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View Full Version : Need Ftn Invite please

10-19-2006, 02:43 AM
Please, Someone could tell me how to get an invite? Because it isn't allowed to trade them in public sites.
If there is anyone from the staff of Ftn could you tell me how to get it? or, could anyone send me an invite if there's a way to do it without causing any problems?
I'm a Power User in this sites:
WB , PS , TL ,ST , TD , BitSoup
If you wish, i can send to you an screen with my ratios in the sites.
Thanks :thumbsup:

10-19-2006, 03:49 AM
FTN might be hard to get in,
a comparable site would be supertorrents (it might not be as good as FTN they got freebies)
but it has comparable pre times and has more seeders since its bigger
so if you dont have anything to trade you should stick with this site

10-19-2006, 12:49 PM
I can offer invites to this sites:
TL , TD , ST , Chronic , Temp Sh. , S.I.T.R. , TVJ , th3 Studio , SCC

But I don't want to have any problems for trading them.