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View Full Version : Any member of Wild Bytes admin here??

09-29-2006, 10:07 PM
Hello I need some help I had my upload rights taken away recently for upping a microsoft product, fair enough, Now I am banned and I DO NOT KNOW WHY Please can someone help. Does anyone know how I can contact the site???

09-29-2006, 10:13 PM
What was your username?

09-29-2006, 10:20 PM
I get this messnge

You are banned from this site.
This has to do with your behavoir or your share ratio
Ask the crew if you want an explanation.
If this ban is in error please try http://www.wild-bytes.org

09-29-2006, 10:23 PM
I'll look into it.

09-29-2006, 10:33 PM
may b u use Azureus client which banned

09-29-2006, 10:51 PM
Thank you Schism Thanks very much. I have no idea why I was banned. No 3lwa I do not use azureus or any other banned client but thanks too.

09-30-2006, 12:09 AM
Here's what an administrator had to say:

He got my PM's and the MOD's that was dealing with this issue.

He was ONLINE and ignored the PM's that required an answer.

His track record here was not one of the best, so it was decided to
remove his account as he will not abide by the rules, there are no
errors or opps after the 3rd or 4th time, he exceeded that.

His IP and other info has been recorded, so I am telling you to NEVER
allow him to use your account or your gone as well - just in case he
asks you.

Don't be foolish and use and invite either...if that pops up.

He can try at a later date if we ever open the doors again, but his info
will be red flagged and the 1st rule breaking he is gone.

Nothing in the above PM has been changed.

09-30-2006, 12:43 AM
they put you in the cheaters list too

09-30-2006, 12:49 AM

Uploaded M$ - Argued - Begged - Argued - Ingnored STAFF PM's - Begged ADMIN to STEP - I did - same result - BYE! You won't listen, you get your ass toased, well done!

Indeed, they did add him to the cheater's list.

09-30-2006, 01:43 AM
Damnit ,even WB have no thing special

drop it M8

09-30-2006, 04:53 AM
WTF that is absurd. I had 1 warning about 1year ago for forgetting to put a nfo file in something I upped. This time I upped a microsft product without reading the newer rules (about 2 months old). I was not disrespectful in ANY way I never begged, argued or anything like that. I simply said I didn't feel it was fair that I get my upload rights taken away for that simple and honest mistake. He said sorry rules are rules. I said although I don't agree with you It was still my mistake no hard feelings, thank you for keeping the site in such a good way. Thats it I thought everything was cool. I never ignored a PM from staff or anyone else for that matter. I sometimes leave my window up for long periods of time while I go out or eat or whatever. I really don't understand this one bit. I swear I did not intentionally break rules or give any member of staff shit. I had a lot of time invested there this sucks. WB let me down!

09-30-2006, 05:34 AM
Whatever, there are tens of sites like WB, you shouldn't be so concern.

09-30-2006, 09:22 AM
Let me tell you something about WB staff >>> They think they are the best around so they act like a nazi government.
Don't worry, you get better in other places where staff don't have stupid attitudes.

09-30-2006, 05:17 PM
Yes, I agree completely with sert+NaToLa. A lot of sites out there beat w-b completely, in seeds, files, and community. They are just trying to artificially inflate the value of their site, which is very hard as it is practically worthless.

Here is a screenshot of the might wild-bytes. You may notice that I have waitimes as I never care to use the crappy site.


Their attitudes corespond to sites like ScT, FSC, etc; they are nothing like them. They are merely a mediocre collection of random, poorly seeded files with admins with massively inflamed egos.

Please- don't use w-b, hopefully it will die with due time. Anything is better than w-b really.

09-30-2006, 05:48 PM
Their attitudes corespond to sites like ScT, FSC, etc; they are nothing like them. They are merely a mediocre collection of random, poorly seeded files with admins with massively inflamed egos.

Please- don't use w-b, hopefully it will die with due time. Anything is better than w-b really.

You find the poorly seeded files in other trackers where staff members are MUTCH nicer to people.
The BIG problem of W-b it's just the staff, if they have other attitudes people don't run scared from there.
Anyone likes to get a big ban message when the site was down the last time? I don't! :angry: but the staff thinks
it's funny, so they stick that message in the login page to scare anyone who trys to loggin. Stupid kids. :01:

09-30-2006, 07:26 PM
I had alot of time invested there already over a year I was actually a member longer than the admin who picked on me. Doesn't seem fair

09-30-2006, 11:23 PM
The Wild-Bytes admins don't pick on users just because, you idiots must have done something to break the rules.

Anything is better than w-b really.

The funny thing is, Wild-Bytes sometimes has faster PRE times than ScT.

And Elated/Pariah, I talked to one of the Wild-Bytes administrators again, and he said you don't have a chance in hell of ever signing up again.

09-30-2006, 11:42 PM
W-B has pre's faster than ScT? I find that hard to believe, but I never use the tracker so I don't really know for sure. Just look at their first browse page- 2/3 of the files have 1 seed and multiple leeches. Even if it does have fast pre's it will be ages before you actually get the file. But then again, whatever you are happy with is none of my business.

09-30-2006, 11:47 PM
W-B has pre's faster than ScT? I find that hard to believe, but I never use the tracker so I don't really know for sure. Just look at their first browse page- 2/3 of the files have 1 seed and multiple leeches. Even if it does have fast pre's it will be ages before you actually get the file.

Basically, everything you just said has no value whatsoever since you're aren't, or never have been a member of Wild-Bytes. Nice try defending the cheaters, though.

09-30-2006, 11:53 PM
W-B has some good and rare dvds there.
but it is strange that they don`t allow M$ , what a pussies

10-01-2006, 12:20 AM
Not a member?


I have not used the site, that is true. All I have done is looked at the sorry seed/leech rates :lol:

Also- how am I defending cheaters? Please elaborate...

10-01-2006, 12:25 AM
SLR means nothing for me . most of the files I download at oink has 1 or 2 seeders, and so at swedvdr
btw, w-b sysops is a little bit dumb, sent mass pm saying that "i have no time for the site so don`t pm me , but if you see me online it`s my gf" lol :)

10-01-2006, 04:09 AM
The Wild-Bytes admins don't pick on users just because, you idiots must have done something to break the rules.

Anything is better than w-b really.

The funny thing is, Wild-Bytes sometimes has faster PRE times than ScT.

And Elated/Pariah, I talked to one of the Wild-Bytes administrators again, and he said you don't have a chance in hell of ever signing up again.

Okay man I don't see why you are getting hostile here. I don't think it right of you to call anyone an idiot. Yes I broke a rule, it was an accident. I don't know if you know this but accidents do happen. I feel a ban is very strict to a good member of over a year and then to put me on the cheaters list!!! Thats just not right. I have never cheated on ANY site. I'm not sweating the loss that much, only the way I was treated. I am still an upstanding member of most of the major sites out there.To say I don't have a chance in hell is also a bit harsh. What do others think I wonder? Schism I commend your loyalty, I really do but just think if it could happen to me it could happen to you too. Please ask the admin to at least remove my name from the cheaters list as that is just not right also I would ask the admin in charge of my case to please please explain in detail why I was banned without even a warning. Schism Thank you for your help and remember what I said.

10-01-2006, 08:32 AM
Hi Elated.

Mate it simple just dont bother with that sh?t torrent site.

It do's not seem to be much liked by meny people anyway it will not last long if that the way thay treat there members?

wild bytes> Learn to be nicer with the members, Its the members who keep you open, not the socalled staff of gods?

