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View Full Version : Blueyonder To Block P2p

05-10-2003, 07:38 PM
Blueyonder ISP Provider (UK) has proposed blocking P2P and even online game servers.

From anticap.co.uk:

16/04/2003 Blueyonder to Ban P2P+More? By Paul Hanlon
Shock move: Blueyonder Suggest Radical Changes to their AUP
AntiCap can reveal today that Telewest/Blueyonder have proposed the following draconian alterations to their 'Acceptable Use Policy' that would quite simply outlaw peer to peer filesharing and the running of game servers as well as other internet activity:-

The proposed changes have been posted to the blueyonder newsgroup hierarchy. Here's an excerpt:-

Section 5 Internet Protocol Services

You may provide Internet Protocol services from your computer for personal use. An example would be the running of an authenticated FTP service to enable you to access files on your home computer remotely. You must not use, nor allow anyone else to use the services to provide Internet Protocol services to the mass Internet populace, including other users. Internet Protocol services includes, but is not limited to, HTTP, games, telnet, FTP, and P2P services.

Uproar would perhaps be the best way to describe the reaction of customers to these proposed changes.

AntiCap can only wonder at the motives behind this 'sneak preview' of upcoming changes to blueyonders AUP.

Perhaps the indebted telco's thoughts are not a million miles away from capping at this stage. Following the shock proposals above, if Blueyonder were to 'back down' on the section in question, perhaps users would then take more kindly to some kind of bandwidth usage restriction? Who knows. In any case, AntiCap will be watching this one very closely.

:o :angry: :(

05-11-2003, 08:16 AM
If they do that they will go out of bizniss, cos i will leave them & go somewhere else & so will many others.

05-11-2003, 10:08 PM
i will leave them also if they do thousands will

05-12-2003, 12:05 AM
Well, let's hope they stand by their "right to reply" statement on the same site re: not blocking P2P.

Latest ads state "I won't accept waiting ages to download a song" or something very similar, so if they want to advertise themselves as the ISP for downloaders, they'd damn well better stick by it.

News server is pretty decent, and I've not had any problems with them so far except for a few port scans to see if I'm running a web server - but they block kazaa, they loose my phone, TV and net subscriptions