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05-28-2011, 02:03 AM
Sorry I don't do anything for free.

Pop quiz, name five great prostitution movies and win a prize.

Belle de Jour, Midnight Cowboy,Klute ,Pretty Woman and Leaving Las Vegas .Butterfield 8 is stylized trash.My Private Idaho sometimes powerful but is only fair because of Keanu Reeves (Bonus point if you got the Speed reference though) .Whore is Ken Russell so an acquired taste and the only thing worse than Deuce Bigalow is Deuce Bigalow 2 or The Animal or basically anything else Rob Schneider has ever done.

05-28-2011, 03:47 AM
Any of De Niro's latest movies would qualify.

I could pay you in street cred.

05-28-2011, 01:23 PM
Thanks but I already have plenty . Word to your mother.

05-28-2011, 01:37 PM

05-29-2011, 09:12 AM
Drive Angry and Season of the Witch. Was in a Nic Cage kind of mood. Both were okay. Nothing too special. I knew what was going on in Drive Angry, I just didn't know why. Didn't make a lot of sense to me. I never really saw the preview before I watched it.

05-30-2011, 02:39 PM
Drive Angry and Season of the Witch. Was in a Nic Cage kind of mood.Suicidal? Both were okay. Nothing too special. I knew what was going on in Drive Angry, I just didn't know why. Didn't make a lot of sense to me. I never really saw the preview before I watched it.
A movie that requires a preview to make sense has failed in storytelling.
A movie that features Nic Cage has failed in good taste.
A Cage film that makes no sense is normal.

05-30-2011, 03:29 PM
Just watched Battle Los Angeles.An average movie.Nothing more than that.

05-30-2011, 05:28 PM
I'm watching Repo Man (1984). It is one of the best movie films I've seen today, and I have seen two.

A classic. Very much a child of the eighties, and slightly strange, but nonetheless I'm enjoying it.

A young Emilio Estevez portrays a somewhat aimless youth who becomes a repo man in a grimy city somewhere. Not sure if it's meant to be a vision of the future, or just some sort of commentary on contemporary America.

A mildly interesting premise at any rate. Tie in some some oddness about extraterrestials, and some other repo men, each reciting his own moral code, and a few recurring punks committing random crimes in the background, and you've got yourself a movie.



Watched The Hidden (1987), after. Another super excellent blast from the past. Kyle MacLachlan from back when he got cast in good stuff, playing a mysterious FBI agent chasing a space-slug capable of possessing people.

Excellent performance by MacLachlan, being as strange as in his role in Twin Peaks. Pretty decent special effects as far as the alien goes, considering the times. And, whilst simple, I found the story entertaining.

I definitely recommend it, especially for lovers of cheesy sci-fi flicks. Works nicely as a double feature along with Repo Man.

05-30-2011, 09:36 PM
I can't seem to remember much about the movie other than Estevez being in it and the glowing something in the trunk of a car that when I first watched Pulp Fiction made me think that Tarantino had largely lifted the idea in that movie of the briefcase directly from this .
Anyway seems a classic example of how some movies used to wear their subversiveness proudly. Sadly now subversive being more or less confined to comics and movies currently taken over by music video directors more than happy to be little more than corporate shills.

I do remember The Hidden though as being pretty satisfying for what it was.

06-01-2011, 01:56 PM
just got around to watch the boondocks sequel.
The.Boondock.Saints.II.All.Saints.Day. wish i hadn't as it was truly bad.

06-01-2011, 02:44 PM
kung fu panda 2.....i'm not a kid....

06-02-2011, 09:42 AM
The second installment in the Hangover saga.

Even farther over the top, and to my eternal shame I enjoyed it, like the first. Neither is a good movie, really, though.

Basically the concept is the same as the first, with the main cast, as well as that weird asian man coming back for another go. Now they're in Bangkok, though. So enter a couple of culture-related mishaps, and ladyboys to the first movie, and constant nods towards events in the first movie, and, you know, that's it.

Evil Gemini
06-02-2011, 03:30 PM

I am not a suicidal person, but fuck me it got me close. I could of died a happy man if it wasn't for this movie.

06-06-2011, 11:40 PM
I can't seem to remember much about the movie other than Estevez being in it and the glowing something in the trunk of a car that when I first watched Pulp Fiction made me think that Tarantino had largely lifted the idea in that movie of the briefcase directly from this .
Anyway seems a classic example of how some movies used to wear their subversiveness proudly. Sadly now subversive being more or less confined to comics and movies currently taken over by music video directors more than happy to be little more than corporate shills.

I do remember The Hidden though as being pretty satisfying for what it was.

If you've got any more in the same vein, feel free to list them.

(Obviously, I've seen the Thing, but that'd count.)

06-07-2011, 01:24 AM
I take it you are talking about the truly scary 1982 one directed by John Carpenter starring Kurt Russell and not the '52? one with James Arness. I actually had a book on horror films that described Arness in that one as "a giant carrot".:lol:

I also highly recommend the short story on which it is based "Who Goes There?"

Btw them seem to be releasing a prequel http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0905372/ unimaginatively still title The Thing this winter.

Anyway obviously Invasion of the Body Snatchers is the granddaddy of all aliens possess humans movies. Both the '50's one and the '70's one are pretty good.
Then there is another one not as good but closer to idea if not execution of The Hidden called The Puppet Masters.
Also there is a cult one (also by John Carpenter) be surprised if you haven't seen it starring wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper - They Live . Some people really seem to like this movie but to me although it has it's moments it's a little "cheap" looking for my taste and also I think Piper is a big distraction.

And although not anything to do with aliens there is an intense little horror movie by David Cronenberg called Shivers not to be confused with Slither which coincidentally is also about parasites taking over people stars Nathan Fillion and though also a bit gory is told with a great deal more humour.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.There is another one involving an alien disguised as a dead husband? that breaks into a plant which is pretty good but other than that the name and the plot escapes me.

06-08-2011, 01:27 PM
Ermm watched the longest yard and i now pronounce you chuck and larrie, so funny!

06-08-2011, 07:04 PM
The Reader (2008)

It wasn't that bad. I almost turned it off due to the beginning being mostly scenes of a woman having sex with an underage boy. I thought, "Oh man, if that's all this movie is, it's gonna suck". But I plodded through for a bit longer and began to realize the movie is a decent story, although I have no desire to watch it again.

06-08-2011, 11:31 PM
Cemetery Junction (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1196204/) (2010)

It's 1973 in Cemetery Junction, a Reading suburb. Three working class lads, best friends, are coming of age. Freddie wants to rise above his station, taking a job selling life insurance, wearing a suit and tie. Snork works at the railway station and wants a girlfriend some day. Bruce talks of leaving but seems on track to work at a factory, drink and fight, and become like his dad, in front of the telly with beer on hand; and he's trying the patience of the police officer who gets him out of jams. Freddie's job leads the lads toward a few small changes. He runs across a childhood friend, Julie, his boss's daughter who's engaged to the firm's top seller. Can the lads break out? Set in 1973 a comedy-drama( long on the drama short on the comedy) from Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, of TV's The Office and Extras. Centers on three young working-class men from Reading, England, who spend their time joking, drinking, fighting , chasing girls and learning about life.

I had never actually heard about this movie and only happened upon it by chance while browsing the TV dial.It's not a great film in the way film greatness is usually measured but nonetheless I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Between the froth and familiarity and a surprisingly vile,racist turn by Gervais there are some truly wonderful scenes, a shockingly good cast including multiple Oscar nominees Ralph Fiennes and Emily Watson and easily one of period perfect best soundtracks I've ever heard ( Bowie :All the Young Dudes.Led Zeppelin: The Rain Song and others all perfectly integrated to the story).
The little known young leads are also well cast getting me to both share in their misfortune and revel in their admittedly small triumphs.
I would be shocked if neither lead Christian Cooke or Felicity Cooke went onto bigger and better things.

Anyway like I said probably not everyone's cup of tea but for me lot to like and not much not to .A film for anyone who ever dreamed of something better.

I rate it a dab of rue tinged nostalgia and bunch of warm smiles.


06-09-2011, 07:50 PM
Chico and Rita


I'm not really a fan of animation but I made an exception for this one. It's a movie dedicated to Bebo Valdes a great pianist and his relation with Rita Montaner a famous singer. It's a romantic old-fashioned love story following the couple from Havana to Paris, New York, LA and back. A colorful journey under the sounds of Bird, Tito Puente, Thelonius Monk, Dizzie Gillespie and many more

If you like this kind of music or old-fashioned love stories a must seen movie

06-10-2011, 10:38 PM
Limitless. Pretty good movie I must say.

06-11-2011, 04:12 AM
Troll Hunter (2010, Norway)

An entry into the "found footage" genre (think The Blair Witch Project), Troll Hunter matter-of-factly- indeed, almost offhandedly- assumes the existence of trolls
and a secret Norwegian agency that monitors/controls them. A university film crew attaches itself to Hans, the only troll hunter in Norway, and follows as he tries to find out why there has been an outbreak
of troll activity.

The film is very low key and Hans is extremely anti-heroic...he's just a guy with a job to do ( a very "regular" job in that he hates his boss and gets a "shitty salary").
There is an amazing amount of troll behavior explained ( Hans likes/respects the trolls and only wants to contain them, not eradicate the species) and the special effects are pretty good (aided by the "fact" that trolls are only active at night).

This movie is a gem, unexpectedly entertaining despite the languid pace and low key acting.
Yes there are plot holes, but it hangs together while you're watching and that's really all that matters.
Troll Hunter takes an outre concept and kind of soothes you into buying it...no explosions, no blood (except the blood of Christians), no boobs and no bombastic musical cues.
Slyly humorous too, so bonus points for that.

06-11-2011, 05:26 AM
They made a film about chavis? Wow, they really have run out for ideas. Only heard mildly good things about Troll Hunter, might check it out.


Hangover 2 / 2011

Hangover 1 but with a stoner monkey and a Asian kid.

Well where do I begin? I saw this in the cinema and only just realised why I watch films at strange sessions times. I must of sat next to the Wicked Witch of the West because the stupid bitch couldn't stop cackling.

A few friends went and saw it, didn't really expect much from it - just wanted to see Zach. Zach only just pulled this film across the line. I love his characters, a pubescent adolescent. All he does is have to have an odd facial expression and it makes me chuckle. The writers knew how to take advantage of him perfectly.

I don't know how to explain it but the writers also managed to not turn this sequel into a cliché sequel.

Only watch if you want some nice one liners, from the one person.

06-11-2011, 12:47 PM
Once was the time when I went to a movie hoping that Zach Galifianakis might be in it.Now I go praying that he isn't.
Or maybe I'm confusing him with Seth Rogen or maybe Jack Black.