10-01-2006, 08:35 AM
Elated - I wholeheartedly agree with you mate.

You made a mistake. Fair enough, most sites would give you a warning and next time you're out.

To ban you was harsh. To include you with the cheaters though....that's totally unjust.

10-01-2006, 12:05 PM
At WB they treat Bad members badly...Great speeds and fast realese times.. They Llike to weed out the morons to make a better place....A great place to hang-out..maybe the guy was cheating, maybe a banned client... I haven't seen anyone get banned for "no reason"

10-01-2006, 12:13 PM
Okay man I don't see why you are getting hostile here. I don't think it right of you to call anyone an idiot.

don't worry dude...i reported him to the staff for his rude behaviour and flaming...anyway i don't think he'll make many friends here

10-01-2006, 07:54 PM
don't worry dude...i reported him to the staff for his rude behaviour and flaming...anyway i don't think he'll make many friends here

At WB they treat Bad members badly...Great speeds and fast realese times.. They Llike to weed out the morons to make a better place....A great place to hang-out..maybe the guy was cheating, maybe a banned client... I haven't seen anyone get banned for "no reason"

Thanks peci I didn't want to report him but thanks anyway. Phrenzy I DID NOT CHEAT!!! I DID NOT USE A banned client I use Utorrent which is fine everywhere. I didn't get banned for nothing I got banned for a silly reason. I did make a mistake, they say a huge one, Upping M$ products. A newer rule I didn't read yet. Tell me does everyone read the new and updated rules eyerytime the upload something. I still do like the site. the staff I have come in contact with before this have been fine. This one guy seemed to be rude and ultimately harsh. Now Phrenzy is calling people morons.Have you read the rules lately? They do change from time to time. Be careful you don't get banned like me I am not an idiot or a moron. I simply didn't read the rules in 2 or three months having been a member there for over a year and having upped over 100 gigs ( no easy task with my connection ) Like I said I'm not really sweating it I just liked their 13th releases in house stuff like that. I am still waiting for the admin in charge to contact me and explain what exactly happened and why am I on the cheaters list? Thanks for everyones support here I appreciate it so much!

10-01-2006, 09:14 PM
Elated, I`ll tell you this :
1st w-b rule is : Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes! , otherwise : Breaking these rules can and will get you banned!

Now let`s go : you had a warning 20 years ago, uploaded MS and didn`t read the new rule . Till now everything is ok. The mod took your upload rights, you told him something, he replied to you. And now is the most important thing :HE EXPECTED YOU NOT TO REPLY HIM SECOND TIME !!! , even if you want to say "god bless you". Now what happened ? You met a stupid and angry mod , probably his baby together with his wife were raped that morning , and he was sodomized a hour later. So he just acted according to the first rule, instead of ignoring your reply. Understand ?
I don`t say that w-b are right, and I don`t say that you are right. All I say that life is sux, and that`s why I don`t like private trackers : you may be the best user with the best ratio in the world, spending years on your great account, and one day someone just disable you for some good or bad reason, and you can`t say a word.

10-01-2006, 09:27 PM
Elated, I`ll tell you this :
1st w-b rule is : Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes! , otherwise : Breaking these rules can and will get you banned!

Now let`s go : you had a warning 20 years ago, uploaded MS and didn`t read the new rule . Till now everything is ok. The mod took your upload rights, you told him something, he replied to you. And now is the most important thing :HE EXPECTED YOU NOT TO REPLY HIM SECOND TIME !!! , even if you want to say "god bless you". Now what happened ? You met a stupid and angry mod , probably his baby together with his wife were raped that morning , and he was sodomized a hour later. So he just acted according to the first rule, instead of ignoring your reply. Understand ?
I don`t say that w-b are right, and I don`t say that you are right. All I say that life is sux, and that`s why I don`t like private trackers : you may be the best user with the best ratio in the world, spending years on your great account, and one day someone just disable you for some good or bad reason, and you can`t say a word.

LOL great reply THANKS I feel alot better:D

10-01-2006, 09:40 PM
Very good reply, as a matter of fact. 2 murders and a sodomy in one day? That must be why some of those admins are so pissy. :lol:

10-01-2006, 09:49 PM
Yeah i noticed that the admins are super strict on that site. I don't say its wrong becasue its for the safety of the community but then again i dont say its right either becasue good members who have put a lot of effort into those sites are removed and they were part of making the site well known.

10-02-2006, 06:01 AM
Hi jaqozo

Great post jaqozo (lol)

About the (Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!) all i can say is frock there dumb rules, Who do thay think thay are gods?.

I dont care about there torrent-site theres loads more and way better ones.

The mod who banned elated should learn that to be a mod means you have to be understanding and if the person do's not listen and all you can do is ban them then do it, But first try and sort out the problem first.

10-03-2006, 03:55 AM
Thanks gordy

10-03-2006, 11:25 PM
Go talk to them in IRC, you are gaining nothing from here by arguing. I am sure someone will help you there. Yes WB staff are dicks but they do it to make the site tighter and keep all the bad people out. I am sure if you were put on the cheaters page then you did something very bad. Go into IRC and find out.

As for the staff some of them are dicks but I found some to be really helpful in questions and deal with cheaters on my torrents. Other people that say the site sucks are repeated cheaters keep trying to get back in and cheat. I guess thats why they have that anal type stance. But I rather them be anal then slackers.

Many other sites had worse attitude then WB, but like some said on here its true for everyone one site there are 10 others. So dont sweat and just move on

10-03-2006, 11:26 PM
Go into IRC and find out.

I already found out for him, but good luck to him anyways.

10-03-2006, 11:33 PM
my bad then good luck

10-03-2006, 11:52 PM
Well first off this was your 4th strike on your account.

here is just part of it.

2005-12-31 - this user messes up on any torrent, no more chances take away upload rights - stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload enabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload disabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - PM'd and removed SlySoft 3 pack no NFO or SFV - Stinger818.
2005-12-24 - Upload enabled by natefrog.
2005-12-24 - giving him a chance to redem himself - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - Upload disabled by natefrog.
2005-12-23 - disabling uploads as he still hasn't returned to seed X-ripper-pack-platinum - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - pm'd about seeding his upload X-ripper-pack-platinum, told him that further instances of this will result in upload being disabled - natefrog.
2005-12-22 - Warned for 2 weeks by drizztrmb.
Reason: multiple warnings on keygen/crack issues..pm sent
2005-09-16 - Warned for 1 week by Goliath2k.
Reason: Requested Serial/Crack in the Fourms For Nero 7....No requesting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums. .. 1 week warning

All i see is you have a very very hard time reading the rules and faqs. Mircosoft has been banned on our site from day one.

Maybe the next time you get a chance to sign up or get invited you will read the rules this time.

But i will take you off the cheaters list as your right you did not cheat. Your problem was that you just never read the rules.


10-04-2006, 12:07 AM
But i will take you off the cheaters list as your right you did not cheat. Your problem was that you just never read the rules.

so why was he put on the cheaters list in the first place? I see nothing in those warnings above that mentions anything about cheating. someone on the staff had to do it, what was their reasoning?

10-04-2006, 12:12 AM
Because it is also used for people that just dont get it.

If anyone has a problem with there accounts on wild-bytes then they can send me a pm. Do not pm me asking for an ivite as i will just deleted them.


10-04-2006, 12:36 AM
Well that just doesn't seem fair-

"Well here is our cheaters list- we post all of the leechers/ratio spoofers and lampoon them, with comments like "burn in hell""

Heck, this user is a good member and has been with us for a years, why don't we just lump him in there? I thought the list was called "Cheater List" not "Users we don't like so we will post their usernames here and tell them to f off"

10-04-2006, 12:42 AM
Because it is also used for people that just dont get it.

that's totally wrong, unfair, and quite childish. I would advise anyone to steer clear of a site that uses such tactics. it's quite serious to be accused of cheating, but to use it against users that "just don't get it" is downright absurd.

10-04-2006, 12:49 AM
Anyone who gets put on that list I have seen, they deserve it. They just dont put random people up there with out a reason. The reason to this user has been given, going aganist the rules and arguing with the staff. Its their sight and their rules, dont like then dont be a part of them and go else where. Or quit crying bout it here and start your own site up. You will find sites with worse attittude then WB. You always going to find sites that give attitude or do things out of the ordinary cause its their "rules"

Their site, their servers, there cost. No point to argue with them, cause you just cant win. Move on to another and forget it

10-04-2006, 01:04 AM
Anyone who gets put on that list I have seen, they deserve it. They just dont put random people up there with out a reason. The reason to this user has been given, going aganist the rules and arguing with the staff. Its their sight and their rules, dont like then dont be a part of them and go else where. Or quit crying bout it here and start your own site up. You will find sites with worse attittude then WB

The whole point that is trying to be made here is that yes, he did break their rules (absurd as they are), but he did NOT deserve to be put in a list that groups with him low-lifes like ratio cheaters and client spoofers. The list is for cheaters (it is, after all, called the "Caught Cheating" list) not for good members who, after a year of being a good member, broke a rule that was asinine and pointless anyways; as it will only stand to drive users away from the site.

10-04-2006, 01:15 AM
My god its like crying about getting banned at demonoid. MOVE ON there are so many better sites.

10-04-2006, 01:19 AM
Every site has stupid rules. Some dont like it when their urls are mentioned. When really all you have to do is be like Joe schmo find the name to the site and google it, and bang the URL is there. They ban with out hesistation, yea I know bout the security issue but really no site is 100 % secure.

Now on the point with this user, I agree it was harsh to put him there, but he is taken off now so why are you all still complaining bout it. If he was put there beefore it was cause he was arguing with the staff and instead of listening. Something that all sites staff owners wont tolerate, I had many fights with staff and that ends me up banned. Am I here crying bout it. Nope I just move on and go else where. Which really all you should do, if you going to fight with WB staff members or any staff member at sites. dont be suprise when your account is gone. It happens, so just move on

10-04-2006, 03:31 AM
Well first off this was your 4th strike on your account.

here is just part of it.

2005-12-31 - this user messes up on any torrent, no more chances take away upload rights - stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload enabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload disabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - PM'd and removed SlySoft 3 pack no NFO or SFV - Stinger818.
2005-12-24 - Upload enabled by natefrog.
2005-12-24 - giving him a chance to redem himself - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - Upload disabled by natefrog.
2005-12-23 - disabling uploads as he still hasn't returned to seed X-ripper-pack-platinum - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - pm'd about seeding his upload X-ripper-pack-platinum, told him that further instances of this will result in upload being disabled - natefrog.
2005-12-22 - Warned for 2 weeks by drizztrmb.
Reason: multiple warnings on keygen/crack issues..pm sent
2005-09-16 - Warned for 1 week by Goliath2k.
Reason: Requested Serial/Crack in the Fourms For Nero 7....No requesting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums. .. 1 week warning

All i see is you have a very very hard time reading the rules and faqs. Mircosoft has been banned on our site from day one.

Maybe the next time you get a chance to sign up or get invited you will read the rules this time.

But i will take you off the cheaters list as your right you did not cheat. Your problem was that you just never read the rules.


Thank you for the reply. Very nice of you ( I mean it ) I didn't even remember those warnings It was when I first started to upload things and didn't have a good handle on it. WB was my very first Private Tracker, those upload problems happend only a few weeks in. I am sorry for those things really I am. I do however remember asking for help from the admin there about uploading. I have got it down now before the jokes start. As far as not re-seeding. The cable company was doing work in my area and my connection was sketchy at best for a few months then. Needless to say I haven't had any infractions since 2005-12-31 ! Thats almost a year now. I swear I didn't argue or catch an attitude and I was banned. Honestly now that doesn't seem harsh to you? I love that site I was actually going to donate ( I NEVER DONATE IM BROKE ) about 2 weeks ago. Again Thanks for your time. Also I appreciate all the support I have had here you guys are awesome thanks

10-04-2006, 12:18 PM
Anyone who gets put on that list I have seen, they deserve it. They just dont put random people up there with out a reason. The reason to this user has been given, going aganist the rules and arguing with the staff. Its their sight and their rules, dont like then dont be a part of them and go else where. Or quit crying bout it here and start your own site up. You will find sites with worse attittude then WB. You always going to find sites that give attitude or do things out of the ordinary cause its their "rules"

Their site, their servers, there cost. No point to argue with them, cause you just cant win. Move on to another and forget it

Hi porkchop?

What do you mean with the above msg?

You say we can not win, YES we can we just dont "DONATE" to there site lets see how long thay last when that have to pay for everything on there own.

The post wildbytes posted seem to have been made up, Maybe thay dont want people to think thay are twats or thay think by making some crap up will make them look good? Who knows.

I am still backing Elated up has i have seen more truth off him then the wildbytes (Gods) staff.

I mean shows you how thay think thay are gods when you go to there site with that msg thay have left for people to see (Nothing here to see. Now Get Lost.), Ya thay get lost too twats.

10-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Anyone who gets put on that list I have seen, they deserve it. They just dont put random people up there with out a reason. The reason to this user has been given, going aganist the rules and arguing with the staff. Its their sight and their rules, dont like then dont be a part of them and go else where. Or quit crying bout it here and start your own site up. You will find sites with worse attittude then WB. You always going to find sites that give attitude or do things out of the ordinary cause its their "rules"

Their site, their servers, there cost. No point to argue with them, cause you just cant win. Move on to another and forget it

Hi porkchop?

What do you mean with the above msg?

You say we can not win, YES we can we just dont "DONATE" to there site lets see how long thay last when that have to pay for everything on there own.

The post wildbytes posted seem to have been made up, Maybe thay dont want people to think thay are twats or thay think by making some crap up will make them look good? Who knows.

I am still backing Elated up has i have seen more truth off him then the wildbytes (Gods) staff.

I mean shows you how thay think thay are gods when you go to there site with that msg thay have left for people to see (Nothing here to see. Now Get Lost.), Ya thay get lost too twats.

I have better things to do then come here and make that shit up. First off if you even ask the user he will tell you him self he was warned more then once on wb.

If we were such a bad site then why do we get hammered ever where we go asking for invites. We have fast pre times and we have a group of good uploaders, with alot of hard to find stuff.

I think its funny how you guys cant stop talking about us.


10-04-2006, 12:58 PM
Well first off this was your 4th strike on your account.

here is just part of it.

