View Full Version : Wikipedia: hacked and infected!

11-06-2006, 10:56 PM
http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/7927/7751732703b2337dedm581f43ap1.jpgThe German version of Wikipedia has been hacked to spread malware to unsuspecting users. Will the sneaky ‘social engineering’ attacks of the hackers ever end?

While the offending pages on the German edition of Wikipedia were quickly removed once discovered, with all versions of the page permanently deleted, according to German news site Heise Online, the ease of which Wikipedia was hacked to be the source of malware has caused shockwaves around the world.

Cleverly using an article about the Blaster worm as cover, they modified the article and placed a link to a so-called ‘fix’, and urged people to download it. Of course, anyone doing so that didn’t have up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware protection would have found malware installed onto their machines, instead of malware being taken away.

To make matters worse, the German hackers then spammed the online German community, urging them to visit the Wikipedia site for information on getting rid of the W32.Blaster worm.

With Wikipedia still seen as an authoritative site, despite recent scandals, many could have easily been fooled into believing the link really did offer a download of value, instead of some nasty malware!

The ‘safe’ nature of the Wikipedia site would also have fooled many browser-based anti-phishing tools specifically designed to protect users from malicious websites.

It just goes to show, it’s getting harder to trust the sites we visit online, while emails we receive should always be suspect, even if they appear to come from a friend.

Wikipedia is one of my favorite websites. why don't they do something productive like attack Microsoft.:shifty:

:source: Source: http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/6921/52/

11-06-2006, 11:38 PM
Wikipedia is one of my favorite websites. why don't they do something productive like attack Microsoft.:shifty:
Same here, I think alotta people use Wiki especially if you don't something and just want a quick overview/general idea.

That and usually it offers some good links when doing a research paper.:happy:

11-06-2006, 11:40 PM
Attack microsoft hackers!!! I bet they would love to be thrashed!!!!

11-07-2006, 02:35 AM
Wikipedia is one of my favorite websites. why don't they do something productive like attack Microsoft.:shifty:

How is that productive when you use a Microsoft OS?:dry:

11-07-2006, 02:43 AM
Maybe he's on a MAC...anyways attacking anybody is just wrong. Stop the hate! or die...(jk)

11-07-2006, 02:50 AM
Maybe he's on a MAC...anyways attacking anybody is just wrong. Stop the hate! or die...(jk)

I just don't understand the M$ hate is all.

11-07-2006, 02:58 AM
How is that productive when you use a Microsoft OS?:dry:
I would get a good chuckle out of it when I see it in the news anyway I use linux too.

11-07-2006, 03:06 AM
Maybe he's on a MAC...anyways attacking anybody is just wrong. Stop the hate! or die...(jk)

I just don't understand the M$ hate is all.
:O I never have either~! I like M$, and of course I know the story of how Bill got a hold of MS-DOS...but still it's legit.

11-07-2006, 03:11 AM
I just don't understand the M$ hate is all.
:O I never have either~! I like M$, and of course I know the story of how Bill got a hold of MS-DOS...but still it's legit.

How'd he get a hold of it?

11-07-2006, 03:21 AM
As I heard from my Comp. Tech instructor:

Gates got alot of his notes from study groups in school, so I guess he leeched off of others at times.

Then one of the guys from the study groups created a pre-MSDOS in his garage and Gates was 'secretly' impressed, but the other guy thought is was shit.

Gates bought the guy's software from him legally, so he owned all rights to it. That's what he used to build M$ on.

As the story goes...Search on Wiki it probably has something on it. But anyways doesn't really bother me that much. I still hold respect for him.

11-07-2006, 08:22 AM
Isn't Gates in Antitrust? I thought he did a good job portraying Tim Robbins.

11-07-2006, 10:12 AM
gates bought dos off someone and liscensed it out to IBM as ms-dos. Smart move and made him alot of money nothing wrong with that.

