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View Full Version : running programs offa my ipod

09-13-2006, 11:32 PM
im wanting to be able to use photoshop and dreamweaver from my ipod next week at college on the pc (they have limited pcs with the software on and im not "booking" a pc with it on fuck that, what the guy said we would have to do and they can fuck off if they think im gunna be using frontpage bullshit, and im guessing shity paint as well...) :blink:

so insted of me having it installed on the college harddrive i got it on my ipod using the usb cable...
how would i go about putting the programs onto it and having them work?
i remember that when i reinstalled windows i also had to reinstall the programs think 1 or both were bitching about some error. guess some regkey stuff is needed installed on the comp? which i wont be able to do... :unsure:

also might install firefox on it and hopefuly trillian as well for msn :whistling

09-14-2006, 12:21 AM


09-14-2006, 10:27 AM
i got photoshop working from it :D

downloaded a portable version of it from newsgroups, just about to send dreamweaver to it and also a portable version of msn!