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View Full Version : BT phoning up moaning about over useage

09-18-2006, 06:28 PM
:huh: BT phoned my mum up saying the account is been over used, even tho im on a unlimited package :whistling

they asked what the account is been used for and my mum said they its used for gaming and viewing internet TV...

and they seem to think i got a virus on my pc. :blink:

dunno whats gunna happen next, i only did like 300gb last month and then this month before the start i got a email about the useage is going to be monitored during peek hours... (6-12) and so far i have been sticking to the recommended 1gb in them hours and all other time sticking downloads on.

already done 80gb this month.

so i wounder what they're going to do next... :mellow:

are they allowed to report me for possible piracy? or any crap like that?
or would they just kill my account/contract with them? :01:

09-18-2006, 06:55 PM
they asked what the account is been used for
they already know so why they ask?

sounds like a bad package deal whichever way,
just call them and ask them.

09-18-2006, 07:05 PM
They have a cap of 40GB on their services these days and that will include you even if you originally signed up for unlimited.

They will not report you but they will throw you off the service for excessive bandwidth usage like they did to me.

09-18-2006, 07:37 PM
They have a cap of 40GB on their services these days and that will include you even if you originally signed up for unlimited.

They will not report you but they will throw you off the service for excessive bandwidth usage like they did to me.


im on that. the "single" package.

i dont give a shit if they throw me off so thats good :) wouldnt mind if they do that around march when im able to get bethere :shifty:

afterall the account is UNLIMITED so i dont see why there moaning. not like everyone in the uk does this amount. little bitches. :dry:

09-18-2006, 10:15 PM
Yeah, fuck 'em, move to a better ISP if they ditch you.

40GB is a stupid cap. I've seen 30GB caps advertised as a capped service (not with BT), and they've got the balls to call 10GB more than that "unlimited"?

I truly think ISPs that act like this should be done for false advertising.

Colt Seevers
09-18-2006, 11:25 PM
Dunno about anyone else but BT didn't throw me off the service for going over the cap limit. They just charge £1 per gig you go over it!!!! The fucks! Thats why I left them. Even though it's been over a month since I moved from BT they are still chasing me for some internet bill I allegedly never paid, even though I never missed one payment.

I went over 3 times in as many months the first time I got an email warning me then they would start to charge but would waive the fee this time. Next month I only went over by a couple of gigs (slow month :)) and the 3rd and final month I went over by 12gigs which was included in my final bill paid in full. Now I'm getting various emails and letters saying I still owe them 58 quid!!!

Twice now I've contacted BT's billing Dept (another off shored call centre) and twice they have stated that I don't owe them anything and if anything I am probably due a credit due to leaving mid month.... yet today I got a bill. :(

It's all PISH, OFTEL need to boot BTs arse!

/rant mode off

09-18-2006, 11:43 PM
if your in a ntl telewest area id suggest you try them.
i was thinking about moving to talk talk £20 deal,
but i couldnt live on only 50gb. and i know telewest is good,
i was on the 4mb package, but dropped down to 2mb to save some cash.

09-19-2006, 03:27 PM
if your in a ntl telewest area id suggest you try them.
i was thinking about moving to talk talk £20 deal,
but i couldnt live on only 50gb. and i know telewest is good,
i was on the 4mb package, but dropped down to 2mb to save some cash.

when i was with talktalk, they used p2p packet filtering, things got that bad p2p services became totaly unusable

they may have now altered their policy on this, but check carefully before switching to them

10-06-2006, 09:52 AM
BT are a complete pile of e-donkey sh*t and always have been :(

I moved into a house which had NTL which I though was well shady at the time - but, although their after sales service sux arse in a big way, the only problem I've had is with their dynamic proxy which means I need to reboot my router every now and then.

I'm paying 25 quid a month for a 4gig down 1gig up which is pretty reliable ... so I think that's a decent enough deal ... especially when I read your BT woes :o

10-10-2006, 05:11 PM
BT just sucks balls, i miss been able to download at 6-12pm times, i just ending building a few GBs in newsleecher then hitting connect in the morning and let it download while at college :)

but ill be leaving BT in march and heading over to bethere to get 24MB dw 1.1MB up connection (ADSL2)

hope ill be able to get that upload speed will be nice to host a game server of some kind :)

Colt Seevers
10-10-2006, 10:09 PM
BT just sucks balls, i miss been able to download at 6-12pm times, i just ending building a few GBs in newsleecher then hitting connect in the morning and let it download while at college :)

but ill be leaving BT in march and heading over to bethere to get 24MB dw 1.1MB up connection (ADSL2)

hope ill be able to get that upload speed will be nice to host a game server of some kind :)

Can't blame you mate! BT are still chasing me for this fookin bill! It's doing my nutt in.. obviously 8 phone conversations to their billing dept just isn't enough to fix it. Then after phoning them I recevied the same bill twice through the post in three days!! At this rate they will waste more on postage sending me dodgy bills for a service they no longer provide me!!

I did say I was going to contact Oftel, which is now Ofcom to make a formal complaint about this crap, but they say I need to make a "Formal" complaint to BT first /sigh, then if that dosn't work to: submit a complaint through a Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme - what ever the hell that is.. it's all bullshit - BT can sing for it!

Oh and good shout about Bethere..I checked their website - they said Dec 06 my exchange will be upgraded to ADSL2.

24 meg!! Now would just be amazing! :)

10-10-2006, 10:46 PM
nobody ever really gets 24mb from what i hear. it tops out about the 15mb mark but thats still bloody good considering the 500 gig cap for £24.

im swapping to them soon.

10-10-2006, 10:53 PM
any idea about the upload speed, does that matter on how far away u live or since its so low its max anyway?

(i mean low cos the download speed is upto 24mb when the upload is 1.3mb(yea i said 1.1mb before got it wrong checked site erlyer) :P )

10-11-2006, 12:06 AM
I dont have a clue about the upload speed really. Will ask a few mates who have it and see what they say.