10:21 PM
wrong thread

Close to dabbling there.

Stay original, that's where you do your best work.

08-31-2006, 10:31 PM
The guys a taxi driver in a car that cost about $820, I don't think we have to analyze any further than that chaps.

uuum where have u been lately?

I actually purchased this vehicle off ebay for $1000 and have been fixing it up since 4 months ago. I have already spent close to $3000 fixing it up.

1. New Black Headliner
2. 2 New catalytic Converters
3. New paint job
4. 2 New rotors + brake pads
5. 2 New back drums + braks pads
6. New Front Shocks
7. New Rear Air Shocks
8. New Battery
9. Full Engine Tune up. (new spark plugs, spark plug wires, air filter, oil filter, gas filter, flushed radiator added new fluid, transmission flush with new fluid).
10. New floor carpet.
11. New Car stereo
12. Sirius satellite radio
13. 45 watt Motorola radio
14. laptop holder for my laptop installed.
15. 400 watt power inverter installed.
16. 4 New Police rims

and tons more small odds and ends

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:34 PM
That won't add much (if any) value to it though.

08-31-2006, 10:37 PM
The guys a taxi driver in a car that cost about $820, I don't think we have to analyze any further than that chaps.

uuum where have u been lately?

I actually purchased this vehicle off ebay for $1000 and have been fixing it up since 4 months ago. I have already spent close to $3000 fixing it up.

1. New Black Headliner
2. 2 New cadelidic Converters
3. New paint job
4. 2 New rotors + brake pads
5. 2 New back drums + braks pads
6. New Front Shocks
7. New Rear Air Shocks
8. New Battery
9. Full Engine Tune up. (new spark plugs, spark plug wires, air filter, oil filter, gas filter, flushed radiator added new fluid, transmission flush with new fluid).
10. New floor carpet.
11. New Car stereo
12. Sirius satellite radio
13. 45 watt Motorola radio
14. laptop holder for my laptop installed.
15. 400 watt power inverter installed.

and tons more small odds and ends


Paisley, Govan, Glasgow.

Stop saying "cadelidic" BTW. There's no excuse for it.

08-31-2006, 10:38 PM
Well, they freakin charged my $345.00 because they said they had to put new oxygen sensors on both which ran 114.95 a piece.
Me and my dad had to replace one of those on his van about a month and a half ago and it took us about 20 minutes...without knowing what we were doing.
There's no way that took the 4 hours for them to do unless the price is just high because the sennsors were expensive :idunno:

08-31-2006, 10:38 PM
That won't add much (if any) value to it though.

Im not trying to add value to the car. Im trying to make it my personal project and of course to make it the best looking and best riding cab in my city. Kinda like Tim, the toolman taylor :lol:

08-31-2006, 10:40 PM
That won't add much (if any) value to it though.

Im not trying to add value to the car. Im trying to make it my personal project and of course to make it the best looking and best riding cab in my city. Kinda like Tim, the tooltime taylor :lol:


Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:41 PM
That won't add much (if any) value to it though.

Im not trying to add value to the car. Im trying to make it my personal project and of course to make it the best looking and best riding cab in my city. Kinda like Tim, the tooltime taylor :lol:

Furry muff, but if the car was only worth $1000 at the time you purchased it, it will have lost value since due to the extra owner on it's book and the fact that it's been used as a taxi. Therefore JP is probably correct about it's value.

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:41 PM
Im not trying to add value to the car. Im trying to make it my personal project and of course to make it the best looking and best riding cab in my city. Kinda like Tim, the tooltime taylor :lol:


wrong thread


08-31-2006, 10:44 PM
Well, they freakin charged my $345.00 because they said they had to put new oxygen sensors on both which ran 114.95 a piece.
Me and my dad had to replace one of those on his van about a month and a half ago and it took us about 20 minutes...without knowing what we were doing.
There's no way that took the 4 hours for them to do unless the price is just high because the sennsors were expensive :idunno:

I did say the they had to replace 2 of the oxygen sensors because the 2 original were so rusted and stripped to the other catalytic converters they could not save them. So they put 2 new ones on which were $114 a piece. then $100 for the labor. The reason for the longevity to install was cause this car I got from Ohio which has lots of salt in the air especially during winter. So the under carriage of this car is extremely rusty. They actually has to use a soddering flame gun to burn the bolts off and the put new bolts to replace the old.