2005-12-31 - this user messes up on any torrent, no more chances take away upload rights - stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload enabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - Upload disabled by stewie.
2005-12-31 - PM'd and removed SlySoft 3 pack no NFO or SFV - Stinger818.
2005-12-24 - Upload enabled by natefrog.
2005-12-24 - giving him a chance to redem himself - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - Upload disabled by natefrog.
2005-12-23 - disabling uploads as he still hasn't returned to seed X-ripper-pack-platinum - natefrog.
2005-12-23 - pm'd about seeding his upload X-ripper-pack-platinum, told him that further instances of this will result in upload being disabled - natefrog.
2005-12-22 - Warned for 2 weeks by drizztrmb.
Reason: multiple warnings on keygen/crack issues..pm sent
2005-09-16 - Warned for 1 week by Goliath2k.
Reason: Requested Serial/Crack in the Fourms For Nero 7....No requesting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums. .. 1 week warning

All i see is you have a very very hard time reading the rules and faqs. Mircosoft has been banned on our site from day one.

Maybe the next time you get a chance to sign up or get invited you will read the rules this time.

But i will take you off the cheaters list as your right you did not cheat. Your problem was that you just never read the rules.


Thank you for the reply. Very nice of you ( I mean it ) I didn't even remember those warnings It was when I first started to upload things and didn't have a good handle on it. WB was my very first Private Tracker, those upload problems happend only a few weeks in. I am sorry for those things really I am. I do however remember asking for help from the admin there about uploading. I have got it down now before the jokes start. As far as not re-seeding. The cable company was doing work in my area and my connection was sketchy at best for a few months then. Needless to say I haven't had any infractions since 2005-12-31 ! Thats almost a year now. I swear I didn't argue or catch an attitude and I was banned. Honestly now that doesn't seem harsh to you? I love that site I was actually going to donate ( I NEVER DONATE IM BROKE ) about 2 weeks ago. Again Thanks for your time. Also I appreciate all the support I have had here you guys are awesome thanks

If you would have just pmed the mod that took away your rights you would have still been a memember. When we take away some ones rights we send them a pm say what they did wrong and sometimes tell you how to fixs the problem. But you tryed to go over him and go to an admin, and when the admin seen this was your 4th or 5th strike they both talked it over and thought it was time for you to find a new home.

Now you can try and get re-invited and keep clean or wait for open signups or you can search for a new home. And yes i will tell there are alot of GOOD private trackers out there. I will also say that i think its good for everyone to be members on many sites as not 1 tracker has everything you are looking for.


10-04-2006, 01:14 PM
Hi porkchop?

What do you mean with the above msg?

You say we can not win, YES we can we just dont "DONATE" to there site lets see how long thay last when that have to pay for everything on there own.

The post wildbytes posted seem to have been made up, Maybe thay dont want people to think thay are twats or thay think by making some crap up will make them look good? Who knows.

I am still backing Elated up has i have seen more truth off him then the wildbytes (Gods) staff.

I mean shows you how thay think thay are gods when you go to there site with that msg thay have left for people to see (Nothing here to see. Now Get Lost.), Ya thay get lost too twats.

I have better things to do then come here and make that shit up. First off if you even ask the user he will tell you him self he was warned more then once on wb.

If we were such a bad site then why do we get hammered ever where we go asking for invites. We have fast pre times and we have a group of good uploaders, with alot of hard to find stuff.

I think its funny how you guys cant stop talking about us.


Hi Wildbytes?

You might get a lot of people asking you for invites, But then thay join torrents sites like (TD/TL) and so on, After that thay dont rush running for invites then?

I for one dont what to join your site, I will stick with the other ones i am with.

If you have better things to do then come here why do you reply, If you are not in any wrong why would you care what anyone says?

By the way Elated as said he was wrong, He said he should not have uploaded microsoft files. What the hell do you think you are doing there selling software "NO" you are giving people access to downloadble files so why should you care what is uploaded? Unless you are scared of microsoft that is.

Elated Take care.. mate

10-04-2006, 04:21 PM

10-04-2006, 04:35 PM
God is donating the issue here? Every site has that option. You are right dont donate? I have seen sights where they say donate or else go bye bye. And you are right I hate those type of sites. But I rather have private sites over public sites. Each private site has rules, if they didnt have rules they might as well just be like Torrent Spy where torrents are slow, fake files with viruses and spyware.

I am sorry but your arguement is flawed. If they dont want to have Microsoft on their tracker then its their server, their tracker. Dont like how they operate then go else where. Why still argue about them, seems like you care bout them more then arguing

10-04-2006, 08:20 PM
God is donating the issue here? Every site has that option. You are right dont donate? I have seen sights where they say donate or else go bye bye. And you are right I hate those type of sites. But I rather have private sites over public sites. Each private site has rules, if they didnt have rules they might as well just be like Torrent Spy where torrents are slow, fake files with viruses and spyware.

I am sorry but your arguement is flawed. If they dont want to have Microsoft on their tracker then its their server, their tracker. Dont like how they operate then go else where. Why still argue about them, seems like you care bout them more then arguing

Did you even read the bit about me "NOT" wanting to join there site?

All your post is flawed you say we can not win but its simple we can and not only by not donateing we can also simple stop going there?, It simple who the frick whats to be a member of a site that bans you for uploading a microsoft programme then try and blame the person, From what i have read thay treat a lot of there members bad.?

I do agree with you about the rules but there rules is so fricking dumb and everyone knows it.

Why do i argue with them? Simple I "DONT" like the way thay treat a good guy like Elated, Also i have the rights too its up to me, If thay what to argue then thats up to them i dont really care.

By the way i dont give a flying fu?k about them at all, If Wild-Bytes was even one bit good he would have rejoined Elated as it simple to see it was a mistake but he tells Elated he as to wait till someone invites him or sigh ups are reopened? That just shows that he care more for what wrongs his staff do then the member who "KEEP" the site online.

10-04-2006, 08:21 PM
Can someone please lock this thread?

10-04-2006, 09:29 PM
God is donating the issue here? Every site has that option. You are right dont donate? I have seen sights where they say donate or else go bye bye. And you are right I hate those type of sites. But I rather have private sites over public sites. Each private site has rules, if they didnt have rules they might as well just be like Torrent Spy where torrents are slow, fake files with viruses and spyware.

I am sorry but your arguement is flawed. If they dont want to have Microsoft on their tracker then its their server, their tracker. Dont like how they operate then go else where. Why still argue about them, seems like you care bout them more then arguing

Did you even read the bit about me "NOT" wanting to join there site?

All your post is flawed you say we can not win but its simple we can and not only by not donateing we can also simple stop going there?, It simple who the frick whats to be a member of a site that bans you for uploading a microsoft programme then try and blame the person, From what i have read thay treat a lot of there members bad.?

I do agree with you about the rules but there rules is so fricking dumb and everyone knows it.

Why do i argue with them? Simple I "DONT" like the way thay treat a good guy like Elated, Also i have the rights too its up to me, If thay what to argue then thats up to them i dont really care.

By the way i dont give a flying fu?k about them at all, If Wild-Bytes was even one bit good he would have rejoined Elated as it simple to see it was a mistake but he tells Elated he as to wait till someone invites him or sigh ups are reopened? That just shows that he care more for what wrongs his staff do then the member who "KEEP" the site online.

Wow you just cant drop anything can you ;)

First off the member screwed up not once not twice not just 3 times but yes 4 times. So there was no Screw up by staff, so no reason to give him a new account. If the staff screwed up and i agreed with it i would have given him a new account.

So grow up drop it and move on.