The Foo Fighters:Back and Forth (2011)

A documentary on the history of the band.

I don't know I was really expecting more from this movie considering the music and the band's rocky history but the whole thing came off as pretty dry and uninteresting to me.
Way too static and dispassionate and felt everything was so "remote" like I was watching the thing through the wrong end of a telescope.
Definitely needed some concert footage to run longer and be more "in your face" and for the band members to show some more emotion in their interviews instead of siting staring blankly at the camera and monotonically telling you how horrible things were or how betrayed they felt.

I think the people that rated it 8.5 on IMDB must be huge fans or something.:mellow:

Thought about watching Troll Hunter before .Maybe I'll give it a shot.
Btw Zach Galifianakis isn't in it is he?

I also watched Drive Angry but less said about that the better. Strangely though with a little fine tuning with a wreaking ball the movie might actually have worked.

06-11-2011, 02:14 PM
I also watched Drive Angry but less said about that the better. Strangely though with a little fine tuning with a wreaking ball the movie might actually have worked.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. Was Nick Cage trolling us?

Only character I enjoyed was the FBI agent, which if I'm not mistaken was the bank manager on The Dark Knight - who shoots at the Joker and gets a grenade thing shoved in his mouth. Nice to see him progressing in his career :D.

Ahh yes I was correct: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0032981/

06-11-2011, 04:27 PM
I also watched Drive Angry but less said about that the better. Strangely though with a little fine tuning with a wreaking ball the movie might actually have worked.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.

You think? Obviously the title Drive Angry got me confused.
Btw I didn't say the movie was entirely bad, it just got increasing dumb and not in a good way.Also the ending was really,really,really stupid.

Two thumbs and a finger eleven up for Amber Heard though.

Also whenever I see William Fichtner I just go "That's whatshisname from Prison Break" or maybe "Don't I remember him from Black Hawk Down Equilibrium?"

Let Me In(2010)

The American remake of the stunningly original 2008 Norwegian film Let the Right One In.
Probably would have gone down better if I hadn't seen the original first. As it is the American imo pales in comparison choosing to go for more straightforward horror than lyrical melancholy.Part of this comes from Chloe Moretz's vampire next door being more manipulative predator than someone trapped in a situation not of their own making.
Also the other lead ,Kodi Smit-McPhee has future serial killer and not lost soul written all over him from the get go so again hard to sympathize .
Then there is the matter of the expanded character of the vampire's servant which though I suppose is suppose to elicit sympathy doesn't . The film also seemed poorly paced but that might have more to do with me knowing what was going to happen than being actual fact.

Anyway in term of pointless arbitrary numbers I give it a 6.5/10 or less.

06-12-2011, 01:08 AM
I watched 'Paul'. was really funny! im a huge fan of Simon Pegg & Nick Frost and it was only improved by adding Seth Rogen in the mix!
definitely recommend this movie!

06-12-2011, 01:40 PM
@Idol, what were your thoughts on Amber Heard's switching of accents? She switched from rock bottom girl from Texas to Nick Cage's bitch. Was this an hidden Easter egg representing rising in ranks or just the director not giving a fuck by the end of shoots? (I guess after a while listening to Nicolas Cage's annoying monotone accent will start to get to you :P).

Next in view queue; Hard Candy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424136/) / 2005. To be honest Trust (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1529572/) / 2010 appears to be similar and slightly more interesting. What the fuck it's directed by that Dr on Friends; David Schwimmer (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001710/). Looks like it's his first feature too, well done.

Hard Candy / 2005
A mature 14-year old girl meets a charming 32-year old photographer on the Internet. Suspecting that he is a pedophile, she goes to his home in an attempt to expose him.

Trust / 2010
A teenage girl is targeted by an online sexual predator.

06-12-2011, 02:00 PM
@Idol, what were your thoughts on Amber Heard's switching of accents? She switched from rock bottom girl from Texas to Nick Cage's bitch. Was this an hidden Easter egg representing rising in ranks or just the director not giving a fuck by the end of shoots? (I guess after a while listening to Nicolas Cage's annoying monotone accent will start to get to you :P).

Lots of times a director will use some barely perceptible change in a character to alter how the audience views/relates to them. It's obvious that the director changed her wardrobe to "toughen" her up so I suppose it's within the realm of possibility the vocal change was intended too.
If it started at a specific point and then never faltered from there on then seeing as movies are almost always shot out of sequence it almost certainly has to be intentional.

06-12-2011, 02:06 PM
[QUOTE=IdolEyes787;3585950]Only character I enjoyed was the FBI agent, which if I'm not mistaken was the bank manager on The Dark Knight - who shoots at the Joker and gets a grenade thing shoved in his mouth. Nice to see him progressing in his career :D.

Ahh yes I was correct: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0032981/

he also got his knee caps blown off in heat, he seems to have had a lot of roles in the late 90`s early 00`s west wing, armageddon, Equilibrium then just dissapeared for a few years.

06-12-2011, 03:34 PM
Then in honour of William Fitchner I think it's finally time for this


I just watched Super 8 and granted it was a cam but I didn't especially like it. Besides the fact Abrams steals basically everything from other (better) movies I don't understand how I'm suppose to feel all warm and fuzzy at the end over a hideous gigantic man-eating alien?
Also again maybe it being a cam did this but I never felt the bond between the young characters so necessary to a film like this.
Yeah I'm sure all you younger people buy into it and will think it's the best thing since sliced bread but then you're all idiots aren't you.

06-12-2011, 05:44 PM
I just watched Super 8 and granted it was a cam but I didn't especially like it. Besides the fact Abrams steals basically everything from other (better) movies I don't understand how I'm suppose to feel all warm and fuzzy at the end over a hideous gigantic man-eating alien?
Also again maybe it being a cam did this but I never felt the bond between the young characters so necessary to a film like this.
Yeah I'm sure all you younger people buy into it and will think it's the best thing since sliced bread but then you're all idiots aren't you.

06-12-2011, 07:19 PM
Let Me In(2010)

The American remake of the stunningly original 2008 Norwegian film Let the Right One In.
Probably would have gone down better if I hadn't seen the original first. As it is the American imo pales in comparison choosing to go for more straightforward horror than lyrical melancholy.Part of this comes from Chloe Moretz's vampire next door being more manipulative predator than someone trapped in a situation not of their own making.
Also the other lead ,Kodi Smit-McPhee has future serial killer and not lost soul written all over him from the get go so again hard to sympathize .
Then there is the matter of the expanded character of the vampire's servant which though I suppose is suppose to elicit sympathy doesn't . The film also seemed poorly paced but that might have more to do with me knowing what was going to happen than being actual fact.

Anyway in term of pointless arbitrary numbers I give it a 6.5/10 or less.

I thought it was mildly terrible, but so is the original.


Yes! Let it henceforth be known as that. Less likely to be associated to anything of mine that way.

06-12-2011, 08:23 PM
Sweden ,Norway like there's a difference.

06-12-2011, 08:40 PM
Just watched Paul and I'm really disappointed.

06-12-2011, 10:11 PM
He's much better with Peter and Mary.

06-12-2011, 10:19 PM
Didn't they do Puff the Magic Dragon?

06-12-2011, 10:28 PM
Yes indeed, they did.
A very famous song that's totally about drugs*.

*Part of a long and storied history of drug references in music.
Did you know that most of Beethoven's work glorifies the use of meth?
Me neither.

06-12-2011, 10:31 PM
Still they're no Donovan.

06-12-2011, 11:11 PM
I've lost you guys. Please elaborate.

06-12-2011, 11:44 PM
You've never heard of Donovan?

06-12-2011, 11:53 PM
Mellow Yellow, Sunshine Superman, Atlantis........



He was one of the most influential and successful solo artists of the period.

06-13-2011, 04:48 AM
Unknown (2011) with Liam Neeson.

Phenomenal movie....

The Adjustment Bureau is a love story. Fellas....avoid.

Red Riding Hood.....surprisingly good (I can't believe it)

06-13-2011, 08:30 AM
I know who Donovan is, but I didn't know you talked about him per se. I love Mellow Yellow.

06-13-2011, 08:02 PM
I just watched Super 8 and granted it was a cam but I didn't especially like it. Besides the fact Abrams steals basically everything from other (better) movies I don't understand how I'm suppose to feel all warm and fuzzy at the end over a hideous gigantic man-eating alien?
Also again maybe it being a cam did this but I never felt the bond between the young characters so necessary to a film like this.
Yeah I'm sure all you younger people buy into it and will think it's the best thing since sliced bread but then you're all idiots aren't you.

Wow Super 8 sort of tanked
Super 8 — $37.0 million opening and of that an astounding 71% of the audience was over 25 . Like did people confuse this with Calendar Girls?
At this rate I expect Transformers 3 Darkside of Pink Floyd to make 300 gazillion dollars.

06-14-2011, 08:48 AM
i saw X-men, and it was great ! when the submarine is out of the water...really impressive !

06-14-2011, 10:05 AM
Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)

One of the best documentaries i ever watched. Its funny and entertaining. Most of all, it will give you something to think about and leave you with smile on your face.

06-14-2011, 10:47 AM
source code. it was awesome and very well put together movie

06-14-2011, 11:28 AM
i saw X-men, and it was great ! when the submarine is out of the water...really impressive !

I hear there's talk of the submarine getting an Oscar nomination.

mr. nails
06-14-2011, 06:04 PM
At this rate I expect Transformers 3 Darkside of Pink Floyd to make 300 gazillion dollars.

nope. add another $25 to that. i'm participating too.

06-15-2011, 04:39 AM
i saw X-men, and it was great ! when the submarine is out of the water...really impressive !

I hear there's talk of the submarine getting an Oscar nomination.


06-15-2011, 05:31 AM
The last movie I watched was "The Town". It was very good.

06-16-2011, 07:32 AM
My girl dragged me last night to see Bridesmaids, and I'm pretty glad she did as I laughed constantly throughout(I can't lie to you guys, I dragged her to see it). I was with my sisters recently and this movie was basically all they talked about. But I immediately dismissed at being another drama filled chick-flick. I was wrong. The "serious moments" were minimal but the humor was from start to finish.

Anyways, I'm glad I saw it.

Before that I saw Round Midnight and Let's Get Lost. Both are jazz movies(actually the latter is a documentary). And I can only recommend Let's Get Lost. I literally fought myself to finish Round Midnight. This movie stars some of my favorite jazz musicians, but none of them could act worth a shit. Bobby Hutcherson was the best of the worst.

06-16-2011, 10:12 AM
I was dragged to bridesmaids as well. It was very funny IMO

06-16-2011, 10:13 AM
Dylan Dog. I've had much bigger expectations for that movie. 5.5/10.

06-16-2011, 10:22 AM
Beastly // 2011.

I don't know why this was rated so poorly. Sure there was the odd plot hole and few awkward lines but it was alright for a teen romance.

Major flaw I found was (possible spoilers);

When Kyle (the beast) got the "ugly" spell cast upon him, he hid in a dark room. When his father turned the light on he knew it was him instantly. While Kyle the beast was tramping around the country side nobody knew it was him.

This film stars that hot chick from High School Musical, that hot twin who always act together, the womaniser (playing a womanising blind guy) from How I Met Your Mother and the dude from Stormbreaker.

edit: apparently it wasn't very faithful to the book. Reason for poor rating?

06-16-2011, 11:05 AM
fast and furios rio heist- just awsome!!!

06-18-2011, 04:29 PM
Henry's Crime, and it sucked, till the end I was waiting for something to happen but it didn't.

06-18-2011, 05:05 PM
Sucker Punch. God what a shitty movie.

06-24-2011, 12:45 AM
The Lincoln Lawyer- Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei.
Disclosure: I've read the books from which this is sourced

Fifteen years ago, this would have been a prime example of a Hollywood mainstream movie.
The casting is OK- McConaughey is suitably smarmy and self-assured and Tomei still has a magnificent smile but William Macy and Bryan Cranston are criminally underused.
The plot telegraphs it's twists so no one is left wondering what is going on.
Basically, it's Law and Order: SVU with slightly higher production values.

I'm not even sure why I'm writing about it as I have no feelings one way or the other a mere two days after viewing.

06-24-2011, 01:02 AM
I'm not even sure why I'm writing about it as I have no feelings one way or the other a mere two days after viewing.

Clocker found a Clunker.

Unknown (2011) with Liam Neeson.

Phenomenal movie....

The Adjustment Bureau is a love story. Fellas....avoid.

Red Riding Hood.....surprisingly good (I can't believe it)

It can't be.

Heard he'd come down with marriage, two+ kids, and is thinking of joining the Tea Party Movement.

How's you, you ornery bar-steward.

06-24-2011, 02:23 AM
Aren't you supposed to be in Indy?

06-24-2011, 04:56 AM
Super 8

It was ok. A lot of funny moments with the kids. It was kind of your typical alien movie(alien wants to get home, alien gets home), but entertaining nonetheless.

06-26-2011, 03:43 AM
Aren't you supposed to be in Indy?


Details later.

06-26-2011, 05:45 AM
Friday the 13th // 2009

Brief prequel at the start about Jason and his mother was appreciated for those of us who never saw the past titles. I thought that it was going to be a little more suspenseful but turns out it was a teen porno/drama/slash fest.

mr. nails
06-26-2011, 07:35 PM
Friday the 13th // 2009

...it was a teen porno/drama/slash fest.

lol. you've never watched the originals?

06-26-2011, 07:57 PM
Honestly though if you see one you've basically seen them all anyways.Except for the first one of course as there was no Jason at that point and so they had to work extra special hard to make it sufficiently shitty.

Anyway I watched Green Lantern and while I think it doesn't deserve the terrible rating it got on Rotten Tomatoes it's total lack of charm not to mention humanity leaves me thinking that the writer got confused and thought he was writing a grocery list instead of a movie.

I've always said that superhero movies needed to be played basically straight to work but straight doesn't mean bloodless/emotionally empty.That and you should also never have "getting it right for fanboys" as your primary concern as I hate to break it to everyone but most comic source material is a big stinking pile of stupid.

06-26-2011, 07:58 PM
litle man 2006

06-26-2011, 08:07 PM

06-26-2011, 09:55 PM
Well I wheeled out the shank again last night (Shawshank Redemption) It is still the same funny, sad, thoughtful and uplifting movie it always was. This is one of those movies that does not date, and leaves you with a belief in the power of the human spirit.

06-26-2011, 11:20 PM
Deja Vu (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453467/) (2006) Directed by Tony (I'm the brother not worthy of knighthood) Scott and starring Denzel Washington.

"New Orleans-based maverick ATF agent who is brought in on a top-secret government program to catch the terrorist responsible for a ferry bombing that kills hundreds. Able to do what most law enforcement officers only dream of, Carlin is now able to look back in time at the perpetrator's movements and at the life of the innocent woman whose death would set the events into motion".

Scott does his best to muck up the story with his idiotic Michael Bay slow-mo shots but nothing can detract from either the mounting tension or feelings of "what will happen next" that the movie generates. As an antithesis to something like Green Lantern the film also bleeds humanity even at it's silliest which unfortunately is pretty silly.
Anyway Washington is great as usual even if his character is a little familiar and the supposing cast ( Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel and Adam Goldberg among others) is nothing less than uniformly good.

Sentimentalist that I am I really enjoyed this movie, probably more than I should but sentiment aside it did keep me guessing ( and cheering for the good guys ) until the very last frame which is a feat in itself.

06-27-2011, 11:39 AM
latest one, i've seen is Sucker punch 2011 and was a cool movie , IMDB 6.4/10, Also the sound tracks like bjork-Army of me and others make it a more memorable experience :)

all thanks to torrents ;)

06-27-2011, 03:34 PM
latest one, i've seen is Sucker punch 2011 and was a cool movie , IMDB 6.4/10, Also the sound tracks like bjork-Army of me and others make it a more memorable experience :)

That I'm going to watch tomorrow. Today, season of the witch, Movie was good but I was expecting more from the climax then 4 men battling against a demon inside a church.

06-28-2011, 07:07 AM
sucker punch had very cool visuals and action but lacking a storyline to hold it all together. 7/10

06-29-2011, 03:29 AM
Deja Vu (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0453467/) (2006) Directed by Tony (I'm the brother not worthy of knighthood) Scott and starring Denzel Washington.

"New Orleans-based maverick ATF agent who is brought in on a top-secret government program to catch the terrorist responsible for a ferry bombing that kills hundreds. Able to do what most law enforcement officers only dream of, Carlin is now able to look back in time at the perpetrator's movements and at the life of the innocent woman whose death would set the events into motion".

Scott does his best to muck up the story with his idiotic Michael Bay slow-mo shots but nothing can detract from either the mounting tension or feelings of "what will happen next" that the movie generates. As an antithesis to something like Green Lantern the film also bleeds humanity even at it's silliest which unfortunately is pretty silly.
Anyway Washington is great as usual even if his character is a little familiar and the supposing cast ( Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel and Adam Goldberg among others) is nothing less than uniformly good.

Sentimentalist that I am I really enjoyed this movie, probably more than I should but sentiment aside it did keep me guessing ( and cheering for the good guys ) until the very last frame which is a feat in itself.

The film also had an underlying social commentary about the American state of mind, not withstanding the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, much of the terrorist threat to America is from homegrown individuals (like Timothy McVeigh) and groups like 'The Order' ultra-right wing paramilitarists who see it as their right to bear arms, much like the fruitcake at the center of Deja Vu. This is something that has been forgotten in the 'War on Terror' currently being conducted in the shattered remains of countries that posed no military threat to America, while Al Qaeda happily hid out in the haven that is Pakistan, a country that is 'friendly' to the U.S.
The movie in a way serves as a reminder to for the U.S. to look inward as well as outward, and is far more prophetic than the current crop of 'the aliens are coming' paranoia films such as Skyline and Battle Los Angeles.

06-29-2011, 01:28 PM
So do you think the decision to film in a post Katrina New Orleans is also tied to this? I mean except for a couple throw-away shots of the destruction the locale isn't really much of a factor in the story.
Btw I just discovered that the woman who is Denzel's love interest (Paula Patton) is in the upcoming Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol


That and supposedly Jeremy Renner is supposedly going to take over for Tom Cruise.

06-29-2011, 01:48 PM
@1:37 is Michael Bay directing?

06-29-2011, 02:05 PM
No apparently Ghost Protocol has some sort of plot.

07-01-2011, 11:21 AM
I knew it would suck.

07-04-2011, 02:16 AM
Transformers 3.

Better than the second, not as good as the first. Nothing special plotwise, but the special effects were damn good.

07-04-2011, 11:40 AM
Transformers 3.

Better than the second, not as good as the first. Nothing special plotwise, but the special effects were damn good.

See the above three posts for reasons for the nothing special plot.....

07-04-2011, 11:58 AM
it stinks

07-05-2011, 07:56 PM
One of the my favorite war movie.

07-06-2011, 07:02 PM
Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie

It was pretty good. It didn't try to be smart, yet it seemed better than most action flicks nowadays. Recommended eventhough it's a cartoon, sorry anime. Hadouken!

07-09-2011, 01:33 AM
The Town- Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner

Ben Affleck who co-wrote, directed and stars once again goes to the well in this story of bankrobbers in Boston.
I thought it was very well done, exciting and realistic without being artificially amped up.
The characters are fully developed and act logically, the plot serves them instead of the reverse.

I liked it.

Finally got around to watching it.Seemingly I wait for everything to appear on cable anymore.

We had this discussion where Ben Affleck is a better actor then he is usually given credit for but I also think that he also tends to unforgivable blandness if left to his own devices, as is the case here him being the director.
As for the movie it is mostly believable( in a Hollywood unbelievable sort of way) , barring the central love(?) story - unsentimental ( good for a crime story I guess) and most importantly undeniably exciting.

I know this is a poor comparison but I thought if Boondock Saints were to be played entirely straight it would come out something like this.So I guess that means I enjoyed it.
I would have preferred that everyone have lived and started a minor league hockey team though with the FBI guy as the coach.

07-09-2011, 12:52 PM
pirates of the carpian 4
it was good

07-09-2011, 07:33 PM
Pirates of the Carpian is a videogame.:mellow:

Maybe you meant Prince of the Caspian?

07-10-2011, 12:04 AM
The Town- Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner

Ben Affleck who co-wrote, directed and stars once again goes to the well in this story of bankrobbers in Boston.
I thought it was very well done, exciting and realistic without being artificially amped up.
The characters are fully developed and act logically, the plot serves them instead of the reverse.

I liked it.

Finally got around to watching it.Seemingly I wait for everything to appear on cable anymore.

We had this discussion where Ben Affleck is a better actor then he is usually given credit for but I also think that he also tends to unforgivable blandness if left to his own devices, as is the case here him being the director.
As for the movie it is mostly believable( in a Hollywood unbelievable sort of way) , barring the central love(?) story - unsentimental ( good for a crime story I guess) and most importantly undeniably exciting.

I know this is a poor comparison but I thought if Boondock Saints were to be played entirely straight it would come out something like this.So I guess that means I enjoyed it.
I would have preferred that everyone have lived and started a minor league hockey team though with the FBI guy as the coach.

I liked it better when cunts were scoring points out of ten and you were being reactive.

You refuse to watch anything of rumoured merit, seeing you've seen it all, cross-referencing each pastiche or nod as redundancy of worth.

You're a cynical, cynical creature IdolEyes787 and I can't help but feel some responsibility for that.

07-10-2011, 12:17 AM
pirates of the carpian 4
it was good

Pirates of the Carpian is a videogame.:mellow:

Maybe you meant Prince of the Caspian?

No sadly he meant 'Pirates of the Caribbean' , it's just that that word 'Caribbean' is just so farkin long and he ran out of energy half way through and made up a neato new word for us to try and decipher.
Thanks TheXman for your highly literate comment, both in terms of speeling, and it's inciteful dissection of the plot and characters, I know that I personally am enriched.

07-10-2011, 12:55 AM
seeing you've seen it all, cross-referencing each pastiche or nod as redundancy of worth.

I don't think this means what you think it does.
In fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean anything.

Chavis, you might consider cutting the comment from this thread and offering it to OlegL as a pick up line.
Now that he can plausibly loiter around libraries some freshman level philosophy babe might just go for it.
And by "it", I mean sex of course (or whatever you kids are up to these days).

07-10-2011, 06:34 AM
I watched rocky iv yesterday. Not so bad movie. Better than third, worst than 1&2.

07-10-2011, 12:12 PM
Finally got around to watching it.Seemingly I wait for everything to appear on cable anymore.

We had this discussion where Ben Affleck is a better actor then he is usually given credit for but I also think that he also tends to unforgivable blandness if left to his own devices, as is the case here him being the director.
As for the movie it is mostly believable( in a Hollywood unbelievable sort of way) , barring the central love(?) story - unsentimental ( good for a crime story I guess) and most importantly undeniably exciting.

I know this is a poor comparison but I thought if Boondock Saints were to be played entirely straight it would come out something like this.So I guess that means I enjoyed it.
I would have preferred that everyone have lived and started a minor league hockey team though with the FBI guy as the coach.

I liked it better when cunts were scoring points out of ten and you were being reactive.

You refuse to watch anything of rumoured merit, seeing you've seen it all, cross-referencing each pastiche or nod as redundancy of worth.

You're a cynical, cynical creature IdolEyes787 and I can't help but feel some responsibility for that.

Thanx but I would be remiss not to also give God,government,big business,the fairer sex and my parents some credit.:)

Btw just as soon as anything meritorious featuring happy endings ,rainbows, unicorns or floppy eared puppies appears I will be on it like crazy on OlegL.:)

Also as to The Pirates of the Kara Bean, ironically or not ,birthed from an Amusement Park ride as it was ,the series deteriorates with each subsequent film's attempt to up the ante in terms of thrills.
Even the engineers who design roller-coasters have enough sense to realize that anticipation and momentary relief intensifies the "drama" when it comes.

To prove my point OlegL will now place his hand on a table and repeatedly smash a rock against it. After a while if he discounts the blood spurting in his eyes contrarily the pain seems to lessen.
Now I will have him stop for a minute and after which ask him to precede again.
What? He already seems to have some anxiety at the prospect.Who'd have figured?
Apparently not Jerry Bruckheimer .:mellow:

07-10-2011, 12:47 PM
To prove my point OlegL will now place his hand on a table and repeatedly smash a rock against it. After a while if he discounts the blood spurting in his eyes contrarily the pain seems to lessen.
Now I will have him stop for a minute and after which ask him to precede again.
What? He already seems to have some anxiety at the prospect.Who'd have figured?
Apparently not Jerry Bruckheimer .:mellow:

In this you are hoping that Oleg's kind of crazy isn't a dissociative one, otherwise he'll just keep banging that rock until there is pate

Or are you insinuating that most of the modern Hollywood directors suffer from some kind of dissociative disorder, they just keep banging the same crap out regardless of public opinion because even bad publicity is good.
In fact there seems to be this maudlin trend, where people are told just how fucking awful something is, so they toddle off for themselves just to see, so how are we supposed to stop the monkeys making crappola, when people rush off to see the latest stinker, ergo good return on investment, therefore the investors pour more money in. It is becoming a vicious cycle of moronic behaviour, with the public willingly handing over money no matter what.

07-10-2011, 01:55 PM
rio 2011

Ronnie Coleman
07-10-2011, 10:48 PM
"Herz aus Glas" (1976) by Werner Herzog. Interesting, mysterious, directness was a bit "documentary" (all Herzog lovers are familiar with his love for documentary style...). It was great concept, but I think it became much more metaphysical than Herzog himself wanted.

It is, certanly, epic work, if not because if its accessibility, it is because of it's uniqueness for bringing very important questions.

07-11-2011, 06:57 AM

07-11-2011, 07:55 AM
Watched Avatar on Saturday (I know, I'm a bit behind time :wacko: ). I thought it was great ... I was sold when the mech came walking past ... and all the glowing plants were fantastic too ... and the floating islands ... and the giant trees ... basically I liked the whole visual experience :D

We were a bit apprehensive about watching it. Reading the comments about the movie we didn't know what to make of it. But it was a pleasant surprise. It's really long but you don't notice it - which is always a good thing. There are no annoying parts where all you want to do is press fast forward. All in all it would get a 9 out of 10 from me ... 11 for the visual stuff though :D

07-11-2011, 11:44 AM
Watched Avatar on Saturday (I know, I'm a bit behind time :wacko: ). I thought it was great ... I was sold when the mech came walking past ... and all the glowing plants were fantastic too ... and the floating islands ... and the giant trees ... basically I liked the whole visual experience :D

We were a bit apprehensive about watching it. Reading the comments about the movie we didn't know what to make of it. But it was a pleasant surprise. It's really long but you don't notice it - which is always a good thing. There are no annoying parts where all you want to do is press fast forward. All in all it would get a 9 out of 10 from me ... 11 for the visual stuff though :D

I'm boycotting movie theatres until they install a handy fast forward button at every seat. The hell if I'm going to sit through anything I don't like ,whether it's suppose to add something to the story or not.
Also if it was "really long but you don't notice it" how did you notice that it was really long?


Unknown was the last movie you say or unknown was what you thought of it?

On second thought forget I asked as I see that you only decided to spam the board with your eloquence so you could trade your recently acquired HDbits invite.
Hopefully them never make me a mod here again cunt.

07-12-2011, 09:23 AM
I'm boycotting movie theatres until they install a handy fast forward button at every seat. The hell if I'm going to sit through anything I don't like ,whether it's suppose to add something to the story or not.
Also if it was "really long but you don't notice it" how did you notice that it was really long?What I meant was that it's 2 hours and 40 minutes (or something like that) long ... checked the length of the movie on the net before watching. My "optimum time" for a movie is around 2 hours - there are exceptions but most have at least a few parts where you feel that it will never end. With Avatar I had no such moments.

Hope that explains it better - otherwise blame my mediocre knowledge of English :P

07-12-2011, 12:44 PM
My optimum time for a movie is right around good.

Anyway don't take anything I wrote too seriously as I appreciate that you took the time to share your views.:)
Leap Year A gently quirky "fish out of water" romantic comedy starring Amy Adams and Mathew Goode.
Nothing earth shattering here but it did it's job of making you hope that the leads wind up together in the end.

Though not having seen it I suspect it's a lot like Game of Thrones minus the sex,the blood and guts and multi-generational storyline.Leap Year does have beautiful Irish locales and a Louis Vuitton suitcase oddly named Louis as compensation though so I didn't feel particularly cheated.

07-13-2011, 08:02 PM

A somewhat weird French film, but weird in a good way, as it does not try to fit into one of the Hollywood categories. A love story, horror flick, comedy, drama and more, all in one movie. Not as good as IMDB says, but still very watchable, especially if you're up for something different.

Once Upon a Time in America.

I was a bit disappointed. Not that it isn't good (De Niro is very good and James Woods is also great), but I feel the movie would be just as good if it were an hour shorter.

07-22-2011, 11:46 AM
Imagine That

Never thought I'd say this but I cried during this. The scene at the end where Evan Danielson (Eddie Murphy) comes into a hall in a Kings costume. I'm a sucker for concepts where Father neglects their child(ren) and then manages to make up for it in the end. This is a family movie (ie. Kids movie that parents are dragged to). Not sure why it was rated so poorly; 5.3/10 on IMDb and 38% on RT.

07-22-2011, 12:28 PM

07-22-2011, 06:49 PM
fast 5

it was the best one better than the other parts

07-24-2011, 05:35 PM
Arthur {2011}
it was pretty good! :-p

07-24-2011, 10:58 PM
OK, I know this isn't a movie, so sue me.

The Shadow Line-Chiwetel Chiafor, Christopher Eccleston, Stephen Rea and lots of semi-recognizable BBC stalwarts.

During an earlier discussion about Game of Thrones, Idol expressed distaste with nihilistic, bleak storytelling...the kind where everybody dies.
The Shadow Line is the exemplar of just such entertainment.

The actors are superb, the plot appropriately convoluted and production values are up to the usual BBC standards (by which I mean, very high).
There is an odd obsession with close up shots of cigarettes being lighted and an excessive amount of gum chewing but I attribute this to British artistic sensibilities that escape my plebian understanding.

The series is only seven hours long and absorbing for the first three or four episodes but becomes increasingly grim and ultimately, predictable.
If every good intention is a death sentence, one is left wondering how the British make it through the moral morass of their days.

It does kind of explain Simon Cowell though.

07-31-2011, 05:28 PM

It just doesnt make any sense.Not really a comedy either.

07-31-2011, 08:59 PM
a nice movie...

07-31-2011, 10:27 PM
a nice movie...

OK you've qualified to access the invite section, now please stop.

08-01-2011, 12:40 AM
Barry Lyndon - one of my favorites & Kubrick's best.

08-01-2011, 01:57 AM
Good Neighbors- Scott Speedman, Jay Baruchel, Emily Hampshire.

This is a Canadian film so there's an excellent chance that IdolEyes is in it. I'm guessing he's the hugely important- yet uncredited- "Fire escape #1.

This nasty little noir is tightly centered around an apartment building in Quebec (which, judging by this film, has spectacular apartments for very reasonable rent) and four tenants with odd bonds.
There is a serial rapist/murderer, feuds over cats and a very wry premeditated killing ("I don't know how people do this!").

Not groundbreaking but well acted and plotted.
A pleasant diversion, as it were.

08-01-2011, 02:41 AM
Captain America in 3D // 2011

Strong start then turned into a patriotic American slash fest.

08-01-2011, 11:39 AM
I have watched so many movies in back 3 days.

