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View Full Version : BASTARD Bitmetv.org admins

11-01-2006, 11:18 PM
This site is pain in the ass.They are all bastards.They disabled my account with 0.8 ratio and i just sent PM via my friend's account and they disabled it too.
They really suck,pathetic,ass giver for money,donation suckers.

For the first account they disabled i also made donation.I hope it's stucked in their throat and they die.I've been using torrent for 3 years and a really good expert and this is the first time my account was disabled.I have no site with bad ratio with at least 0.9 . Worst of them was bitmetv and it was 0.8
What i don't really understand , they disabled my friend's account with 1.1 ratio.Just because i sent them PM to ask why they disabled my account.

I hope a bitmetv admin is reading it and i'm saying to him:

11-02-2006, 01:28 AM
sucks about your situation. as for your friend's account, they may have banned it because of your IP. it's pure speculation, though.

11-02-2006, 02:11 AM
Thank you.What i don't understand is who the fuck these guys are? they always force people with that stupid flashing donation button and begging for money.
I know how to download never use a banned client,no cheating.I'm really pissed off.I accept my account being disabled but i really don't understand why my friend's account got disabled.I clearly told them that is not my account ,was using another one to reach them.No P.M. no warning just disabled.
I repeat again I hope their site crashes as soon as possible.

11-02-2006, 02:31 AM
That sucks about your situation.

bitmeTV is generally a pretty good tracker... it doesn't sell your bandwidth like TL does (it does somewhat, but there is no unlimited leeching). I hope they don't crash... it's an excellent site with material not found anywhere else.

11-02-2006, 02:47 AM
I think you should stop crying like a little girl. There is a reason why you got banned. I don't care WHY you got banned and neither does anyone else. Keep your nose clean, seed the files you take for 24+ hours and keep smartass remarks to yourself. People like you complain about these sites like they owe you something. They don't owe you anything and you want to know what the best part is? You'll be replaced by someone else on any site the moment they BAN you.

11-02-2006, 02:51 AM
I also did not wanted to say this... but its THEIR tracker, they make the rules- if you don't like it- leave. There are many, many people that would gladly take your place (they will happily seed too). I would be very sad if the tracker died- there is nothing that even comes close to the amount of files that bitmetv has.

11-02-2006, 02:57 AM

11-02-2006, 02:59 AM
its a lot harder for people in other counties liek me for example in Aust where out upload badnwatih you can only get a max of 256 and that itself is 100 bucks a month

some private sites have the strict 1.1 ratio rule and its real hard for people like myself as it takes 10 times the amount of time to upload somthing then download it

the major problem is because its slower people leech off other seeders at top speed and by that time a torrent already has 30 seeders meanwhile it gets no more peers and you have seeded only 1/4 of what someone from the US has

the Key is to upload lots of torrents and hope some bastard leeches of you to get ratio up.

I can understand the strictness some sites have for 1.1 ratios but they need to take into account other counties who struggle and are handicapped

11-02-2006, 03:03 AM
your friends account probably got disabled because it was flagged when it showed up on same ip. Multiple accounts is a no no. The proper place to ask for help or inquirey is the IRC channel and if youve been a member for awhile, you should of known that. That sucks you got banned cuz bitmetv is a great site. Just change your ISP then get another invite with a different email ofcourse and change your attitude.

11-02-2006, 03:06 AM
Yeah. Just go to #bitmetv.help and nicely ask them what's going on.

11-02-2006, 03:16 AM
I know i overreacted.And for those teaching me on how to seed or download my answer is: i know how to.I uploaded more than 40gb and dled less than 50gb.Nobody gets banned of that. 0.8 is a good ratio and even if it's not you get warned.
I really don't care if i get bitmetv account and really i don't want to.I just want to swear that's it.
BTW my broadband is 600k/sec for both download and upload.And seeding for days not only 24 hours.

Thanks for those who are trying to calm me down but i'm really angry.I have over 50 sites and most with 2.x and 3.x ratio.Never got banned , warned , thrown away for 3 years.I always contributed but that site plays with my nerves.

11-02-2006, 03:41 AM
But bro, bitmetv is worth it, its not like the other trackers.I were you, I would try go on IRC and talk to them cuz man you don't want to lose your account.

