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View Full Version : Symantec: Microsoft won't give us key Vista tech

peat moss
09-28-2006, 12:42 PM
http://www.earthtimes.org/newsimage/antivirus_vendor_2896.jpgSymantec has accused Microsoft of withholding key information about its upcoming Vista operating system in an attempt to gain an advantage in the security market.

The security specialist said this week that Microsoft is refusing to hand over the application programmable interfaces (APIs) for Windows Defender, the spyware product that will be included in Windows Vista. Without the APIs, Symantec contends that it's unable to ensure that its own security products are compatible with the update.

:source: Source: http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1009_22-6120219.html

09-28-2006, 01:29 PM
Who didn't see this coming?

09-28-2006, 01:48 PM
M$ fucked up by making Defender a separate product. They should have just built the security features in with Vista.

It would have been just been a more secure M$ operating system and no consumer can complain about that.

09-28-2006, 05:18 PM
M$ fucked up by making Defender a separate product. They should have just built the security features in with Vista.

Then they would get sued again, like what happened with the Windows Media Player

09-28-2006, 06:13 PM
Anything that keeps that godawful Norton away from peoples' machines is good...

09-28-2006, 09:25 PM
M$ fucked up by making Defender a separate product. They should have just built the security features in with Vista.

Then they would get sued again, like what happened with the Windows Media Player

....and do you think that's right? The WMP fiasco was bullshit. Nothing good came of it besides the EU getting a paycheck. How many folks on here have Windows XP N?:dry: How were consumers hurt by the inclusion of WMP?

File viewers, desktop organizers, etc. are also made by others and M$ includes them. I disagree with M$ shutting Norton out but not with M$ shipping their own product with Vista. If M$ wants to get better with security so be it.

Grocery stores sell their own generic brands (cheaper I might add) and brand names under the same roof.

09-28-2006, 10:26 PM
do not pass go, do not collect £200
ms is playing monopoly again
like said above though, the wmp eu ruling was bullshit
however, holding back info from symantec is wrong

peat moss
09-29-2006, 01:52 AM
Who didn't see this coming?

Ya I know VB , but why do the Euros pay more attention to this shit ?
We should be screaming aswell , say I just bought ( thats a laff ) a new copy of Symantec Corp . for my small trucking company and updated my two computers to Vista . I should have a choice on my software that " I " choose to install . :dry: