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View Full Version : I want to improve my ratio before I get banned!

10-01-2006, 05:37 PM
Ok, I'm using Bittornado and I'm seeding two xvids atm. My upload rate is only 1 kb/s. One of the xvids has 21 seeds and 2 peers but my upload rate remains the same. My ratio is a measly 0.7 which is rubbish IMO and I can see myself getting banned asap!

What can I change to give everyone the fastest upload possible?

I have a SpeedTouch 5851 v6 router that might be causing the problems but I'm a n00b with things regarding firewalls and ports etc.. I can't exactly call my ISP and ask for help with this lol!

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...

10-01-2006, 05:40 PM
Well I think the problem might be that no one wants to download from you as there are plenty seeds and only 2 peers.

10-01-2006, 05:52 PM
But why can't I give out 500 kb/s so others can recieve their stuff faster? Thats my usual download speed (crappy I know)

10-01-2006, 05:52 PM
close your firewall , make sure you are Connectable.
and i think azureus and utorrent is better than bittornado (but not sure).

dl some hot torrent early.
first , you should know your max up/dl. for example mine: max up=56kB/s max dl=250kB/s

i dun think your 500kb is from 1 ppl.

10-01-2006, 05:55 PM
Is your connection that fast? Usually they are scewed to something like 5mbps/512kbps (which might be what you have if your max down rate is 500 kB/s). Only when you get to higher speeds (ie, 30mbps/30mbps or the awesome 100mbps/100mbps) will you be able to upload that fast.

10-01-2006, 06:05 PM
I'm not sure what I've got.. I went to Control Panel/ Network Connections/ Local Area Connection Status / General, and it shows that the speed is 100 Mbps.. I've turned off the firewall in Windows and on the router but their isn't any improvement. The upload speed is currently 5 kb/s and theres now 4 peers instead of 2 but that might be coincidence... idk.

What upload speeds do you guys give out?

10-01-2006, 06:09 PM
mine is alway max(56KB) , very slow.

i think you could ask your isp for max speed.

btw : are you showed connectable in your private site?

10-01-2006, 06:29 PM
121- take this speedtest:

Paste the results here, they come in a little box. This will determine your connection speeds and how fast you can theoretically upload/download.

10-01-2006, 06:55 PM
or http://www.speedtest.net and post the image code they give u

10-01-2006, 07:31 PM
121- take this speedtest:

Paste the results here, they come in a little box. This will determine your connection speeds and how fast you can theoretically upload/download.

This is what I got,

dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-10-01 15:25:28 EST:
329 / 457
Your download speed : 329 kbps or 41.1 KB/sec.
Your upload speed is much faster than down.. have you tweaked?

Your upload speed : 457 kbps or 57.1 KB/sec.

I can only get internet through a telephone line because I can't get cable internet at my current address. The phone line is downstairs and I have a 15 foot telephone extension cord running up to my PC upstairs... It's confusing because I can get 500 kb/s downloads (which is sad) but my upload to 'leechers?' is around 7kb/s atm..

10-01-2006, 07:37 PM
or http://www.speedtest.net and post the image code they give u

http://www.speedtest.net/result/48254349.png (http://www.speedtest.net)

10-01-2006, 07:58 PM
u have a very good speed try to download the newest torrents with the most leechers and seed them as long as u can

10-04-2006, 07:22 AM
http://www.speedtest.net/result/48775571.png (http://www.speedtest.net)

I get this now is this the normal upload speed for this download speed? And if not how can i improve it?

And i'm av uploads of 30kb/s

10-04-2006, 08:21 AM
If your ports aren't open, find out how to open them. And then forward them after that.

10-04-2006, 10:47 AM
Ok i think i figured out my router and how to do that...I think.

My port is 48000 is that ok?

Sorry but havent a clue and tried searching but made no head nor tail of it.