11-02-2006, 04:20 AM
I agree with 360 try to talk to em. Also hope they don't see your post here or your chances of getting it back will be zero. Some advice edit post NOW and hope they miss it. It's just advice though take it or leave it. Good luck either way

11-02-2006, 06:33 AM
listen bro, you better keep your language clean...the language you used in this forum against bitmetv's admin clearly shows that you are no ordinary guy...people with this kinda attitude are always condemend....they dont just kick people randomly...u must have done something....and always know that u uploaded 40 GB free stuff from them for free....

11-02-2006, 07:45 AM
Just ignore these admins. Most of them are from the irc scene with shit for jobs, no money, no life even close to being envied. I remember when I used to run a bot one of these ops would call me from fucking florida or something cause he was bored lol. He was some 30 something year old guy.

Seriously some middle age guy asking for donations for illegal files and getting cocky about it. Alot of admins are better though but I get the feeling that oink/bitme/tv etc are the same group of people.

11-02-2006, 10:58 AM
I calmed down now.You're right my language is not good but this is the first time it happened to me and i got quite angry.
I won't get my account since i don't want to be a member of that site anymore.Asking donations all the time, acting like a king ,that's not the place i want to be.
Sorry from everybody but after sleeping over it, it seems that my anger is over.

@kayvanblue don't worry i'm not gonna kill somebody because of loosing an account :)

11-02-2006, 11:30 AM
Well u should have tried their irc help channel, thats what its there for. As for donating - donors are not exempt from any site rules, they break em, they pay the same price as any other user. Donors also have to meet the sites minimum ratio requirements of 0.5
Don't know what you were banned for as the username u use here belongs to an acct disabled for inactivity.
As for asking for donations, when has bitmetv ever done that? Definitely not in a mass pm. There is a link on the newspage and yes also a button but im pretty sure staff doesn't ask nor beg for donations.
Anyway love it or hate it, the strict rules and policies serve their purpose and have helped bitmetv become one of the, if not the best, sites dedicated to tv

11-02-2006, 01:37 PM
that's not such a bad thing.just use proxy or something and get back maty.
i know how much you angry.those guys has too much power on their hands.just use proxy and signed up and that's how you will get your revenge :)
(you can traid with someone )

11-02-2006, 05:27 PM
Seriously some middle age guy asking for donations for illegal files and getting cocky about it. Alot of admins are better though but I get the feeling that oink/bitme/tv etc are the same group of people.

damn man u are waaay off course with that remark, u dont have the slightest clue what youre talking about.

but then again, alot of frustrated users that use those sites yet dont feel the need to abide by rules and just take everything for granted think exactly like you.

seriously, if you dont like a site feel free not to use it, but dont start bashing its admins becuz you cant follow some simple rules that are there to benefit everybody.
its funny that the users who follow the rules never have this issue, aint it?

Dr. Lecter
11-02-2006, 06:21 PM
that's not such a bad thing.just use proxy or something and get back maty.
i know how much you angry.those guys has too much power on their hands.just use proxy and signed up and that's how you will get your revenge :)
(you can traid with someone )

Wdf ? what's wrong with u ? revenge ?
remarks like yours should be deleted :angry:
& u really think that BitmeTV mods won't see if u're using a proxy ? just try - you'll get an immediate ban...

11-02-2006, 11:25 PM
I got banned from BitMeTV, too. Only got one torrent - seeded forever, but never recovered.

I talked to them on mirc once, said SOL. The second time they let me back in to raise it, but got disabled again after 12hours. I gave up.

***I've ALWAYS said that I wish large file sites would adopt more reasonable ratio requirements...Like Oink. Man, that place is paradise.

11-03-2006, 12:47 AM
Maybe my point is not clear.Let me make it clear:
1-I've been a member for over 6 months
2-I had a good ratio. I accept 0.5 my mine was 0.8
3-I didn't cheat nor used a banned client(sticked with utorrent and downloaded what version they wanted)
4-I didn't hit&run.Always seeded for longtime
5-I didn't use proxy.In my earlier posts i mentioned that i used proxy for another account(that account is still active)

Despite all , my account was disabled.I have no idea what happened.

11-03-2006, 07:52 AM
I got banned from BitMeTV, too. Only got one torrent - seeded forever, but never recovered.

I talked to them on mirc once, said SOL. The second time they let me back in to raise it, but got disabled again after 12hours. I gave up.

