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05-08-2003, 01:08 PM
I am currently waiting for an aproval for my adsl to see if it will run on my line I know nothing about it at all so this is my first time

My question is I have read that u can have problems if your connection is more then 2 metres away and it is a chordless phone is this true??? if so what problems may happen?? I want to know this so I can move my phone lines around but if it doesnt matter I dont have to worry

05-08-2003, 01:43 PM
Don't have 1st off experience with ADSL, use cable myself. I did find this short article from KeyPoint Internet Svcs -

ADSL and Panasonic Cordless Phones

Panasonic Cordless phones have been know to interfere with ADSL connections.

ADSL customers have reported that whilst using Panasonic cordless phones, the ADSL connection can be constantly dropped. The ADSL link reports a hardware (layer 1) fault. Also, the cordless phone becomes unusable.

There are mixed reports from ADSL customers nationwide about what to do with this problem, but one solution, while it may seem extreme, seems to be able to resolve this issue.

For customers using an Alcatel (standard for Telstra DSL installs) inline filter; the solution seems to be to purchase a D-Link inline filter, and try substituting it, or even adding it inline, with the Alcatel filter.

Another article (http://www.melbpc.org.au/pcupdate/2202/2202article9.htm)

and another (http://www.unixathome.org/adsl/archives/2002_07/0045.html)

last one (http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,6217419~root=intldsl~mode=flat)

Just some ideas as to what goes on with them......Good luck!

05-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by adthomp@8 May 2003 - 13:08
I am currently waiting for an aproval for my adsl to see if it will run on my line I know nothing about it at all so this is my first time

My question is I have read that u can have problems if your connection is more then 2 metres away and it is a chordless phone is this true??? if so what problems may happen?? I want to know this so I can move my phone lines around but if it doesnt matter I dont have to worry
2 meters wireless can give problems. That's right!
If you ever can't connect anymore... reset the box.. Unplug the power and replug it again.
(My good friend has problems sometimes with this...)

I use ADSL myself (not wireless) and i have no problems what so ever with it!
Even if my pc resets it connect the next the next time i restart my pc!
(That's a problem with cable) you have to wait 15 minutes to connect again.

05-08-2003, 01:56 PM
thanks for that info cornerpocket it was really helpful

unfortuntlly now its got me worried <_< I have a panasonic chordless phone
but i am getting the filter that u mentioned.

what do u mean by wireless ? im new to all this