Shutter Island
Donnie Darko
Perfume, A story of a murderer.
Sherlock Holmes

08-01-2011, 12:37 PM
I have watched so many movies in back 3 days.

Shutter Island
Donnie Darko
Perfume, A story of a murderer.
Sherlock Holmes

Never heard of them.

This is a Canadian film so there's an excellent chance that IdolEyes is in it. I'm guessing he's the hugely important- yet uncredited- "Fire escape #1.

No but I do know somebody who knows somebody who knows the fire escapes agent.

I also wrote and directed a play once. True story(thus phar)

Wasn't very good (still true).The critics said that I completely lacked talent. So I've been condemned to little more than punching up Michael Bay scripts since then.

08-01-2011, 01:11 PM
No but I do know somebody who knows somebody who knows the fire escapes agent.

It stands to reason that in a country with a total population of what...200-300?, that any Canadian film with a crowd scene would include you.

Speaking of crowd scenes...did you know that there used to be a whole subclass of "actors" who specialized in being the background bodies in restaurant/party crowd scenes?
They owned their own tuxes/gowns and specialized in being animated without upstaging the scene focus.
Apparently, close study of films from the 40's and 50's reveal the same group of people in the background so frequently that people formed semi-fan clubs devoted to them.

Or maybe I just made that up but either way, it could be an interesting hook for a movie.
A Canadian movie, mayhaps.

08-01-2011, 04:01 PM
It stands to reason that in a country with a total population of what...200-300?, that any Canadian film with a crowd scene would include you.

Speaking of crowd scenes...did you know that there used to be a whole subclass of "actors" who specialized in being the background bodies in restaurant/party crowd scenes?
They owned their own tuxes/gowns and specialized in being animated without upstaging the scene focus.
Apparently, close study of films from the 40's and 50's reveal the same group of people in the background so frequently that people formed semi-fan clubs devoted to them.

I answer any open casting call that says "Boyishly handsome but still with undeniable sexual magnetism".

For you viewing pleasure and because stupidity can never be repeated enough.


08-04-2011, 08:26 PM
Planet of the Apes(Tim Burton version),was trying to prepare myself for the new movie and freshen my memory...boy,Wahlberg's acting sucked or what...

08-04-2011, 09:37 PM
Everything about that movie sucked.Actually everything about every Planet of the Apes movie save the first one sucked.

08-05-2011, 02:06 PM
anuvahood , the funniest film i have seen for ages lol

08-05-2011, 05:11 PM
Frankly I doubted you until you added the lol.

08-06-2011, 01:13 AM
Anuvahood was just terrible. I gave it the benefit of the doubt because not many "hood" films get rated more than "meh".

08-06-2011, 02:28 AM
Bad Teacher- Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake.

A film takes a big chance when the lead is a cad...it's alright to do bad things if the audience is on your side but if you're a douche, then you have two hours of unlikable people doing nasty things.
See where this is going?

I have no ax to grind over Cameron Diaz (she seems like a fun person to drink with) but her character in Bad Teacher is an entitled, cheating asshole and nothing she does leads me to believe there's a heart of gold buried beneath the surface.
Doesn't help that the writers didn't even make her a funny asshole.

I don't see much point in continuing...movie was boring and trite, no outrageous scenes worth mentioning, no reason to think too much about it.

08-06-2011, 03:39 AM
Thank you sir, you just saved a bit of my bandwidth.

08-06-2011, 04:15 AM
An ecological benefit I'm happy to provide.

PayPal accepted.

08-06-2011, 11:38 AM
no good story but cool stunts and fight
Houston, we've identified a problem.

08-06-2011, 04:37 PM
I don't have any money left as the bank I saved all my money with was turned out to be fraud and fled with it but I still have some precious belongings, if you are interested, whichh include-
1- A cell phone made of gold.
2- A mermaid in my pool.
3- A cotton undergarments set.
4- Japanese double bowski
5- Domino's 5 days old, half eaten by a horse, pizza.

Shall I continue with the transfers?

transfromers dark of the moon
no good story but cool stunts and fight

I have to agree with you, Hollywood is somehow suffering with Humane racism phenomenon and Transformers explicitly display it that everything in the universe ( from aliens to machines and Gods) strive to their death to save and help human race to continue as if our offspring also have their genes and we humans are the lords of the doomsday.

Fuckingly idiotic.:angry:

08-07-2011, 03:58 AM
Just got back from watching Rise Of The Apes. Loved it from start to finish.

08-07-2011, 04:16 AM
Going to see it on Thursday, I've heard nothing but good things about it.

08-07-2011, 06:44 AM
Hangover part 2, was pretty good but more of the same

08-07-2011, 05:25 PM
Just got back from watching Rise Of The Apes. Loved it from start to finish.

I'm hardly surprised as you like every movie where the main character is a computer generated chimp.

I watched Antitrust.I was a bit dated and totally implausible but still managed to be somewhat entertaining.
Afterwards I decided movies nowadays must really suck if something like this, unassuming trifle as it is, is better than just about anything current that I've lately.

08-07-2011, 07:31 PM
for a second i thought you said Antichrist. What a terrible movie the bloody jerk off was kind of turn off for me. Not that the movie had any interesting things happen before that either... supposedly its an "art" movie, I guess I am not artsy enough to get it.

Just got back from watching Rise Of The Apes. Loved it from start to finish.

I'm hardly surprised as you like every movie where the main character is a computer generated chimp.

I watched Antitrust.I was a bit dated and totally implausible but still managed to be somewhat entertaining.
Afterwards I decided movies nowadays must really suck if something like this, unassuming trifle as it is, is better than just about anything current that I've lately.

08-07-2011, 07:53 PM
Rise of the Apes - glorious!

08-07-2011, 07:57 PM
for a second i thought you said Antichrist. What a terrible movie the bloody jerk off was kind of turn off for me. Not that the movie had any interesting things happen before that either... supposedly its an "art" movie, I guess I am not artsy enough to get it.

I don't watch that type of movie.:no:

08-07-2011, 11:42 PM
I've been trolling through my classic Sci-Fi lately, watching some of the movies I love the best. The latest watch was Andromeda Strain, which for a 1971 film was amazingly advanced in terms of the level of believability. Many of the instruments and machines used were real and cutting edge technology at the time instead of the usual panel of nondescript lights blinking and going bleep,bleep,blurk. The actual medical protocols were accurate with the only slight gaff being the term autopsy instead of necropsy for dissection of dead animals.
Although somewhat dry at times and lengthy in setting up concepts, it is a refreshingly realistic movie for the era.

08-08-2011, 01:58 AM
Saw it .Read the book .Watched the miniseries.
The author of the book ,Michael Crichton ,is a grad of Harvard med school so the believability no doubt owes a little to that. Same Crichton that wrote Jurassic Park btw.
If you liked the Andromeda Strain and you've never seen anything else by him you might want to check some of these out . Westworld,The Terminal Man,Runaway and especially Coma. Nothing great but decent enough stuff in a kitschy 70's sort of way.
OK Runaway is 80's but it stars Magnum P.I and Gene Simmons so how can you possibly lose?
Besides the movie being shitty I mean.

08-08-2011, 03:07 AM
Saw it .Read the book .Watched the miniseries.
The author of the book ,Michael Crichton ,is a grad of Harvard med school so the believability no doubt owes a little to that. Same Crichton that wrote Jurassic Park btw.
If like the Andromeda Strain and you've never seen anything else by him you might want to check some of these out . Westworld,The Terminal Man,Runaway and especially Coma. Nothing great but decent enough stuff in a kitschy 70's sort of way.
OK Runaway is 80's but it stars Magnum P.I and Gene Simmons so how can you possibly lose?
Besides the movie being shitty I mean.
I'm actually a bit of a fan of Michael Crichton and of course have Westworld & it's sequel Futureworld, Coma and Runaway amongst my collection. Despite the Magnum P.I. connection Runaway was a great movie for it's time & Gene Simmons an excellent brooding malevolent baddy.
One great book of Crichton's made into a movie you forgot to mention, Disclosure with a surprising performance by Michael Douglas as the underdog fighting back.

08-08-2011, 05:02 AM
Just got back from watching Rise Of The Apes. Loved it from start to finish.

I'm hardly surprised as you like every movie where the main character is a computer generated chimp.

Thanks for spoiling my fantasy that they were actually real.

Anyways, back to watching Space Chimps.

08-08-2011, 06:54 AM
I'm hardly surprised as you like every movie where the main character is a computer generated chimp.

Thanks for spoiling my fantasy that they were actually real.

You could pay Idol back by cluing him in that Canada is really an Australian penal colony.

He still doesn't know.

08-08-2011, 11:19 AM
You're really funny mate.

08-08-2011, 12:30 PM
I see what you did there, mate.

08-08-2011, 01:06 PM

08-08-2011, 02:21 PM
Well Idol is known for his sarcasm and incorporating his witty charm into constructing a post that will seem irrelevant but isn't.

The question at hand was:

You could pay Idol back by cluing him in that Canada is really an Australian penal colony.

He still doesn't know.

Of which our friend replied:

You're really funny mate.

"Mate" is what the stereotype of an Australian bogan calls a strangers. Funny how they call their mates cunts and the strangers mates.

So in fact he wittingly admittedly that Canada is really an Australia penal colony. Maybe I'm reading to much into it :unsure:.

08-08-2011, 02:25 PM
Source Code


pretty good movie!

08-08-2011, 02:33 PM
Maybe I'm reading to much into it :unsure:.
You have no idea what you've unwittingly stumbled upon.

Follow the money.

08-08-2011, 03:56 PM
Can I give him a hint?

08-08-2011, 08:26 PM
Can I give him a hint?

Is it fucking Blue's clues time again ?

08-08-2011, 10:10 PM
mine was To and hald man ! is a good serial 7 +

08-08-2011, 10:41 PM
just finished watching Rise of the Apes and it was quite pleasant viewing. a very good 8.5/10 it will probably go to a 9 with a better copy.

08-11-2011, 07:33 PM
Kick Ass(2010). Seen this kinda movie after a long time. Loved it!!!!

08-12-2011, 01:34 AM

good visuals , poor storyline , good ost , watchable movie

worth 6/10

08-12-2011, 09:48 AM
take the lead

nice feelgood movie. Love the dancing


08-12-2011, 02:06 PM
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Good but somewhat scary if it were to happen

08-12-2011, 03:36 PM
Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Good but somewhat scary if it were to happen:unsure:

08-13-2011, 03:29 AM
your kidding right? :wacko:

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Good but somewhat scary if it were to happen:unsure:

08-13-2011, 03:43 PM
I'm hoping that if any animals gain intelligence and rebel it's turtles because they're ridiculously easy to outrun.