10-05-2006, 12:28 AM
Okay yes I did screwup 4x almost a year ago since then nothing... I was a N00b we were all n00bs @ one point. Don't forget where you came from right!? . I did PM the Admin and the mod. I DID NOT try to go over anyones head at ALL. I stated that in the PM I sent to the admin . All I was asking is can he do this or do you think this is fair. As a friend not as admin. Also why would you have given me a new acct? If the staff screwed up how is it still my fault? Why should I lose my hard earned acct of a staff over-reaction?

10-05-2006, 12:29 AM
Oh and please don't lock this thread. I have recieved many invites to wb ( THANKS TO ALL ) I am pretty sure my IP is blocked I havent checked. yeah okay I have checked using HideIP and sure I can access the site then but otherwise I get

You are BANNED

You are banned from this site.
This has to do with your behavoir or your share ratio
Ask the crew if you want an explanation.
If this ban is in error please try http://www.wild-bytes.org

So what am I going to do use HideIP everytime I want to go to that site??

10-05-2006, 04:52 AM
i don`t understand you.
i`m not saying that you are right, and i`m not saying that w-b are right.
but what the hell, when i upload and dedicate my upload speed to some tracker and it`s users, i make some "buffer" for future downloads , and after that they ban me for any good or any bad reason, i won`t join the site again.

10-05-2006, 05:00 AM
So what am I going to do use HideIP everytime I want to go to that site??

Just use another tracker.

10-05-2006, 09:01 AM
Hi Elated.

Mate i know you must be mad and i see your point, But mate i have to agree with some of the others just use a another tracker mate.

There site is not the only one mate its not worth lowering yourself by rejoining a site that banned you then blocked your IP.

Ps wildbytes i will drop it as i have said what i wanted to say and not because you told me too you "DONT" control me?

Elated just never go back to there site again mate:)

10-05-2006, 11:21 AM
ya... wtf u want to go to that site again unless u really were responsible for getting banned .........

10-05-2006, 11:47 AM
Grow up man..... You fucked up, got caught now stop whinning about it........LOCK THIS THREAD IT'S USELESS...

10-06-2006, 12:54 AM
Schism if you read wildbytes post it said

"Now you can try and get re-invited and keep clean or wait for open signups or you can search for a new home. And yes i will tell there are alot of GOOD private trackers out there. I will also say that i think its good for everyone to be members on many sites as not 1 tracker has everything you are looking for.


but my IP is banned so I cannot I just was curious how I would go about using the site

10-06-2006, 01:18 AM
Schism if you read wildbytes post it said

"Now you can try and get re-invited and keep clean or wait for open signups or you can search for a new home. And yes i will tell there are alot of GOOD private trackers out there. I will also say that i think its good for everyone to be members on many sites as not 1 tracker has everything you are looking for.


but my IP is banned so I cannot I just was curious how I would go about using the site

OMFG , why would you , why ? :blink:
can`t they ban you again for nothing ? or for uploading something wrong again ?
or you just love to get banned and want to feel that again ?

10-06-2006, 01:53 AM
no no I am not going back there screw em I just wanted to know

10-06-2006, 02:16 AM
what do you want to know, what ?
they deleted your account and banned your IP, don`t you understand ?
your ip can be unbanned, you just have to aks very very nicely wildbytes to unban your ip , don`t you understand ? or come to wb`s irc and ask very very very nicely there, and maybe your ip will be unbanned, but why, why do you need it ?

10-06-2006, 02:56 AM
He's just kicking a dead horse.

10-06-2006, 07:44 AM
Hi Elated:)

elated theres ways around the IP-bans but mate why do you even care if thay unban you or not? You have to understand thay dont want you there so just dont bother with them.

You have to agree with some of the members here when thay say just "let it go", If you carry on with this you will end up turning people on Wild Bytes side and then thay have won.

I now you are very mad about it mate, But think of it this way at least you dont have to put up with there bullsh!t rules anymore:)

Take care elated.

10-06-2006, 09:47 PM
You are all right sorry to drag it out. For a while I did want back in but I have realized they suck and screw 'em.

jaqozo I hope it never happens to you. But if it does I will be right there with the same smart ass coments and sudo-witty retorts. I imagine you to be a small person without the ability to have any power without it going to your head. With that have a very very very nice day

10-08-2006, 04:58 AM
Ok. starters.. i was the one that sent that mass pm NOT to pm me. I had my family to take care of and they come 1st. i didn't want users to pm me and wait on me getting back to them, when i wouldn't be there.

i'm one of the most hard ass staff you will find when it comes to Wb. I will not take shit off anyone. But i do listen to user's, i don't jump the gun Nor take sides or play favorites. Ask the people that i banned that had me on msn when they crossed the line.

you want to complain about the staff here.. go over to pisexy and see how anal they are and full of shit. and yea.. there are other trackers out there.. all have their own niche for things. you think i only use Wb? no. cause each tracker has things another don't. it's like shopping.

3rd. Pariah, had been warned enough. And the M$ rule has been there from day one. We don't allow M$ cause we don't need their attention as well. any site to allow it takes the chance of more eye's on them. something no site needs.

when rules are changed or updated.. there is usually a MASS PM sent out about the changes. i know. cause im the one that usually updates them when agreed upon by staff. if not someone will do it.
If users ignore the mass pm that is sent out, then they have no one to blame BUT their self for not reading it.

he's on irc now asking to be let back in. he's ip is banned. nothing i can do about it. it's in the db i don't have access to the db to remove it, even thou i am a sysop.

and it's just not up to me to do it. i'm not stepping on another staff toes that did the ban. it's up to them to make the decison unless it seems unfair to the user and that user was singled out which is not the case here.

i see alot of you saying how we suck etc. Well like any site. You either love or hate them. Most that hate us are
A: jealous of the popularity and success of the site
B: got banned for cheating or being stupid on the site. And are pissed they got out smarted.

and as for this
Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!

this would pretain to things like flaming, making racial remarks, etc. not don't post anything that has the letter "I" in it for example.

but when i logged in to make this post. i had 20 damn pm's about getting unbanned. we must suck that bad that people will do almost anything to get back on.

10-08-2006, 05:23 PM
Ok. starters.. i was the one that sent that mass pm NOT to pm me. I had my family to take care of and they come 1st. i didn't want users to pm me and wait on me getting back to them, when i wouldn't be there.

i'm one of the most hard ass staff you will find when it comes to Wb. I will not take shit off anyone. But i do listen to user's, i don't jump the gun Nor take sides or play favorites. Ask the people that i banned that had me on msn when they crossed the line.

you want to complain about the staff here.. go over to pisexy and see how anal they are and full of shit. and yea.. there are other trackers out there.. all have their own niche for things. you think i only use Wb? no. cause each tracker has things another don't. it's like shopping.

3rd. Pariah, had been warned enough. And the M$ rule has been there from day one. We don't allow M$ cause we don't need their attention as well. any site to allow it takes the chance of more eye's on them. something no site needs.

when rules are changed or updated.. there is usually a MASS PM sent out about the changes. i know. cause im the one that usually updates them when agreed upon by staff. if not someone will do it.
If users ignore the mass pm that is sent out, then they have no one to blame BUT their self for not reading it.

he's on irc now asking to be let back in. he's ip is banned. nothing i can do about it. it's in the db i don't have access to the db to remove it, even thou i am a sysop.

and it's just not up to me to do it. i'm not stepping on another staff toes that did the ban. it's up to them to make the decison unless it seems unfair to the user and that user was singled out which is not the case here.

i see alot of you saying how we suck etc. Well like any site. You either love or hate them. Most that hate us are
A: jealous of the popularity and success of the site
B: got banned for cheating or being stupid on the site. And are pissed they got out smarted.

and as for this
Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!

this would pretain to things like flaming, making racial remarks, etc. not don't post anything that has the letter "I" in it for example.

but when i logged in to make this post. i had 20 damn pm's about getting unbanned. we must suck that bad that people will do almost anything to get back on.

hehehe, All that cr?p was funny as hell.

