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10-04-2006, 11:50 AM
The professor had just related to his history class the event where an ancient runner had covered the 26 miles from the plains of Marathon to Troy to finally cry "Victory - Victory" and then fall dead from the run. Asking for comments, the class sat quietly until one student, a cross-country team member from the back of the room quietly asked - "did anybody get his time?"
Somehow we always think we are aging at a slower rate than everyone else, this was true of this older woman who is seeing a doctor for the first time.
She was taken into a room and told to “make herself comfortable.” While reading the doctor's diploma on the wall, she realizes that she went to high school with him many years ago.

The doctor enters the room; he is very gray, and slightly bent over from old age, and says “hello, how can I help you?”

The woman asks; “Did you attend Roosevelt High School?”

“Yes I did”, the doctor answered.

She asks: “Class of 49?” “Yes I was”, was the answered. The woman was delighted, and said: “You were in my class!”

The doctor responded: “What did you teach?”

10-06-2006, 01:03 AM
lol at first one cuz i wondered about that too.