08-13-2011, 11:24 PM
I'm hoping that if any animals gain intelligence and rebel it's turtles because they're ridiculously easy to outrun.

Easy for you to say, Mr. Athlete. :dry:

Obviously, you are not keeping up with your summer reading program, either.


08-14-2011, 12:48 AM
I'm hoping that if any animals gain intelligence and rebel it's turtles because they're ridiculously easy to outrun.

Not sure if trolling or just shtupit:


08-14-2011, 01:22 PM
Diary of Facebook

What the fuck did MTV do? I was actually expecting what the staff actually did behind the scenes not some mediocre bullshit about what users do on it.

I was actually suspecting it was a 20 minute advertisement for Apple. Didn't see one PC user.

08-14-2011, 04:11 PM

Suckered in by the title and obviously oblivious to the fact that the original movie even with Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell and a budget still sucked I unwisely dove in head first.

Suffice it to say that some movies are so unbearably bad that even running the video at 4x just to see if anything interesting happens* you still can't hang in there for x minutes to see the end.


08-14-2011, 05:57 PM

Suckered in by the title and obviously oblivious to the fact that the original movie even with Samuel L. Jackson and Colin Farrell and a budget still sucked I unwisely dove in head first.

Suffice it to say that some movies are so unbearably bad that even running the video at 4x just to see if anything interesting happens* you still can't hang in there for x minutes to see the end.


Did I read that correctly? You watched the show @4X speed looking for Samuel Jackson's colon and and tits?

Weren't in there, were they? :(

08-14-2011, 08:54 PM
Alien's and Cowboy's was preety good . 7/8

08-15-2011, 06:18 AM
Alien's and Cowboy's was preety good . 7/8
Seven out of eight...really?
I didn't know anyone still used Whitworth scales, how very quaint.

Just to bring us all up to speed...
A rating scale only works if the limits are agreed upon and widely understood.
I can say "Denver is fifty miles from Ft. Collins" and you know generally what I mean because we've agreed what a mile represents (i.e., "About 5,200 feet further than I'm willing to walk").
Most of our hit and run posters much prefer the "10" scale, so Yeahh, your arbitrary and unconventional scale of eight is basically a thinly veiled "Fuck you" to the dimmest of our flock.
We like to be inclusive here, it's kind of our motto.

There, glad that's sorted.
I too saw Aliens and Cowboys" and would give it 2 pints out of an hour.

08-15-2011, 12:33 PM
I have not seen it, but it appears worthy of 43 minutes out of its 118 minute run time. So. 43/118.

08-15-2011, 12:50 PM
Not really into westerns, will I enjoy it?

08-15-2011, 04:04 PM
I too saw Aliens and Cowboys" and would give it 2 pints out of an hour.

Imperial or American pints?

08-16-2011, 01:56 AM
Imperial, of course.
Now ask me if it's a standard or Revolutionary hour.

08-17-2011, 12:53 AM
The Departed.

Boston Gangs and corruption in the city's police dept. Good watch.

08-17-2011, 12:57 AM
Imperial, of course.
Now ask me if it's a standard or Revolutionary hour.

Furlongs per fortnight?

Ah, I actually sat down for Source Code and it didn't put me to sleep.

While I was awake, I was able to appreciate an extremely novel execution of your run-of-the-mill (yet classic) premise of the do-over, hammered intensely and creatively by Duncan Jones, et.al., behind the camera, and Jake Gyllenhall and company in front of it.

Understated and effective performances by all, with a special nod to Gyllenhall, who manages a good batch of believable scenery-chewing (he's better than Al Pacino on several fronts, but by an order of magnitude on this one), and is excellent all-'round.

On top of that, it's a high-tech feel-good movie with real heart.


I really liked it, and how can I fail to recommend a movie that kept me awake, after all.

08-20-2011, 08:10 AM
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Hm, I liked some parts and I almost fell asleep a few times. I'm not much of a dug user, so maybe that's why I didn't get the whole movie. It's different, though, and that isn't always bad.


08-20-2011, 11:57 PM
Fast Five. Initially, I downloaded this movie hoping to see some under 5 minute gang bang action, but it turns out that it wasn't actually a porn, but uploaded between two porn videos. Oops.

Anyway, Vin Diesel has come into his own, showing both range and super-star acting ability. Here is a screen depicting his disgust for something that had just happened.


Does he not look like he is unhappy with the situation? I rest my case. And, there's plenty more where that came from. He also does an exceptional job of showing smugness, but you will have to watch the show yourself since revealing what he is smug about may/may not give away key plot details.

So good you'll want to pre-order it on Amazon AND pay full ticket price at the theater.

Normally when I misdownload a movie, I instantly knock it down a couple of points. However, with all of the male bonding in this film, I didn't need that porno after all. 10/10

08-21-2011, 01:51 AM
Your pic might display Vinny's actressin' range but I gotta tell ya...from here it looks like Diesel just farted and the guy behind him ain't thrilled.

Another thing that I find slightly offputting (besides the noxious flatulence) about your new man crush (BTW, have you broken this to Sly yet?) is the odd discrepancy with his shaving.
How do you find time to skin the scalp and completely miss the entire face?

Seems kinda lazy.

08-21-2011, 02:24 AM
I thought Vin was good in 1 and 3 not so good in 4 and Oscar worthy in 5.On the other hand Paul Walker is sort of dreamy.

08-21-2011, 05:30 AM
When the fuck did the fast/furious have a part 4? Also, is this part 5 bullshit a troll? I've boycotted the series since part II and I'm not quite up to speed.

I hope you saw and loved what I did there...

08-21-2011, 06:24 AM
mjmacky, Fast 5 is a great transition to a serious franchise. It's more aimed at a more mature audience instead of the 12 year old L platers. There's still some moments to keep the 12 year olds entertained, 2 V8's running around town dragging a 5 ton safe. It's nowhere near as terrible as the previous titles though. The scene with Vinny and the wrench was pretty raw.

Anyway I just came back from Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I think I've seen one of the previous titles before on TV so didn't really know what to expect. Was Rise of the .... a prequel? Seemed to take a different approach from what I remembered it. I actually enjoyed it, don't know what Idol was battering it for.

08-21-2011, 12:39 PM
I never battered Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It would have been better if they had taken the cgi thing a little further and replaced all the humans with special effects too though.They'd probably have been less cartoony then.

I thought Gollum was brilliant as Caesar though . I was really hoping for a Brutus ape and a Cassius ape or maybe have it at the end instead of fleeing into the forest the apes use this magic horn and call King Kong from Skull Island and he rains down righteous ape fury on the humans but hopefully they will put that in the sequel.
Also less talk about Alzheimer's because that's depressing and maybe replace those scenes with ones of monkeys flinging poo at each other.

08-21-2011, 12:48 PM
Just ended up watching Clerks II for the first time. I don't usually do sequels, because they don't sit well with me. After watching Clerks and being thoroughly amused I moved on from the Jay and Silent Bob series. A friend told me I made a mistake, so I went back. I can do without all the emotions and love flying around, but the scripting was amazing. The entire plot was centered in a bloody restaurant, but they managed just with the power of words to turn it into an hour+ of hilarity, just like the first.

Nowadays movies need guns and CGI apes to catch people's attention. :no:

08-21-2011, 12:59 PM
Just ended up watching Clerks II for the first time. I don't usually do sequels, because they don't sit well with me. After watching Clerks and being thoroughly amused I moved on from the Jay and Silent Bob series. A friend told me I made a mistake, so I went back. I can do without all the emotions and love flying around, but the scripting was amazing. The entire plot was centered in a bloody restaurant, but they managed just with the power of words to turn it into an hour+ of hilarity, just like the first.

Nowadays movies need guns and CGI apes to catch people's attention. :no:


Best thing he ever did.

08-22-2011, 05:52 AM
Out of all of Kevin Smith's Movies I still love Dogma http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120655/ the most.


08-22-2011, 07:07 AM
I never battered Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It would have been better if they had taken the cgi thing a little further and replaced all the humans with special effects too though.They'd probably have been less cartoony then.

I thought Gollum was brilliant as Caesar though . I was really hoping for a Brutus ape and a Cassius ape or maybe have it at the end instead of fleeing into the forest the apes use this magic horn and call King Kong from Skull Island and he rains down righteous ape fury on the humans but hopefully they will put that in the sequel.
Also less talk about Alzheimer's because that's depressing and maybe replace those scenes with ones of monkeys flinging poo at each other.

I see what you did there.

08-22-2011, 09:49 AM
Fast Five. It was a very good movie, over my expetances.

08-22-2011, 03:37 PM
Assassination Games - Good movie, reminded me of some old school Van Damme action


08-22-2011, 05:49 PM
Assassination Games - Good movie, reminded me of some old school Van Damme action


So which is it , good or does it remind you of Van Damme movies?:unsure:

08-22-2011, 06:51 PM
I thought Mallrats was very good. Also I'd say I enjoyed Clerks 2 even more than I did the original. That doesn't happen often.

08-24-2011, 03:22 PM
Apocalypse Now. What can I say... it's damn genius.

08-24-2011, 07:17 PM
Transformers 3 good movie

08-25-2011, 01:33 AM
Rise of the planet of the apes was fantastic. Best movie of the summer

08-26-2011, 12:27 AM
The Kings of Kong- documentary.

People- at least some people- take Donkey Kong seriously...very seriously.
I did not know this.
Thanks to The Kings of Kong, I now do.

I've never played Donkey Kong, in fact, I've never really played any arcade games...old fashioned pinball or newer video games.
This movie should have had zero appeal to me but two factors made it fascinating...the presumptive "King", Billy Mitchell...

...and the twisted fanboi politics of this inbred, tiny community.

Mitchell, a star video game player from youth, apparently styled himself after the stereotypical Disney evil prince.
He is immaculately coiffed, has a beard so perfect it seems fake and is always dressed (ALWAYS!) like a used car dealer.
His nemesis, Steve Weibe ("Weebee") is the polar opposite, a schlub from Washington state, possibly mentally afflicted.
The contrast is cinematically striking and aided by the fact that Mitchell (and his minions) act like major douchebags...but no spoilers here, sorry.

This film achieved all the goals I require from a documentary.
I was introduced to a subject I was unaware of, drawn into the nuance and passion that attracts its followers and saw a grand episode from its history.

Still don't give a damn about video games but sure did for about two hours as I watched The Kings of Kong.
That's entertainment.

08-26-2011, 11:01 AM
Source Code

08-26-2011, 02:26 PM
Cowboys and Aliens.

Boring as fuck! Fell asleep constantly and kept waking up every 30 minutes when there was an explosion. Nearly the worst 2 hours of my life!

