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05-12-2003, 05:53 PM

I try something that help boost my kazza dl speed.
I have been doing this for a while..
And it worked pretty well.
Don't know if anyone had done this trick before.

1)First you must PAUSE your downloading file.

2)Then u click Find More Sources ( Status will be shown as Searching ) for about 15 - 25 sec.

3)Then u Resume. ( Status will still be shown as Searching )

4)Then Pause again.

5)Lastly u click Resume. ( Status will be shown as Connecting )

U will notice that the dl speed had improved.
I found this trick better than just clicking the find more sources.
Remember this only work on downloading file.

Also, have u ever find a rare file , dl it but the no. of sources never improve, TRY This method.

1) Go search , type the exact file name and let it autosearch as long as u like.

when u look at the file download , the no. of sources will to seems to be improve.
If u are lucky the speed of the downloding file will improve too.
This only works on rare files or files with hard to find sources.

Both method i use it quite often..
Cause the Speed Up software sometimes doesn't seems to work.
Try it. :D

05-12-2003, 05:56 PM
It's a nice tip Gonjeng,

But this has been posted before by Paul.
But there is nothing wrong with posting it again!

Because it workes!

Thanks! ;)

05-13-2003, 06:26 AM
I tried doing what you said and used a stop watch to make sure I was doing everything exactly right and here's what I got...One file is downloading at 2.16kps and two others are downloading at a whopping 0.22 kps. I have yet to even break 10kps on some extremely popular files. There is an average of around 20 people per file (minimum) when I do a search, yet I am doubting there is any way I will ever download these files in the ETA that is stated (6 hours for the biggies). It will probably take me several days with a DSL line that was tested at around 550kps. I have tried clicking the "Use port 80 as alternative for incoming connections" thingamajig. Nothing. I miss the days where I could download at a minimum of 50-80kps. Now I can't even break 10 and that "Speed up" tool seems to actually slow it down, if you can imagine such a thing. :huh: SEVEN USERS at a total of 3.77kps now? Give me a break! Either everyone in the world has a 14k modem or there is something seriously wrong with this program. It has been days and I've tried every little trick there is, yet I still can't even reach 10kps, let alone any sort of "optimal speed". At times, it would shoot up to 140kps, but that would last for less than a nanosecond and then go drastically down to something like 2kps or so. How insane is that? This thing seems almost useless with a fast connection, let alone a 56k modem. What am I doing wrong? Should we really have to resort to little "tricks" just to use and enjoy a program like we used to?

05-13-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Erasmus@13 May 2003 - 01:26
SEVEN USERS at a total of 3.77kps now? Give me a break! Either everyone in the world has a 14k modem or there is something seriously wrong with this program. It has been days and I've tried every little trick there is, yet I still can't even reach 10kps, let alone any sort of "optimal speed". At times, it would shoot up to 140kps, but that would last for less than a nanosecond and then go drastically down to something like 2kps or so. How insane is that? This thing seems almost useless with a fast connection, let alone a 56k modem. What am I doing wrong? Should we really have to resort to little "tricks" just to use and enjoy a program like we used to?
What limits are on your uploads and what speeds are you actually delivering to uploads?
Do you see lots of aborted and cancelled uploads?
You may be accidentally contributing to the problem, because your uploads are someone else's downloads.
And if your average upload speed (PER upload, not total) is 1KB/sec, then it's semi-reasonable to expect the same from someone else...

Also, 'unlimited' upload bandwidth can cripple connections... ESPECIALLY DSL connections that divide their total bandwidth between uploads and downloads.

It could also be your ISP crippling Kazaa -- you'll see a fast initial download or upload rate, then in a second or 2 those speeds drop to nearly nil -- or some preset amount which makes it LOOK like everyone has an equally crappy connection. If you see an occassional fast upload or download, you can pretty much rule this out though...
ISPs may also only be blocking/crippling/slowing Kazaa during peak load hours (typically 3 PM to 9 PM on weekdays.)

Also, you seem to use kps in multiple places in your post -- however connections are almost always rated in kilobits/sec while download/upload speeds are in KiloBytes/sec. (8 kilobits/sec = 1 KiloByte/sec) Kazaa Lite++ reports speeds in KiloBytes/sec, but limits upload bandwidth by kilobits/sec.

05-13-2003, 09:35 PM
I had the stupid thing on "Unlimited" mode for uploads. I was finally able to get speeds up to at least 20Kbps a few minutes ago. Sorry about mixing the two up. I will be looking out for new "tweaks" as I see them.

05-14-2003, 08:28 AM
I had no Idea about this!!!!!!!
I have a connection of 1024 Kb/sec, could someone please tell me the optimal settings?

05-14-2003, 12:59 PM
i think the optimal for upload is 80% of ur upload speed. approx anyway

05-14-2003, 01:55 PM
nice tip iot works :)