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View Full Version : Outlook Rules

05-09-2003, 04:33 PM
I need help writing a rule that will delete ALL of the spam I receive at my work email. It is getting way out of hand, but I can't seem to get the rule(s)? right? Any help would be awesome!

05-09-2003, 05:32 PM
There isn't any easy way to do it with rules. You could set rules to automaticall delete anything with the subject or message - debt, finance, sex, penis, breast, growth, education etc, and you can create rules to delete all e-mail from @domain.com but they have made that harder by changing domains more often. There are prescreening services and software packages you might consider. Your system administrator might consider implementing them if you contact them. Spam is becoming such an issue, my consulting company is making money as we implement solutions to eliminate it.