08-28-2011, 10:34 PM
lol cant agree more!

-1 \10

08-29-2011, 01:08 AM
OK! It's a red letter day!
Not only will this be my 15,000 post but a few hours ago my 20 year old Mazda rolled over 200K on the odometer, so it's a double superfab landmark!
To celebrate this momentous event I decided to watch...
Thor- Anthony Hopkins, Natalie Portman, some others.
TBH, this would not normally be a movie I'd "celebrate" with but I had some time to kill before Breaking Bad came on, I was already comfortably settled in with an ample supply of Sour Grape and lemon sorbetto and Thor was readily available, so...

Hmm, how to put this nicely?
Thor is stupid, watching it made me stupider, how it grossed $430 million stupifies me.
Thor is a turd that Marvel has dropped, another in the trail that will eventually lead to The Avengers, a movie I have to assume will be so awesome that it will immediately lead to The Rapture.
And be five hours long, so every Marvel superhero ever can make an appearance.
Can't hardly wait, nope.

Not to waste my big moment here on such a small film as Thor, allow me to recommend a small film that in every way outshines it...Spellbound (2002).

A documentary about the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee, Spellbound follows eight (semi-disparate) kids as they try to make the finals of the national bee.
Who knew spelling could be so compelling?
The scenes at the finals as the kids run into words they don't know are alternately hilarious and heartbreaking...and that is the whole point.
Even the kids realize the essential absurdity of what they're attempting but they strive like maniacs to achieve it (keep in mind, they can't be over 14 and for most of them this was their own idea) and the moments when they face their failure are pure art.
And relief, mostly.
You'll feel far more emotion and feel much more entertained if you watch Spellbound rather than that idiotic CGI placeholder I mentioned above.

08-29-2011, 02:22 AM
Congrats on the 15k/200k milestones, clocker!

I'm sold on the idea of a spelling bee, but I would want either animated bee characters, or Vin Diesel involved. I predict that would hit at least $860 million. Here's hoping Hollywood is paying attention...

08-29-2011, 02:44 AM
Congrats on the 15k/200k milestones, clocker!

I'm sold on the idea of a spelling bee, but I would want either animated bee characters, or Vin Diesel involved. I predict that would hit at least $860 million. Here's hoping Hollywood is paying attention...

Won't watch it unless there's a fly that's voiced by a black standup that YELLS!

08-29-2011, 02:48 AM
I watch Rango yesterday with the kids...man what a funny movie, I was laughing so hard beer almost came out of my nose, highly recommend watching it!

08-29-2011, 06:22 AM
Congrats on the superfabmilestones clocker & thanks for the heads up on Thor, I already had it on my severely dubious list, you have just confirmed it as two hours of my life I would want back.
Since I am going through a bit of a classic movies phase atm (why not the current releases seem to be for a lower life form) I rewatched one of my all time fav's and it still is a joy, the original Flight of the Phoenix http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059183/ . This story is a great character piece with a great ensemble cast with each character carefully crafted, as you learn about each of the characters the movie involves you in them and in a backdrop of desperation it is a great story of the human spirit overcoming adversity.
The 2004 remake is a pale CGI shadow of the depth of character in this movie, and if you enjoy a good yarn and characters with real depth then this is an enjoyable watch.

08-29-2011, 06:50 AM
Congrats on the 15k/200k milestones, clocker!

I'm sold on the idea of a spelling bee, but I would want either animated bee characters, or Vin Diesel involved. I predict that would hit at least $860 million. Here's hoping Hollywood is paying attention...

Won't watch it unless there's a fly that's voiced by a black standup that YELLS!

If there is anything I have learned from Hollywood it is that black people always shout. And they are scared of ghosts. If I ever meet one in real life, I'll shout and make the there's-a-spooky-ghost face. Surely, it will help in bridging the cultural divide. :yup:

08-29-2011, 10:33 AM
Yes, he makes great jeans.

08-29-2011, 10:56 AM
OK! It's a red letter day!
Not only will this be my 15,000 post but a few hours ago my 20 year old Mazda rolled over 200K on the odometer, so it's a double superfab landmark!

A documentary about the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee, Spellbound follows eight (semi-disparate) kids as they try to make the finals of the national bee.
Who knew spelling could be so compelling?
The scenes at the finals as the kids run into words they don't know are alternately hilarious and heartbreaking...and that is the whole point.
Even the kids realize the essential absurdity of what they're attempting but they strive like maniacs to achieve it (keep in mind, they can't be over 14 and for most of them this was their own idea) and the moments when they face their failure are pure art.
And relief, mostly.
You'll feel far more emotion and feel much more entertained if you watch Spellbound rather than that idiotic CGI placeholder I mentioned above.

Since I am going through a bit of a classic movies phase atm (why not the current releases seem to be for a lower life form) I rewatched one of my all time fav's and it still is a joy, the original Flight of the Phoenix http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059183/ . This story is a great character piece with a great ensemble cast with each character carefully crafted, as you learn about each of the characters the movie involves you in them and in a backdrop of desperation it is a great story of the human spirit overcoming adversity.
The 2004 remake is a pale CGI shadow of the depth of character in this movie, and if you enjoy a good yarn and characters with real depth then this is an enjoyable watch.

Congratulations on reaching something few achieve and hopefully none aspire to.:)
Anyway no matter how many or few km posts you have here I shall forever feel small beside your wit and intelligence.:angry:

Funny how a movie requires nothing but enough character development to make you care about what is actually happening to the people onscreen to actually succeed doesn't it?
Btw couldn't agree more about Flight of the Phoenix.

08-29-2011, 12:37 PM
Thor, not that great i think.

08-30-2011, 12:30 PM
Thor, not that great i think.i concur but for a slightly different reason.
not a fan of the Marvel stuff and i did watch it because of the imdb rating but it didnt do it for me....

08-31-2011, 11:52 AM
I watched Cowboys and Aliens. Wasn't that good. Cool special effects but the story was kinda meh. ;)

09-01-2011, 03:43 PM
I watched rise of the planet of the apes and Holy Moses was it ever good! It was a slightly different take on the old movies involving a super cure that amped up the brain :) Story is really good heart warming and dramatic while the main character Ceaser tries to find his place in the world somewhere between humans and apes, it is totally action packed too. Very cool film :)

09-01-2011, 06:55 PM
Thor 2011 - watched it only for natalie portman.

09-01-2011, 07:01 PM
Was she too busy to watch it for herself?

09-01-2011, 08:23 PM
the Lord of the rings for me,the greatest movie ever!!

09-01-2011, 10:31 PM
Which Orc was your favorite?

09-01-2011, 10:56 PM
Which Orc was your favorite?i think you might have him there.
on another note i bought the box set and haven't even got round to watching any of them. call me stupid or what....

09-02-2011, 08:35 AM
Which Orc was your favorite?i think you might have him there.
on another note i bought the box set and haven't even got round to watching any of them. call me stupid or what....


A stupid person would of went to the cinema when they were screening the LOTR marathon :whistling

09-02-2011, 10:20 AM
i think you might have him there.
on another note i bought the box set and haven't even got round to watching any of them. call me stupid or what....


A stupid person would of went to the cinema when they were screening the LOTR marathon :whistlingwhat is a cinema?

09-02-2011, 10:59 AM

A stupid person would of went to the cinema when they were screening the LOTR marathon :whistlingwhat is a cinema?

You'll have to forgive him, he's Australian....

09-02-2011, 11:15 AM
oh i didn't know that
ok he is forgiven. looks like i have a free week end so i will dust down that Lord of the rings boxset and finally watch them..

09-02-2011, 12:38 PM
looks like i have a free week end so i will dust down that Lord of the rings boxset and finally watch them..
Keep your eye on the third Orc from the left and see if you don't agree he's doing some fine actressin'.

09-02-2011, 01:07 PM
looks like i have a free week end so i will dust down that Lord of the rings boxset and finally watch them..
Keep your eye on the third Orc from the left and see if you don't agree he's doing some fine actressin'.thanks for the tip will do.and i had to google to see what an Orc was......

09-02-2011, 01:34 PM
Me too.

09-02-2011, 07:37 PM
Super 8 - overhyped piece of shit lol don't waste your time or ratio.


09-02-2011, 10:11 PM
Friends With Benefits- Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake.

First let's ponder the elephant in the room.
Friends With Benefits is a romcom and closely adheres to the genre.
Every beat/trope/meme is exploited and abused.
I don't even need to summarize the plot because the title is the ultimate spoiler.
Had it starred Katherine Heigl, I'd have hated every glossy frame but it doesn't, and therein lies it's salvation.

Mila Kunis channels Bette Midler and Carole Lombard to become a "broad"...her character has far more personality than the writers created.
She is ace at quick bawdy repartee and seems supremely comfortable mocking herself, very approachable.
A dirty Sandra Bullock, if you will.

Objectively, FWB is a predictable summer chikflik but thanks to Mila it was an enjoyable way to hate a movie.

09-03-2011, 02:15 PM
Attack the Block- nobody you've ever heard of.

Aliens attack an English housing estate (a high rise, basically) and the only ones who know about it are a gang of young thugs and the woman they've just mugged.

Attack the Block is a low budget British film (most of the special effects money went to dentistry, I think) with a smart concept, interesting soundtrack and huge heart.
The gang- whom the opening scene prepares you to hate- turn out to be resourceful, brave and intensely loyal but mostly, fearless in the way only children can be.

The writers also made a very smart choice by creating aliens who are frightening but not invincible.
This means there's no Hail Mary MacGuyvering of lasers or the like, the kids are fighting with the same pathetic weapons they use to terrorize lone women in dark alleys...a tiny switchblade, a few pipes an a metric shitton of attitude.
It works quite well.

"Small" films like Attack the Block cannot spackle over creaky plots with multi million dollar CGI budgets (Looking at you, Avatar!) and must depend on character development to engage the viewer.
This one does.

Question for those who watch this...
Does Moses turn into Hi-Hat?

09-03-2011, 02:48 PM
I just stole that a couple of hrs ago and was going to see it in a few minutes. After watching the sample it looks liek I'll need subtitles.

Y'akno' wha' I mean bluud?

edit: At least the kids seem a bit more educated than the pommy drama Kidulthood and Adulthood :huh:


I fort wen muldy was talkin', lyk, he was takin da piss. dinnt kno dat how dey talk ova dere.

09-04-2011, 04:35 AM
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

I had really enjoyed watching the first part.
Dark of the moon was the final part of transformers series and I think it was ok.I think there was too much action and less story.The first part had action combined with great story.
Watch it if you prefer action over story.