***I've ALWAYS said that I wish large file sites would adopt more reasonable ratio requirements...Like Oink. Man, that place is paradise.

i think a ratio of 0.5 is as reasonable as it gets, i mean you are allowed to leech twice as much as you seed before getting into any trouble, what more can you ask for?

some sites (sct) do not disclose their ratio requirements because they think that it would encourage users to "under-seed", so on those sites, any ratio below 1 can possibly get you in trouble. so in comparison, dont you think that the fact that you already know what is expected of you when joining a site like bitmetv is quite an advantage?

the problem most new bitmetv users dont understand is that they shouldnt fuck up their ratio and afterwards hope it will go up by seeding, but rather make sure it doesnt go bad in the first place. after you have made a nice buffer you can afford to leech large season packs, but its best to start small at first. if you get greedy you'll likely find yourself shy of one bitmetv acct soon :)

11-03-2006, 10:28 AM
Anyway love it or hate it, the strict rules and policies serve their purpose and have helped bitmetv become one of the, if not the best, sites dedicated to tv

no doubt. I can't think of any other site that beats it when it comes to tv content.

its funny that the users who follow the rules never have this issue, aint it?


myfranco: judging from your initial post in this thread, I would venture to guess that you also used the same sort of language in the PM you sent from your friend's account. no wonder they banned it also...

edit: after reading another post, you also sound like an immature idiot, to wish death on someone for banning you from a computer site.

11-03-2006, 12:06 PM
A 0.05 ratio sucks, and your pissed off..Grow up and move on... I think the rest of the site should be pissed off because you where a leecher...

11-03-2006, 02:39 PM
I think you should stop crying like a little girl. There is a reason why you got banned. I don't care WHY you got banned and neither does anyone else. Keep your nose clean, seed the files you take for 24+ hours and keep smartass remarks to yourself. People like you complain about these sites like they owe you something. They don't owe you anything and you want to know what the best part is? You'll be replaced by someone else on any site the moment they BAN you.

Everything so true above :) .

Keep a good ratio 0.8 in book is not good enough @ least 1:1 more if you can .
And also think before you post smartass coments as it won't get you anwhere coz you still is banned .

11-03-2006, 02:49 PM
Well, minus the attitude and all the bad rep I can usually (and try to) understand someone's problem with ratio if they are a new member to a site...I think we all forget sometimes how hard it is to start out at ZERO.

But hey...I'm just too nice of a guy I guess...

11-03-2006, 10:10 PM
damn man u are waaay off course with that remark, u dont have the slightest clue what youre talking about.

but then again, alot of frustrated users that use those sites yet dont feel the need to abide by rules and just take everything for granted think exactly like you.

seriously, if you dont like a site feel free not to use it, but dont start bashing its admins becuz you cant follow some simple rules that are there to benefit everybody.
its funny that the users who follow the rules never have this issue, aint it?

Who said i had a problem with rules? So I like a site but hate the admins. As far as I'm concerned admins do not equal site.

11-04-2006, 12:20 AM
It really doesn't matter if they banned me or not.I was really pissed off because it's the first time something like this happened to me.
@Lysine i don't want anybody die for that , it was just anger that's it.And they won't die just i said that.
And for some saying 1:1 ratio that's true.However,sometimes your ratio may drop to .8 or .9 just because downloading a source with good seeders and less leechers.
Anyway , bitmetv is a good site i agree but admins are really stupid.That is what i think about them.

11-04-2006, 01:03 PM
well.. first off, i dont see 0.8 as a 'good' ratio.. if it were me thats not even an acceptable one on my own account.. but anyway..

now.. i saw someone talk earlier about the strict seeding rules and how they wish they were be less strict than 1:1.. lets think about this now... would you be happy getting 40% of a file? no.. so why should they have to accept you giving 40% of it back? and a lot of sites have either a minimum seed to ratio OR a time limit to seed.. standard is 1:1 or 72 hours i believe.. whats the harm in leaving a torrent in your client if no one is getting it? whats it hurting? quit whining, leave it for 72 hours.. then you're free and clear right?

and if you're having such an issue seeding these files.. set your download speed so its lower than your upload speed so then by the time you finish your file, its fully seeded.. OR.. dont jump on every single file you see.. have some restraint man! lol grab 1 or 2 files.. seed them back, then grab 2 more.. do this until you've got some breathing room, then you can go for more.. this is how i start out on any new site.. usually 1 file and seed it till it dies, and i have ratios in some places that are in the tb's

i do know some Admins on sites have attitudes and seem like jerks.. but those of you who arent staff, you dont understand the crap we deal with everyday from people throwing a fit.. like some of the people ive seen in this thread.. if you came at me with that attitude im gonna take you down to chinatown my friend! you have no idea how many people there are who cant accept a hit and run warning when its clearly deserved.. ive only come across a few who have, and one was a 15 year old

so before you go and send an admin some nasty message next time.. just remeber, hes probably already had 10 of them that day, and you could just be the unlucky one who pushes him over the edge

11-04-2006, 01:58 PM
I once got a "warning" for a torrent I had stopped seeding. My ratio is over 3 but they also have a rule where you must also upload 70% of any individual thing you download.