If you ever decide to purchse a vehicle off ebay or from anyone make sure the car is not from Ohio or any northern state cause the body or underneath rusts 10 times faster than a car from the south.

Proper Bo
08-31-2006, 10:45 PM
catalytic, ffs, it's catalytic

08-31-2006, 10:48 PM
catalytic, ffs, it's catalytic

Thanku.. I knew I was mispellling it. :blink:

08-31-2006, 11:23 PM
Me and my dad had to replace one of those on his van about a month and a half ago and it took us about 20 minutes...without knowing what we were doing.
There's no way that took the 4 hours for them to do unless the price is just high because the sennsors were expensive :idunno:

I did say the they had to replace 2 of the oxygen sensors because the 2 original were so rusted and stripped to the other catalytic converters they could not save them. So they put 2 new ones on which were $114 a piece. then $100 for the labor. The reason for the longevity to install was cause this car I got from Ohio which has lots of salt in the air especially during winter. So the under carriage of this car is extremely rusty. They actually has to use a soddering flame gun to burn the bolts off and the put new bolts to replace the old.

If you ever decide to purchse a vehicle off ebay or from anyone make sure the car is not from Ohio or any northern state cause the body or underneath rusts 10 times faster than a car from the south.
Ya, all the cars here are rusty. My friend's car is from california where his grandpa lives...he gave it to him. It was in such good ocndition when he got it like no rust at all and it's like a 92. :O
Has rust now though i'm sure.:rolleyes:

08-31-2006, 11:34 PM
They actually has to use a soddering flame gun...
What's that? Is it anything like a blowtorch?

Seriously, why would any sane man, who uses his car to make a living, spend so much money on its appearance before making sure it's safe?
Oh hang on, I think I realise now what's going on here.

BTW, any rust will come right back atcha unless you treat both sides of the metalwork. Mind you, you can then buy another car off ebay and sling your shiny bits on that.

09-01-2006, 12:32 AM
I'm sure Skizo could shed more light on this, but I remember (this is going back 25 years, when I worked auto parts and custom) UPS would only ship 3 of 4 tires, or 3 of 4 rims of any individual order on one day.

I don't ever remember being given a good reason why this was; may have been some embarrassing internal thievery going on, but who knows, it may still be the case...

09-01-2006, 12:39 AM
files haringtalk.com :unsure:

Looking.......looking......looking.....oh there it is!! :lol:

I'm sure Skizo could shed more light on this, but I remember (this is going back 25 years, when I worked auto parts and custom) UPS would only ship 3 of 4 tires, or 3 of 4 rims of any individual order on one day.

I don't ever remember being given a good reason why this was; may have been some embarrassing internal thievery going on, but who knows, it may still be the case...

Really? That's odd. That could have been some strange regulation of ours that's been thrown out. These days we'll p/u 100 rims if that's what you've got.

If we don't pick it up, we aren't making money. ;)

As far as all of the rims not making their destination on the same day, there could be a whole list of reasons. Chances are that with something such as a rim that probably wouldn't damaged, that the label wasn't affixed properly and it has ended up in "overgoods". Have you tracked it?

EDIT: Oh....I see that FedEx lost the rim. Figures. :whistling

As for the thievery part J2 - UPS has guard-shacks and metal detectors and all sorts of security when we leave the property. It would be a highly complex process to steal something such as a rim.

We have employees that are caught stealing now and again, but it's usually for pilfering packages that contain pills or small jewelry.

09-01-2006, 02:04 AM
Well, they freakin charged my $345.00 because they said they had to put new oxygen sensors on both which ran 114.95 a piece.
Me and my dad had to replace one of those on his van about a month and a half ago and it took us about 20 minutes...without knowing what we were doing.
There's no way that took the 4 hours for them to do unless the price is just high because the sennsors were expensive :idunno:

Sure it would..they probally charge for the full hour at 90-100$ an hour.