This thread was almost forgotten then a jackass like you comes here and restarts it all over again :shutup:

Your talking about being one hard ass staff, Who the f?ck cares if you am or if your not.

I dont give a rats ass what type of staff hard ass you ment to be, Like we ask elated just god dam drop it for fu?ks sake. :angry:

And i hate your site and "NO" i have "NEVER" been a member of your site and the way you have treated people i dont what to. (Come to think of it i was a tiny bit starting to like your staff then you come here trying to be a hard-ass)

So you get 20 "PMs" asking you to unban them is that all? How meny members do you have? And who the hell cares..

Just one thing if your a sysop and you say you can not unban someone? then how the hell is the staff below you ment too.

Ps elated i am still on your side take care mate:)

Know for gods sake drop it, Your only making your staff look bad..

10-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Oh for the love of god this thread makes 8 pages? Wow thats a new low for humanity

10-08-2006, 07:20 PM
well not everyone has access to the Db... and that's where the ip is banned.. in the ip tables. less people that have access to the db. less chance of someone screwing up.


you try so much to sound like a somebody around here.. when you're really not just long winded and full of hot air. why don't you try and do something productive with your time here.being quiet would be a good start and only speak when you have something useful to say.

If you don't like something.. don't read it, or look at it.. you're the one that clicked the thread and came into it..

So you get 20 "PMs" asking you to unban them is that all? How meny members do you have? And who the hell cares..

REGISTEREDUSERS 13,209 to answer your question. and alot of people care.. since people beg for invites or want to be unbanned.

10-08-2006, 07:34 PM
First off I would like to point out that Wild-Bytes is not for everyone. Yes we have very strict rules and when users break them over and over again we will and do bann people for this. Now Wild-bytes has no plans to ever be a very large site. We would rather have 10,000 good to great members than 50,000 ok to bad members. So yes we do weed out all the bad apples when we can.

Now some of the people here are used to how other sites are run and when they go to a different tracker with different rules they seem to want to bitch, as in "so and so site(s)" lets us do this and we can see this, and so forth. Remember every site is different and the rules are different from site to site, so why bitch and moan about it? If you dont like their rules leave, as no forced you to join and no one is forcing you to stay

If you guys think running a tracker is easy then maybe you guys should try it. Find a host that are ok with having a torrent tracker on their network, take the risk of many different companys and countrys trying to come after you for what ever reason, fix and update code(s) constantly to stop hackers and make the site run smooth for allthe good members, Find good trusted people to help you run the site, find good uploaders..

Only reason this thread was brought back up was because the user was in our irc network asking to be unbanned and said he was sorry and that he just said them things because he was pissed off. So before Go|iath2k did anything he asked around and a staff member point out this thread so he read it, now if the user never came to IRC asking another staff member to be unbanned this would have never been brought back.

So Gordy the only person in this thread that sounds Stupid and that has no clue is yourself.... But please feel free to keep talking about us as it helps our site. Cant beleave all the people sending me pms on here asking for invites and its all thanks to you.

Now Elated if you would like to Get back into Wild-Bytes, then you will need to make a new post stating that what you said is not really what you ment and i will think about giving you another chance.


10-08-2006, 09:20 PM
So Gordy the only person in this thread that sounds Stupid and that has no clue is yourself.... But please feel free to keep talking about us as it helps our site. Cant beleave all the people sending me pms on here asking for invites and its all thanks to you.

hehehe thanks even more funny then the cr?p your other staff member said :whistling

Ya theres load of people wanting invites, Really? well go to the url below then tell me the samething.


I have just looked at some of the posts and i dont see anyone asking for invites? Now maybe your staff might be the only ones who give invites out and if that the case "WHY".

Just because you get ask for invites do's not mean anything at all, If you make a site invite only then people will what to join it because thay think its the most sort after site, Why dont you open to sigh-ups and lets see how meny people join and stay then.

I remember when TL was open to sigh-ups people joined in the 100s know thay are invite only 1000s of people what to join, Its like if a film is banned everyone wants it & when its get unbanned not meny people give a sh?t about it.

Why dont you show us all the socalled "PMs" or "Emails" anyone can say i get loads of people asking for invite just prove it..

And the only ones sounding stupid is you lot and you know it..

Ps elated dont go back mate, Just think how thay treated you then tell them where to go:)

Why do's elated have to do another post saying its not really what he ment? So in other word you want elated to say he was lieing all the time? Why do you care what he said? I mean 100s of people are asking for invites so why do you want elated to come back? His really made people think bad of your site you know it. Shame well aleast you can get you members over 12000 again by inviteing all the people who wanted invites. lol

Know if any of you at Wild Bytes as any brains you will just let it go, If not then feel free to look like a bunch of twats its up to you?

10-08-2006, 09:31 PM
well not everyone has access to the Db... and that's where the ip is banned.. in the ip tables. less people that have access to the db. less chance of someone screwing up.


you try so much to sound like a somebody around here.. when you're really not just long winded and full of hot air. why don't you try and do something productive with your time here.being quiet would be a good start and only speak when you have something useful to say.

If you don't like something.. don't read it, or look at it.. you're the one that clicked the thread and came into it..

So you get 20 "PMs" asking you to unban them is that all? How meny members do you have? And who the hell cares..

REGISTEREDUSERS 13,209 to answer your question. and alot of people care.. since people beg for invites or want to be unbanned.

13,209 members? Prove it?

Stop talking alot of crap, Well knob i never once said i run a torrent, Do you even bother reading the post? Or do you think your so bad-ass that you dont need too.

Just open up your site and let people see all the socalled 13,209 members and prove me wrong :rolleyes:

And even if you do/did have 13,209 members why the hell is there only a few people seeding, Dont you think with that meny members you would have more seeders? You might have 1000s of members but not meny of them seem to seed. So that shows how much thay like your site.. :rolleyes:

Know for fu?ks sake :shutup: or prove what you are saying..

10-08-2006, 09:47 PM
well not everyone has access to the Db... and that's where the ip is banned.. in the ip tables. less people that have access to the db. less chance of someone screwing up.


you try so much to sound like a somebody around here.. when you're really not just long winded and full of hot air. why don't you try and do something productive with your time here.being quiet would be a good start and only speak when you have something useful to say.

If you don't like something.. don't read it, or look at it.. you're the one that clicked the thread and came into it..

So you get 20 "PMs" asking you to unban them is that all? How meny members do you have? And who the hell cares..

REGISTEREDUSERS 13,209 to answer your question. and alot of people care.. since people beg for invites or want to be unbanned.

13,209 members? Prove it?

Stop talking alot of crap, Well knob i never once said i run a torrent, Do you even bother reading the post? Or do you think your so bad-ass that you dont need too.

