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View Full Version : Centopy And Bittorent

05-11-2003, 09:21 PM
Hi all, was wonderin if anyone can tell me the following about Bittorrent and Centropy.

1. Regarding Bittorent, where can I see a list of the most newest releases available , and how do i get the prog to start downloading them?

2. Regarding Centropy, Firstly, I must agree that this is the BEST quality in it's un-recoded state, and what I'd like to know is regarding their site, i see the movies list but havn't a clue as to how to obtain movies from the list on the site, and was hoping one of you could shed some light.

05-12-2003, 12:46 AM
I won't go into detail with bittorrent, but you can check out sites like this (http://www.torrentse.cx/) for downloading files.

In regards to Centropy releases, or any officially ripped release... Centropy is a ripping group, one of many that puts warez onto the internet. These are the guys that actually bring it all to the table. A small community thoughout the world exists and they are called release groups. Centropy, FTF, TMD, Boozers, they identify their version of the release by their group name. Each group gets credit for their releases, sorta like a race to get the files to the web first.

To get the 'originals' from these groups, IRC and Newsgroups are the way to go. The files will eventually get onto Kazaa and other p2p networks as they spread, but sometimes they get re-encoded for a smaller filesize.

05-12-2003, 03:49 PM
Jibbler, thanks for your response to this post, I appreciate it :D I've noticed you are up to the plate on many post's to shed light on many subjects and just wanna let you know that I for one am glad that guys like you are around .That was cool of you. You would'nt happen to know of a few good IRC's or newsgroups I could go to to get Centropy's would you? I am sure you do, would appreciate if you could put a few links to good sources for these if it's o.k. with you, and if not it's o.k. too, but thanks again for sheddin some light on the subject.

05-12-2003, 03:57 PM
Mender, ill help try to explain better what jibby just told you.

Lets think in terms of cars... Centropy is like Ford... they make the cars, etc, and get them out to you... Ford isnt the type of car, the type of car is a mustang, a tempo, a ranger, a bronco, see what Im saying?

Centropy just releases the files, one of many groups that do it, and their quality isnt above anyone elses... they may do more releases, but you dont say, "wow, that centropyied quality movie is the best I have seen"... you would say, "wow that copy of xmen2 from is better then the other versions of xmen2 i have seen."

because the way centropy makes the files, isnt special that cant be done by another group. VideoCD, TFC, Esoteric, they can all make movies just as well as centropy. But the first one to release that type, usually gets the attention...

05-12-2003, 04:14 PM
He He, Schmiggy, I was wonderin when you would step up to the plate as well, as YOU in particular along with Jibbler, are mainly the guys I've seen helpin out in here :D( I know others have as well and those that do your help is greatly appreciated) Thanks for sheddin some more light on the subject, I stand corrected regarding the way I may have put things , and trust me , I see what you mean regarding the groups that bring it to the table, as I was under the impression that Centropy has all good quality movies, but I have been learning that's not always the case and it's more like hit or miss regarding any particular groups quality. Thanks Schmiggy, appreciate your input as well. (Ehem can you post a few good links/sources to obtain these releases) :lol:

05-12-2003, 04:20 PM
well, they dont release via direct downloads or anything. They release them to IRC, and Newsgroups, and then people get them from there, pass them on to sharereactor, and to bittorrent, and to fasttrack/klite, ect. www.vcdquality.com is the best place to track whats out, movie wise, and who released it, then from there, its up to you to track it down on the various p2p, and sources.

I use IRC, bittorrent, Newsgroups regularly, to find what i need, then pass them off to other places... so there really isnt a definative place to get things, maybe IRC if you have time, and savy... other then that, you just have to look around.

05-12-2003, 04:24 PM
Cool, Thanks and MORE thanks for the X-2 links you posted , he he , thanks to you and the others , I got mine, had to convert it though cause the vid was PAL and the sound was NTSC, but i used the header trick, changed it to mpeg 2.0 VCD using 4:3 and it looked LOVELY when it was done, Thanks again bro, good lookin out . :D

05-12-2003, 04:30 PM
Not a problem, glad to help.

and if you have the cash, id definately recomend seeing it in the theater. I have twice, and loved it. Nothing beats the big screen, but svcds are great till i can buy the retail dvd, :D

I have my reloaded tickets already, for this wednesday, at 10pm! WHOOOO HOOOOO!

05-12-2003, 04:33 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , Lookin forward to Reloaded , it's gonna ROCK! Can't wait either , got my ticks as well WOOT!

05-12-2003, 04:46 PM
whats the website 4 Centropy?

05-12-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Schmiggy_JK23@12 May 2003 - 12:30
I have my reloaded tickets already, for this wednesday, at 10pm!  WHOOOO HOOOOO!
I do too, bought online this morning. B)

here is another great site to check releases:

Isonews (http://www.theisonews.com)

No screenshots like vcdquality, but they host .nfo files for new releases in all catagories. B)

05-12-2003, 04:59 PM
Jibby, where do u live btw, if u dont mind me askin?

Are most places having a 10pm showing, a day early? Seems kinda strange that WB would allow it, as normally midnight is the earliest.

05-12-2003, 05:00 PM
Cool , thanks Jibbler, post as many as ya can , will be sure that I'll check em out, Thanks again , and GET ready to be ..........RELOADED! he he he

05-12-2003, 05:05 PM
sorry for soundin DUMB :lol: , errrr but, the nfo files what exactly are they for, I tried opening nfo files that are in Bins that I extracted and all I get is my machine info.

05-12-2003, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by MenderOne@12 May 2003 - 12:05
sorry for soundin DUMB :lol: , errrr but, the nfo files what exactly are they for, I tried opening nfo files that are in Bins that I extracted and all I get is my machine info.
open nfo files with notepad, or word pad, then u can see them, :P

u can even assosciate them with notepad, tahts what i do, so they auto open with it.

05-12-2003, 05:09 PM
hahahaahahaha (I'm laughin at myself by the way , at the simplicity of something that i did'nt know about , i find it amusing to learn how simple it is) SOOOOOOOOOOO .....that's the trick huh, ? Jeez ya learn sumtin new everyday, Windows tried to read em as nfo files and THAT"S why! :lol: :lol: :lol: NO WONDER! , Thanks again Schmiggy!