View Full Version : Help Using uTorrent RSS Feature

10-13-2006, 04:03 PM
Well... heres my problem, been using uTorrent for a while now and im loving it... but would love it even more if i could automaticly download my fav TV show's :-)

i have searched the internet for a tutorial on how to do this... but just cant get my head round it at all

this is all have got so far...

i click the rss logo inside utorrent.

add my feed 'tvRSS|http://tvrss.net/feed/unique/'

then i guess i click the realeases tab... select tvRSS on the dropdown menu... but now im stuck...

say for instance i just wanted it to get the newest episodes of lost to download each week (350mb XOR or LOL) whatever...

what do i do now?!

anyhelp is very much appreciated

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

10-13-2006, 08:21 PM