Its their other business practices im not a great fan of. Ive heard plenty of stories of microsoft using their monopoly in the desktop world to force computer manufacturers into very shady anti competitive deals.

here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Microsoft)

they are providing source code (http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2006/jan06/01-25EUSourceCodePR.mspx) for their server operating systems to allow for interoperability to comply with a recent Eu decision but the liscense forbids the use of this code to design open source products to interact with windows which was pretty much the reason for the judgment.

11-07-2006, 11:09 AM
not to forget they haven't given Symantec and Mcafee proper APIs.

11-07-2006, 01:36 PM
Gates indeed bought the Dos from a guy legally for $50,000.
However he stole the GUI Technology from Steve Jobs who Founded Apple!
Steve Jobs agreed to let Bill Gates to work for apple and gave him Macintosh to learn how to use them. That happened before apple had released computers with Mac OS. Mac had only been implemented back then. Gates used MS-DOS to Create GUI for computers for his own and release them before apple as Windows 3.1 :angry:
Anyway wikipedia is one of my favorite sites. why would someone hack such site?! Damn. Hacking a Torrent site i can understand hacking Microsoft, why not :P hacking Pentagon go for it:P but an Encyclopedia site whats the point.

11-07-2006, 11:09 PM
Gates indeed bought the Dos from a guy legally for $50,000.
However he stole the GUI Technology from Steve Jobs who Founded Apple!
Steve Jobs agreed to let Bill Gates to work for apple and gave him Macintosh to learn how to use them. That happened before apple had released computers with Mac OS. Mac had only been implemented back then. Gates used MS-DOS to Create GUI for computers for his own and release them before apple as Windows 3.1 :angry:
Anyway wikipedia is one of my favorite sites. why would someone hack such site?! Damn. Hacking a Torrent site i can understand hacking Microsoft, why not :P hacking Pentagon go for it:P but an Encyclopedia site whats the point.

steve jobs basically took the idea of a gui and mouse from xerox who where too stupid to see there was actually a market for it for a small percentage of apple shares.

source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_Silicon_Valley)

Wikipedia was in no way hacked or cracked. Someone just put up an article claiming to link to a fix for the blaster worm that was actually malware.

This really is a lesson that wikipedia is not a trusted source of information. At uni i used it as a source and promptly failed because it was not a reliable source of information.

11-08-2006, 12:43 AM
not to forget they haven't given Symantec and Mcafee proper APIs.
That's on Windows Vista and that's because Vista is above the need for Antivirus software with its new structure (or is suppose to be, which I beleive it was, but then again I think AV software is a joke so...)

11-08-2006, 04:33 AM
Gates indeed bought the Dos from a guy legally for $50,000.
However he stole the GUI Technology from Steve Jobs who Founded Apple!
Steve Jobs agreed to let Bill Gates to work for apple and gave him Macintosh to learn how to use them. That happened before apple had released computers with Mac OS. Mac had only been implemented back then. Gates used MS-DOS to Create GUI for computers for his own and release them before apple as Windows 3.1 :angry:
Anyway wikipedia is one of my favorite sites. why would someone hack such site?! Damn. Hacking a Torrent site i can understand hacking Microsoft, why not :P hacking Pentagon go for it:P but an Encyclopedia site whats the point.

steve jobs basically took the idea of a gui and mouse from xerox who where too stupid to see there was actually a market for it for a small percentage of apple shares.

source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_Silicon_Valley)

Wikipedia was in no way hacked or cracked. Someone just put up an article claiming to link to a fix for the blaster worm that was actually malware.

This really is a lesson that wikipedia is not a trusted source of information. At uni i used it as a source and promptly failed because it was not a reliable source of information.

Yeah... thats where i confirmed the information too. I just Forgot to mention where Steve Jobs got the GUI Technology from :P

11-08-2006, 10:25 AM
not to forget they haven't given Symantec and Mcafee proper APIs.
That's on Windows Vista and that's because Vista is above the need for Antivirus software with its new structure (or is suppose to be, which I beleive it was, but then again I think AV software is a joke so...)

Lets face it they built vista ontop of xp and have a new security model in place whoopie doo.

I wonder if they will bothered to fix up all them local priveledge escalation exploits that seem to crop up all the time. otherwise there new security model will be completly broken.