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10-01-2006, 12:20 AM
Hello can someone name all the E-Learning Sites?
i am missing one site it starts with a E or it looks like this elibitz? i cant remember it i googled it nothing came up with the name elibitz
do anyone have a clue what the elibitz web site address is

10-01-2006, 12:24 AM
We were hacked and all our torrent files were deleted. We are now working on the site which will be down for 1 day. The main page, shoutbox, forums, IRC will all be available till then. In this darkest hour, we expect our users to stay with us and help us get back on the track. Thank you.

-= ElbitZ team =-


sad thing

10-01-2006, 12:39 AM
wow i was going crazy because i had a system crash and lost everything then i remember the name right..thankyou i hope everything will get better that sucks about being hacked...but what comes around goes around they will be getting theres!
thanX my friend erax
pm me when you are up and running :)

10-01-2006, 12:55 AM
We were hacked and all our torrent files were deleted. We are now working on the site which will be down for 1 day. The main page, shoutbox, forums, IRC will all be available till then. In this darkest hour, we expect our users to stay with us and help us get back on the track. Thank you.

-= ElbitZ team =-

lol , another crappo site with n00b admins that don`t know what`s a php code.
they must burn in hell , morons

i think that if you don`t know how to defend your site and your users , and if you don`t respect your users in any way - then don`t open a site and don`t fucking ask for donations. all sites with n00b staff must die. long live oink and fsc

10-01-2006, 01:01 AM
wow i was going crazy because i had a system crash and lost everything then i remember the name right..thankyou i hope everything will get better that sucks about being hacked...but what comes around goes around they will be getting theres!
thanX my friend erax
pm me when you are up and running :)

ok,allah willing

10-01-2006, 03:34 AM
i think that if you don`t know how to defend your site and your users , and if you don`t respect your users in any way - then don`t open a site and don`t fucking ask for donations. all sites with n00b staff must die. long live oink and fsc

All of your arguments are illogical:

1. Not every SysOp knows PHP to the bone. For example, on OiNK, the SysOps/Administrators are making changes to better the tracker everyday.
2. If a tracker was hacked, and the staff are working to get it back on track, that's not disrespect.
3. All trackers would cease to exist without donations from its users.
4. You're a n00b.
5. You're biasing trackers with better security as being better trackers, moron.

Hello can someone name all the E-Learning Sites?


There's more, I just don't know the name of them.

10-01-2006, 05:35 AM
as already said
and this (it is not a tracker but might help too)

10-01-2006, 10:05 AM
All of your arguments are illogical:

1. Not every SysOp knows PHP to the bone. For example, on OiNK, the SysOps/Administrators are making changes to better the tracker everyday.
2. If a tracker was hacked, and the staff are working to get it back on track, that's not disrespect.
3. All trackers would cease to exist without donations from its users.
4. You're a n00b.
5. You're biasing trackers with better security as being better trackers, moron.

Hello can someone name all the E-Learning Sites?


There's more, I just don't know the name of them.

the moron and the n00b is you, look at your title asshole.
if the tracker`s owners don`t update the tracker with patches, don`t even try to close well known security holes, don`t code anticheat scripts etc they don`t respect the users of the tracker, because , for example someone can hack the tracker by a security hole of one year old, and to take all the users passes and emails . and almost for sure that such a crappo tracker has no backups, so the hacker can de;ete all users stats, say you hgad 300 GB uploaded and 50 GB downloaded, and if you want (you must be an extreme asshole) to come back to the tracker - you must start from the beginning

10-01-2006, 10:31 AM
what's this doing in the invite section??:unsure:

10-01-2006, 11:03 AM
I don't think there's any need to call someone an asshole on the forums, we are all here to help each other. Yes I agree what is this doing in the invite section