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View Full Version : question about edonkey

09-20-2006, 11:48 AM
Hello! I was downloading from edonkey when i accidently shared all my files on my hardisk, it was only for a few seconds because I eventually realised what I did and turned the share off. I would like to know if the people i was dowloading from could have uploaded some of my private files in that short space of time? I had none of them in my friends section and i believe the people that I download from, automatically become your peers. Could they have uploaded some of my files, being in this section?
I also recall edonkey automatically hashing my files when I cancelled my sharing, what does this mean?

wolf 12:)

09-20-2006, 02:32 PM
theoretically they were able to download files from you, but if they (pratically) succeded? - well, how big was the file(s)...

09-20-2006, 05:35 PM
It is possible people downloaded private files from you but probably not....

Hashing means the file gets a unique number assigned to it. if files have the same hash number they are identical even if the filenames are different. Hash calculation takes some time and if I am correct edonkey/emule does not share files which are not hashed.

09-24-2006, 01:00 AM
Thank you for your advice, so does it mean that my files that were mistakenly shared for the short time, could not have been shared beacause they had not been hashed? The hashing on edonkey I saw distinctly occurred after I stopped sharing.

PS. All my drive c: was shared for the split second, so a lot of detailed data, some big files, some not so big.

09-24-2006, 06:04 AM
that is what I meant :-)