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View Full Version : Trigun Episodes

05-12-2003, 05:41 AM
Hello everybody last saturday i download the full episodes of Trigun
this anime Is the cooolest in town
i belive that wachovsky brothers copy the full anime and then convert it in matrix

SOmeone knows about extras or movies of trigun??? cos i want everything !!!!!


05-12-2003, 07:20 AM
I watched all of the trigun episodes and it became one of my favorite animes. I have searched around and asked a few people and they all said that are no trigun movies. Just the TV shows.

The wachovsky brothers said that they were inspired by amine, comic books and other stuff. Thats why the matrix looks similar.

05-12-2003, 05:41 PM
:lol: yeah thats right dont u know another anime simillar or better than trigun ???
I download Ghost in a shell 2 everybody must download it 2


05-12-2003, 11:53 PM
if u like trigun check out a show called Naruto trust me its funny like trigun and has a good storyline good action too

05-13-2003, 12:24 AM
naruto ?? it is funny >>?? cos i saw a webpage and it looks like pokemon !

And i hate pokemon cos is 4 people without brain !! :angry:

05-13-2003, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by silverccrow@13 May 2003 - 01:24
naruto ?? it is funny >>?? cos i saw a webpage and it looks like pokemon !

And i hate pokemon cos is 4 people without brain !!  :angry:
Arrrg! :(
I wish people would actually download and watch say the first 3
episodes of an anime to see if they like it instead of the whole "I
saw it on a web page" bit.

I have seen web pages that were supposably about an anime but had no
real info on the actual anime. The only way your going to know if
you like it is to download a few ep's and watch them. If you like
them download more if you don't like it don't down load any more of
them. But please don't base your entire view of an anime just on one
web page.

Sorry seems you got me at a bad time. But I am just tired of people
deciding that this anime is good or that anime is bad without
watching any of it at all. Been seeing it going on at a couple of
forums now.

05-13-2003, 04:23 AM
That Vampire Hunter D I was talkin about looked kickass. Heavy Metal is good tho I'm not sure if its considered anime.

05-13-2003, 04:28 AM
Naruto is NOTHING like pokemon, its a pretty decent anime, although its downside is that flashbacks happen a bit to frequently, its also still in production, so only 32 eps so far out of... I don't know how many there will be...

Also, it seems that Matrix was heavily influenced by Ghost in a Shell, look at the roof jumping thing in the first eps :).. and the whole ghost effect, robot society, etc.

Trigun is up there on my all time faves, although it can't bump Gundam Wing from 1st place.

05-13-2003, 04:37 AM
Ahhhh the best reason to watch Cartoon Network. Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Outlaw Star.. though for some reason Space Ghost Coast To Coast and Sea whatever 2033 are more memorable.

05-13-2003, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by Kabal@12 May 2003 - 20:37
Ahhhh the best reason to watch Cartoon Network. Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Outlaw Star.. though for some reason Space Ghost Coast To Coast and Sea whatever 2033 are more memorable.
lolz, agreed, although I don't think that the dubbed do the original episodes justice, the translators are really bad.. like in Outlaw star, the McDougal's ship is called the "El Derado" in the cartoon network dubs (thats would be an illusion to the fabled city of gold) but the japanese name translates into "Eluder" like something that can't be caught... maybe its just me... but those small things make a difference.

05-13-2003, 05:01 AM
Yea.. There was a website dedicated to translating Dragon Ball Z episodes right for a while. Parents would freak if they heard some of the stuff said on Japanese cartoons. I think Cartoon Network has a policy of editing out anything relating to death (not the Adult Swim and late night ones tho) too which is why DBZ is so off.

05-13-2003, 03:56 PM
U got all the reason about naruto i downloaded a few episodes and i like it !!!!

but i prefer trigun style something more evil like killing people !! guns karate u know what iam talking !

Dragon ball is cool but at the end in GT it start looking like the same stuff all the time nothing new !

And Gundam is very very poor something like usa cartoons !
not anime !

Yeah yeah !! Ghost in a shell Is matrix !! i know !

but why not 2 mention Evangelion !
evangelion is the pure anime and also has psicology shit ! :lol:

05-13-2003, 04:01 PM
yeah yeah evangelion Rules !
naruto is just shogo u have played shogo __?

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