Just open up your site and let people see all the socalled 13,209 members and prove me wrong :rolleyes:

And even if you do/did have 13,209 members why the hell is there only a few people seeding, Dont you think with that meny members you would have more seeders? You might have 1000s of members but not meny of them seem to seed. So that shows how much thay like your site.. :rolleyes:

Know for fu?ks sake :shutup: or prove what you are saying..

Well as of right now we have over 12,000 members. As of 3 months ago we had over 17,000 members. But as many on our site know we been cleaning house on bad users and crappy ratios. We also have over 1600 torrents with over 13,000 active peers. Maybe someone will take a screen shoot for you.

Why not open it up for sign ups well its simple we are a private site and might be taking away invites here before the first of the year. Like i said 10,000 great members is better then 50,000 ok members.

Once again you speak and open your pie hole with out ever knowning the facts.;)


10-08-2006, 09:51 PM
gordy.. try usuing a spell checker once in awhile.
it's hard to decypher what the hell your saying. and you're 36 according to your profile.. i'm guessing that's your IQ?

Just because you get ask for invites do's not mean . what the hell is a do's?

sigh-ups ??? sign ups?

joined in the 100s know thay are invite only 1000s of people what to join
now? They? Want?

36 may be to high.

10-08-2006, 10:01 PM
gordy.. try usuing a spell checker once in awhile.
it's hard to decypher what the hell your saying. and you're 36 according to your profile.. i'm guessing that's your IQ?

Just because you get ask for invites do's not mean . what the hell is a do's?

sigh-ups ??? sign ups?

joined in the 100s know thay are invite only 1000s of people what to join
now? They? Want?

36 may be to high.

My god, Dont you ever shut the f?ck up?

Just prove what i said, You talk about being asked for invites all the time so why dont you show us some proof?

You can carry on talking sh?t no one cares what the hell you think.

Yes the only thing i agree with is my spelling its not the best, And f?ck face i am not 36. My brain IQ may be 36, But thats still 35 more then your di?khead.

Know for the "LAST" time prove what you are saying or shut the f?ck up..

10-08-2006, 10:07 PM
Jesus Christ who cares. Its their site. Not yours. Make your own and run it the way you want. Keep talking like this and you are making yourself and Elated so wrong and stupid for even making this post. 8 pages of useless crap, knowing how they operate I would actually like a invite there. If they keep stupid and whiners out.

Jesus just move on

10-08-2006, 10:09 PM
no one cares what i think but you so it seems... you're the one who keep's replying...

you go this set to email you on a reply? you must. didnt take long for you to reply

10-08-2006, 10:10 PM
Wow 9 pages now. I have lost faith in people

10-08-2006, 10:11 PM
13,209 members? Prove it?

Stop talking alot of crap, Well knob i never once said i run a torrent, Do you even bother reading the post? Or do you think your so bad-ass that you dont need too.

Just open up your site and let people see all the socalled 13,209 members and prove me wrong :rolleyes:

And even if you do/did have 13,209 members why the hell is there only a few people seeding, Dont you think with that meny members you would have more seeders? You might have 1000s of members but not meny of them seem to seed. So that shows how much thay like your site.. :rolleyes:

Know for fu?ks sake :shutup: or prove what you are saying..

Well as of right now we have over 12,000 members. As of 3 months ago we had over 17,000 members. But as many on our site know we been cleaning house on bad users and crappy ratios. We also have over 1600 torrents with over 13,000 active peers. Maybe someone will take a screen shoot for you.

Why not open it up for sign ups well its simple we are a private site and might be taking away invites here before the first of the year. Like i said 10,000 great members is better then 50,000 ok members.

Once again you speak and open your pie hole with out ever knowning the facts.;)



Why dont you send me a screenshot, That way i know its not fake? Just "PM" me and i will send you my email address.:)

By the way the only facts i know is what your other staff said, And i dont agree 10.000 members is not better then 50.000 the more members the more seeders.

But atleast your nicer then that j?ckass twat you call goliath2k..

10-08-2006, 10:12 PM
i'm plenty nice.
you just don't deserve it.

10-08-2006, 10:14 PM
no one cares what i think but you so it seems... you're the one who keep's replying...

you go this set to email you on a reply? you must. didnt take long for you to reply

Sorry, I dont understand what the hell you just said?

10-08-2006, 10:17 PM
Wow 9 pages now. I have lost faith in people

Sorry, If this is doing your head in, But its simple dont read it.

10-08-2006, 10:17 PM
don't surprise me. it's typed in English. something you don't know how to speak... hmm.. say's you're from the UK.. didn't english orginate from there?

want an invite.. ill give you one. you can look around all you want.
you should come to our irc.. you're the talk in there right now.

10-08-2006, 10:18 PM
This rate we will hit 10 pages. Yay for stupid people

10-08-2006, 10:18 PM
i'm plenty nice.
you just don't deserve it.

don't deserve it? A screenshot? why not its only a screenshot.

Ps i "DONT" want a invite, I only what a screenshot. Is that really hard to understand?

If you want to send a screenshot send one & prove me wrong if not thats fine.

I am now dropping this i have said what i wanted to say.

wildbytes is not really a bad person he seems really nice, I just hope the other staff is just as nice.

Now dropping it, Take care. everyone. yes that means you too goliath2k:)

10-08-2006, 10:21 PM
no i mean being nice to you.
i can give you one. i just choose not to.

10-08-2006, 10:24 PM
10 pages. Any bets for 11 pages?

10-08-2006, 10:26 PM
Well here is a screenshot...I promised to not look at this thread after it had reached 6 pages, but at 10 pages- I had to see what was going on. Maybe this will satisfy some people and we can put the matter to rest.


10-08-2006, 10:28 PM
this thread go to rest. Yea I doubt that.

10-08-2006, 10:29 PM
your ss is coming.. wildbytes should be posting it here in a few

10-08-2006, 10:30 PM

10-08-2006, 10:32 PM
he wants a ss of the stats. not the torrents :)

10-08-2006, 10:33 PM
this thread go to rest. Yea I doubt that.

Well porkchop it will if thay let it drop, I am not bothered with what thay say.

I am letting it drop because i have other things to do in my life.

10-08-2006, 10:34 PM
I have Jaqozos IP now...lucky me...:(

10-08-2006, 10:35 PM
well here goes it


10-08-2006, 10:35 PM
maybe he will shut up then, i doubt that too

10-08-2006, 10:35 PM
I have Jaqozos IP now...lucky me...:(

i`ve reconnected lol
i have a dynamic one

10-08-2006, 10:39 PM
well here goes it


Hi wildbytes.

why is it that you have over 11.000 seeder but most of your torrents only have 5/10 seeder? You really need to get rid of the other lazy seeder.

10-08-2006, 10:42 PM
well here goes it


Hi wildbytes.

why is it that you have over 11.000 seeder but most of your torrents only have 5/10 seeder? You really need to get rid of the other lazy seeder.

Yo really have no clue do you. I think you need to start up a tracker so maybe just maybe you will understand how things work.:rolleyes: What a fucking Dumbass.......


10-08-2006, 10:42 PM
maybe he will shut up then, i doubt that too

If you dont like reading the post then why dont you just piss off its really doing your head in why the fu?k do you stay and read?

10-08-2006, 10:46 PM
Hi wildbytes.

why is it that you have over 11.000 seeder but most of your torrents only have 5/10 seeder? You really need to get rid of the other lazy seeder.

Yo really have no clue do you. I think you need to start up a tracker so maybe just maybe you will understand how things work.:rolleyes: What a fucking Dumbass.......