I PMed the admin chap and explained that I hadn't actually stopped seeding per se, just temporarily coz I was doing something else. I also explained that if that was a problem I would be on my way, wishing him and his site the best of luck.

I got a PM in reply saying, not a problem, thanks for explaining, warning lifted.

A lot of it is down to how you deal with people. We sometimes forget that because we are typing onto a screen rather than talking to someone, face to face.

11-04-2006, 02:06 PM
I once got a "warning" for a torrent I had stopped seeding. My ratio is over 3 but they also have a rule where you must also upload 70% of any individual thing you download.

I PMed the admin chap and explained that I hadn't actually stopped seeding per se, just temporarily coz I was doing something else. I also explained that if that was a problem I would be on my way, wishing him and his site the best of luck.

I got a PM in reply saying, not a problem, thanks for explaining, warning lifted.

A lot of it is down to how you deal with people. We sometimes forget that because we are typing onto a screen rather than talking to someone, face to face.

well said JPaul, people seem to forget sometimes that site staff are people too.. ok that sounded really cheesy but i dont care lol:naughty:

11-04-2006, 02:58 PM
well said JPaul, people seem to forget sometimes that site staff are people too.. ok that sounded really cheesy but i dont care lol:naughty:
:D That did sound cheesy...but well said :happy:

11-04-2006, 04:27 PM
MrChaos as far as i remember that was my post to Bitme Admin:

------Beginning of P.M.-----
"Hi , i have an account which was disabled(account name).
My ratio was about .85 and i was still seeding.I didn't get any warning, i was not cheating , not using a banned client.I didn't give my account to somebody else.

This account i'm using belongs to a friend of mine and i found it the only way to communicate with you.

I would not thank to the site for disabling my account but please tell me where i was wrong?"
------End of P.M.-----------

And please don't tell me .85 is a bad ratio in Bitmetv.I know the rules.Their limit is .7 even in that case you get a warning not get disabled.

I'm using torrent for 3 years and believe me i know what is seeding and leeching.In some sites it's quite easy to keep your ratio and bitmetv is not one of them.
One more think i have a connection of 600k/sec download and upload(yes upload is also 600k/sec.

11-04-2006, 06:06 PM
Are we going round in circles here, or just beating a dead horse? Perhaps both. You got banned, no amount of childish ranting and raving is going to bring your account back. Mature, level headed and civilized conversation will, but not this.

11-04-2006, 08:52 PM
Mature, level headed and civilized conversation will, but not this.

Well said.

11-04-2006, 11:09 PM
Mature, level headed and civilized conversation will, but not this.

Well said.
That sounded cheesy, too. But right...well said.:yup:

11-04-2006, 11:27 PM
Well said.
That sounded cheesy, too. But right...well said.:yup:

How can "Well said" sound cheesy, unless Cheese says it.:blink:

11-05-2006, 12:41 AM
I meant the original post by delimare http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/bittorrent/t-bastard-bitmetvorg-admins-135159-post1533186) of
"Mature, level headed and civilized conversation will, but not this."

11-05-2006, 05:44 AM
you can only get a max of 256

umm,im in australia i i've got a 1024 upload 40/40gig of data + phone for 90bucks a month, you haven't been doing much research have you ?

01-18-2007, 09:21 AM
sucks for ya

01-18-2007, 09:38 AM
sucks for ya

hahhahaha lol hahahah great reply after all that reading def coudnt agree more

01-18-2007, 01:57 PM
Well said.
That sounded cheesy, too. But right...well said.:yup:

I meant the original post by delimare http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/bittorrent/t-bastard-bitmetvorg-admins-135159-post1533186) of
"Mature, level headed and civilized conversation will, but not this."

I love the cheese. :D

01-18-2007, 02:10 PM
There's some great thread diggers here. It's like the 10th in less than a day.

01-18-2007, 03:06 PM
There's some great thread diggers here. It's like the 10th in less than a day.

If fact, in always the same guy...

01-18-2007, 03:40 PM
bitmetv is all ways been good 2 me