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View Full Version : quality spam

10-24-2006, 08:20 PM
IWW nails TNA news with House Shows, Fake House Shows,Tanahasi, Kevin Nash, Matt Morgan and who else has offered money to the Carters Family. who is next for an IC title run? Who was the insane German King who built Neuschwanstein?
what ECW star is being heavily sought? Ports of existing titles will not give Nokia the traction needed to compete with entrenched leader Nintendo.
Why is Trevor Murdoch asleep at the arena? Finally, some Chuck Palumbo eating a steak news! We apologize for the tech difficulties! Who appeared to be abusing animal tranquilizers?
who is next for an IC title run? Fox clearly views the mobile game as little more than a promotional conduit.
IWW nails TNA news with House Shows, Fake House Shows,Tanahasi, Kevin Nash, Matt Morgan and who else has offered money to the Carters Family.
What exactly is Heyman a messiah of? Who appeared to be abusing animal tranquilizers? Then we dive headfirst into the merky waters that are T.
So many questions - so many Tommy Dreamer jokes.
What former WWWF tag champ did Tazz start his career wrestling against?
What exactly is Heyman a messiah of? We apologize for the tech difficulties! Who appeared to be abusing animal tranquilizers? Also, we fantasy-book, challenge on listeners to find us a good example and copyright the alphabet.
Grilled Cheese Sandwich eating contests be damned - this is the real deal! We read Viewer Mail from around the world and respond and discuss a new PPV that could set new records for old men wrestling.
who was hired at a funeral? Then we dive headfirst into the merky waters that are T. So many questions - so many Tommy Dreamer jokes.

10-24-2006, 09:31 PM
Quality indeed. Snakes on a motherfucking plane. The sky is blue. Skizo is an idiot. I'm watching TV. Kthxbai.