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View Full Version : Gary Jennings

05-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Has anyone read this? This is one of my favorite books.

The story is a "memoir" of Thorn, a Goth who is born a nobody, travels across Europe and eventually becomes a somebody. But the twist is his sexuality(without giving too much away) and what he does because of it.

With luck, someone will have read it and can make it sound a bit more interesting :rolleyes:
But it is a very good book and worth the read :)

05-11-2003, 08:18 PM
I know Gary Jennings of his book :'Aztec' and one about Marco Polo.
Can't find later works of him anymore(in Holland) and that's a shame but
usually when you are not in the top 10 bestsellerslist. :angry:

05-11-2003, 10:15 PM
I have heard of Aztec and was told by the person who gave me Raptor that it is far better. I look forward to reading it when I find it and have time.

Keep an eye out for Raptor, I think you will find it worth the time :)