09-04-2011, 12:49 PM
Attack the Block

Heard good things about this movie but haven't gotten around to watching it.Hopefully I will and your review will get at least a couple more people to do so as well.The film industry could certainly use more movies like this and fewer witless movies like Cowboys vs Aliens.


09-04-2011, 03:05 PM
Hangover 2 - 9/10 - it had some very funny moments :D

09-04-2011, 03:35 PM
X-men First Class


09-04-2011, 03:48 PM
Both your accounts have been suspended.

Didnae ken I could do that, didya?

09-04-2011, 04:23 PM
Super 8 - Biggest over-hyped piece of crap ive seen to date!! Ok, it might be interesting for sci-fi fans but this movie was so boring, i almost fell asleep half way through.


09-04-2011, 05:10 PM
after reading clockers review i have just finished watching Attack the Block. and it was quite a descent film.
it reminded me a bit of shaun of the dead only because of nick frost being in it and acting like he did in the for-mentioned film.
overall if you can get past the lingo the young kids of today spoke in the film.it was very enjoyable a good 8/10 from moi..

09-05-2011, 07:15 AM
A holiday trifecta:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Johnny Depp Goes Full Retard.
I shamelessly admit to being amused and entertained by the first Pirates, Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow was quite the unexpected Disney hero.
All the movies since are unmitigated shit, this last so wan and listless that I was embarrassed for all of us.
The sidestory of the mermaid and the Jehovah's Witness (I'm assuming) was far more compelling than anything Depp and Cruz could spark and having seen one Disney swordfight (which involves much brandishing of sharp, pointy things but remarkably little blood and fewer severed limbs...), I've seen them all.
Johnny, please find a new franchise.

Columbiana- Zoe Saldana.
The lead up to this movie's release has focused on whether or not Zoe Saldana could open an action hero movie.
Without even seeing the film I can answer the question...of course she can.
Given today's fondness for epileptic editing and pervasive use of standins, Kermit the fucking Frog could be convincingly cast as an action hero.
The question should be can Columbiana open as an action film, regardless of the star?

I think not.

I did like the girl who played the young Zoe and really, I liked Zoe herself well enough too.
I did not for one second buy into any of the Mission Impossible shit (I should tell you my architect friends story someday) and the whole "avenging the family" schtick is really getting old.

So yes, Zoe Saldana can kick some ass.
I just don't care enough to watch.

Fast & Furious- Fast 5- Koenigsegg CCX and an amazing amount of new Detroit iron in Rio.

Sshhh, don't tell anyone but while everyone else was asleep F&F- F5 snuck in and stole well, basically everyfuckingthing from George Clooney's Oceans franchise.
Clearly, there would have to be more car stuff...and there is.
The film's real MacGuffin is the addition of Dwayne "The ROCK!" Johnson as a borderline insane G-man.

Shared screentime between Vin and Dwayne is of necessity rather limited.
I assume that their combined presence would create a testosterone fueled black hole that could quickly lead to fiery death!, so The ROCK! is kept sidelined till Brazil raises a new generation of cannon fodder for his rogue agent to mow down.

That's alright though cause Vin and his generically good looking sidekick (Google it if you care, which I don't) need the time to break the laws of physics so the final setpiece can transpire.
Be assured that the final setpiece does transpire (your $15 ticket fee includes the Happy Ending), so I'm assuming that during one of the Rock's few scenes (probably the really inane one where he makes his crew reassemble a GT40 from pieces for no good reason) Vinnie and Tonto (citation needed) go back in time, murder Albert Einstein and warp the laws of the physical universe.
They return in time to pilot two Dodge Challengers sourced from a Lee Iaccoca wetdream and perform a lot of Rio's Olympic pre-construction demolition.
Such thoughtful boys, always have been.

This is another action movie that wants to cut the reek of Axe Body Wash by slathering "familia" over the sociopathy...oh yeah, family means everything to Dom and the gang.
Well, their family means a lot...the thousands of bystanders -one or two of whom might have families of their own- don't much matter and Dom is willing to risk his sister- his PREGNANT sister (but don't worry, she doesn't drink!)- in his suicidally harebrained assault on Precinct Trece but don't question his motives cause it's FAMILY!, motherfucker!
If that ain't enough, tough.

It ain't.

09-05-2011, 08:17 AM
Both your accounts have been suspended.

Didnae ken I could do that, didya?


09-05-2011, 01:55 PM
I think you just made that up so, whatever.

09-05-2011, 11:53 PM
I think you just made that up so, whatever.

Hactually since you were putting on a faux Scottish accent I used an old Glaswegian curse, literally 'go away and boil your head', T'was a joke based on your slang.

09-06-2011, 12:00 AM
I'm American so of course I "dinna ken".
Much like "British food", we don't believe the Scottish language really exists, being an elaborate put on to fool Donald Trump.

09-06-2011, 12:07 AM
I'm an export myself, I was born in Scotland but do not remember much, I came out as a young child. My family and my wife's family are all from northern Scotland and the Shetlands so I get a steady diet of Scottish slang, it's not the language but some of the food I object to.

09-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Ooh, the Shetlands!
That's where the famous wool bearing miniature ponies come from, right?

09-06-2011, 05:13 PM
Yesterday I saw Kill The Irishman. The story is not bad, maybe too many explosions. It's a bit boring

09-06-2011, 11:04 PM
sanctum !

09-07-2011, 12:57 AM
sanctum !

You know I gave the exact same review to The Informant! and people that were unaware of the exclamation mark in the title just thought that I really, really liked the movie.
Same sort of thing basically fucked up my attempted trashing of Moulin Rouge! though.

09-07-2011, 01:38 AM
sanctum !

You know I gave the exact same review to The Informant! and people that were unaware of the exclamation mark in the title just thought that I really, really liked the movie.
Same sort of thing basically fucked up my attempted trashing of Moulin Rouge! though.

But think of the amount of effort that was saved by simply typing the movie title without even blessing us with a thought as to it's worth. It took exactly 10 keystrokes to complete that post and then on to the next one somewhere else on the board, he probably won't even need a snack after that effort.

09-07-2011, 02:43 AM
X-Men: First Class- Many mutants, some stock Cold War era Russkis and Kevin Bacon. Oh, and that weenie from Wanted.

Movies like this aren't aimed at me.
I am not particularly attracted to movies like this.

Good, now that's out of the way, let's trash this bitch.

So, as I understand it, nuclear testing has somehow accelerated human evolution, evidenced by the growing number of weirdly mutated people hiding amongst the population.
The mutants long to be "normal" and just fit in.
It is hard to be a special snowflake, especially a scaly blue one.

It must be really difficult to be an outsider stigmatized by a ridiculous power, which is basically how these folk are afflicted.
Let's see, one guy can fly but only whilst screaming.
One guy has hands for feet but he's also really smart, ultimately he turns into a wolf/creature (and presumably leaves to pursue Bella).
One girl is literally Tinkerbell and can spit little fireballs (a trick that Disney totally missed...).

All of these skills are absolutely useless and frankly, a little embarrassing.

That's OK though because First Class also features a healthy dose of monomania, which is a trait absolutely integral to a "superhero" mythos.
Super/mutant folk are really terrible at multitasking, only one thing (World Domination!) animates your average tainted mutant and this singular focus makes for cardboard characters with an odd penchant for silly names ("Don't call me Eric, I prefer MAGNETO!" Really? Magneto? What are you, three?) and burlesque costumes (where is Tim Gunn when you really need him?).

There was a lot of strident music to alert me of impending CGI-gasms, which I found useful so I could preemptively shut down higher brain functions and enjoy the (rather weak) computer generated spectacle with my lower brain stem.
My lower brain rates First Class a solid 5/10.

My upper brain can't remember a single thing about the movie and thus feels unable to provide a rating at this time.

09-08-2011, 03:04 AM
My lower brain rates First Class a solid 5/10.

It is a little known culinary fact that lower brain stems are actually quite tasty. You just have to remember that they get very chewy, so you need to marinade them in a high-concentration of Hollywood for at least 2 hours before cooking. Done properly, they come out as soft and flavorful as bone marrow.

09-08-2011, 04:22 AM
That's really good to know, so thanks for sharing.

Totally disgusting, too.

09-08-2011, 06:06 AM
No problem, clocker. It's from an old recipe given to me by a zombie friend of mine. :P

09-08-2011, 07:59 AM
....... It's from an old recipe given to me by a zombie friend of mine. :P


09-08-2011, 10:05 AM
the last movie I saw was the Fast Five (2011).

but I do not like the movie has very fixed up a child can understand that many of the scenes are not real.

09-08-2011, 12:20 PM
the river murders (2011) it had a half descent cast so i thought it well worth a viewing. it started off ok but after 10mins or so gradually fell away.

09-08-2011, 04:47 PM
it was identity

Someone wants to access the invite section.:mellow:

09-08-2011, 04:53 PM
it was identity

Someone wants to access the invite section.:mellow:dont we all?
well not all some of us are quite content with what we have :)

09-08-2011, 04:57 PM
Someone wants to access the invite section.:mellow:dont we all?
well not all some of us are quite content with what we have :)

Maybe but if I had my druthers I would prefer the requisite spam to gain access then be also directed there.Seems only fitting.

I mean seriously. http://filesharingtalk.com/search.php?searchid=1135769

I don't know about you but I'm tempted to give him an invite just to not kill anymore of my brain cells.

09-08-2011, 05:04 PM
agreed with the above statement plus an add on to that .
they have to write a full sentence .
back on track can anyone tell me what identity is, it a film ..

09-08-2011, 07:50 PM
agreed with the above statement plus an add on to that .
they have to write a full sentence .
back on track can anyone tell me what identity is, it a film ..

It's a 2003 thriller starring John Cusack (good) that makes absolutely no sense (bad).
I can sum the whole thing up by obtusely saying it's basically Pam Ewing waking up to inexplicably find her husband Bobby in the shower.

Or if you are under 30 ,Shutter Island.

09-08-2011, 08:02 PM
agreed with the above statement plus an add on to that .
they have to write a full sentence .
back on track can anyone tell me what identity is, it a film ..

It's a 2003 thriller starring John Cusack (good) that makes absolutely no sense (bad).
I can sum the whole thing up by obtusely saying it's basically Pam Ewing waking up to inexplicably find her husband Bobby in the shower.

Or if you are under 30 ,Shutter Island.never seen it but i do enjoy watching John Cusack (quality actor) it seems like Amiral has disappeared was it something we said
oh i went with option A good old pam and bobby Ewing
which reminds me they are making a comeback :cry:

09-08-2011, 08:06 PM
John Travolta no less.
I can't wait.

09-08-2011, 08:11 PM
John Travolta no less.
I can't wait.never :O its almost as bad as ted danson being the new lead role in c.s.i.