Was there any need to talk like that wheni was only asking.

Ya i understand fucking twat, You have load of members but thay dont like seeding on your site.

10-08-2006, 10:47 PM
hmm.. didn't i say that same thing like 2 pages ago to you

10-08-2006, 10:52 PM
cause its funny reading bout the whiners and cry babies that get banned from a site or dont like how a site is run. Make your tracker then you can have your own rules till then. You are making yourself look really stupid and making Wild-Bytes staff look right for what they did to some user who cant let go

anyone have bets on page 12?

10-08-2006, 10:52 PM
hmm.. didn't i say that same thing like 2 pages ago to you

When? You only told me about all the people who wanted invites, You might have said something but with all the stuff what was said i can not remember.

10-08-2006, 10:53 PM
porkchop.. i'll take you on that bet. lol

10-08-2006, 10:55 PM
Guys Guys. Look I do want back in. I NEVER LIE about anything! EVER! I want back in to Wb I really do. I like the site I have a history there. This is kind of like having a fight with a girlfriend. You make up after a while and you say you were wrong. I was wrong and I should have read the rules recently. It says in the rules as of aug 1st ( I think ) no more M$ products except for Xbox... I have said I was wrong from day 1 I also said I feel I was treated unjustly. Either way I am sorry for starting this whole big 5hit with everyone. BTW Goliath2k is a cool dude...really he was one of the few @ WB that listened to my situation and tried to help me after the fact also Wild the owner of the site deserves a mention. I didn't mean to slam the site, I meant to slam the person or persons that banned me. I feel it was a over-reaction on their part. As I understand it Ithey say I ignored a PM from staff. I assure all members here and there I did not. I simply didn't get the PM. I want to thank the members here for their suport and help with this. Also Goliath2k and Wild for being good enough to get to the bottom of things here. Thanks all for your time


10-08-2006, 10:55 PM
Yeah lets make a page 12 just for the fun of it :)

10-08-2006, 10:56 PM
lol.. goliath2k`s location

10-08-2006, 10:57 PM
cause its funny reading bout the whiners and cry babies that get banned from a site or dont like how a site is run. Make your tracker then you can have your own rules till then. You are making yourself look really stupid and making Wild-Bytes staff look right for what they did to some user who cant let go

anyone have bets on page 12?

Who got banned me? I have "never" been a member of there site and i dont what too. Go back a few pages and read you will see that i have tryed to drop this on at least 5 post, But then thay say something to restart it.


10-08-2006, 10:58 PM
Then stop posting Gordy and G's Gordy's new dad :)

10-08-2006, 11:01 PM
Guys let all stop arguing here thanks gordy for the support

10-08-2006, 11:03 PM
omg gordy is no longer watching the thread.. NO COME BACK!.. i need more time to kill.

10-08-2006, 11:04 PM
I never said it was you that got banned, but you want to argue with the staff and in the end whatever the point of this thread was. Which didnt accomplish its goal in 12 pages is over. You are making them look better and the arguement aganist them foolish. ~yawn~ thanx for the entertainment

10-08-2006, 11:06 PM
guys gordy is cool too he just feels strongly about this

10-08-2006, 11:07 PM
omg gordy is no longer watching the thread.. NO COME BACK!.. i need more time to kill.

Well after shagging your dog you must have sometime lelf, Next time try and last abit longer.

10-08-2006, 11:09 PM
guys gordy is cool too he just feels strongly about this

Hi mate:)

Its cool if you rejoin there site, Its up to you mate but dont let them treat you bad when you rejoin mate:)

10-08-2006, 11:11 PM
I think the whole thing was a HUGE misunderstanding. I don't have a prob with the site I is a pretty good one. Dude your awesome and thanks for getting my back

10-08-2006, 11:14 PM
Guys I gotta go and give my kid a bath someone please PM me and let me know what happened here check back soon

10-08-2006, 11:15 PM
Yay Gordy's back... Gordy its not nice to call your mom a dog ;/

10-08-2006, 11:15 PM
I think the whole thing was a HUGE misunderstanding. I don't have a prob with the site I is a pretty good one. Dude your awesome and thanks for getting my back

Hi mate:)

I am happy to help mate:)

Take care mate:)

I am off to download some torrents from some very good sites with loads of seeder, Seeya again mate:)

10-08-2006, 11:19 PM
Yay Gordy's back... Gordy its not nice to call your mog a dog ;/

Well i dont mind, I mean if he wants to bang my mom he can shes 60years old, If he into that fine. I will ask him if he wants my granny too. :lol:

10-08-2006, 11:42 PM
not really into that. I'll stay with my G.f. thanks. she's much hotter.

10-09-2006, 01:43 PM
please if any body can help me , invite for wildbyte
my email :: [email protected]

Very Thanks

10-09-2006, 01:55 PM
Just read the rules...again...:(

10-10-2006, 05:15 PM
why would someone want to read the rules?

and cablebob rules!!!

12-13-2006, 09:13 PM
I agree that nazibytes is indeed run by fags. I remember when these assholes basically banned every client but utorrent. So rightfully so people complained and with good reason. I for one could never get utorrent to work but azureus worked fine. Why should I be punished bc these homos cant afford good computers. I didnt see a need change my client because some people cheat and others have crap computers so I left. One at an other torrent site people were complaining that got banned for no reason WB and then put on there wall of shame. How fucken childish is that. I can wait till these bastards figure out utorrent was brought out by Bittorrrent Inc which is own by the MPAA. What you going to ban that 2 u fucken fags. I hope that site get raided by the feds.

Dr. Lecter
12-13-2006, 09:21 PM
jdno7 - do u know 2 read dates ??? :D :D
this thread is 2 months old since the last post.

12-16-2006, 06:41 PM
Hey lec whats up man, What do you want he has 2 posts Prob trying to get 5 posts or something. Still he should read dates

06-23-2007, 06:59 AM

I am an old user of wild-bytes. I used to use it when I had broadband in europe in 2005. My login id is nanji. I discontinued using it when I left europe. I had not used it for more than a year now. Now when I try to login it says my id does not exist. My share ratio was also decent when I last used it. I have a very good broadband connection now. Kindly can any one help me get my login back?..I would really appreciate it.


06-23-2007, 07:02 AM

I am an old user of wild-bytes. I used to use it when I had broadband in europe in 2005. My login id is nanji. I discontinued using it when I left europe. I had not used it for more than a year now. Now when I try to login it says my id does not exist. My share ratio was also decent when I last used it. I have a very good broadband connection now. Kindly can any one help me get my login back?..I would really appreciate it.


If you have not used the account in "more than a year", it would have been deleted for inactivity.

06-23-2007, 07:04 AM

I am an old user of wild-bytes. I used to use it when I had broadband in europe in 2005. My login id is nanji. I discontinued using it when I left europe. I had not used it for more than a year now. Now when I try to login it says my id does not exist. My share ratio was also decent when I last used it. I have a very good broadband connection now. Kindly can any one help me get my login back?..I would really appreciate it.


Good luck but I'm afraid the truth is that they don't usually reactivate inactive accounts (maybe because it gets pruned/deleted from the system once it's tagged inactive).

06-23-2007, 07:10 AM
Is there anyway, I can get a a user login for wild-bytes....pleeeeezzzz?


03-20-2008, 10:19 AM
Can anyone help with my logon for wild-bytes, password recovery e-mails not getting to my inbox ( aol address )