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View Full Version : Tv-cap Encoding

05-13-2003, 01:09 AM
i got a "ATI-Wonder VE PCI-Bus Vers" and its a tv-cap card (of course) i hooked it up right and installed all the drivers but...when i go to record a vid the qaulty is shyt, i mean its not the best on the comp but it just sucks, i tried encoding to divx codecs but it looks worse, can anyone help me or explain what im doin wrong, also wat other tv-cap software can i use (*free or *cracked :D )

05-13-2003, 02:59 AM
Download the NEWEST driver! It was just released.

I have the ATI TV Wonder (PCI Slot). And the video quality is very good in VCD mode, that is, you can burn VCDs with the mpeg that it produces.

I just downloaded the newest driver and TV Wonder player, and there is a DVD quality mode. This is great, but uses a lot of hard drive space, but execellent for editing!.

05-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Yeah I'd say get the update and see how it works. I have the ve just like you and it does an excellent job. I did notice that there was a visible quality difference in captures between the regular analog cable we have and our digital line, even though they look the same on the tv's.

05-14-2003, 01:08 AM
could some1 post a link or PM a link to the drivers

05-14-2003, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by TheFilePirater@14 May 2003 - 02:08
could some1 post a link or PM a link to the drivers
I can't post a direct link to the exact drivers unless you tell me if you are using XP or Win98.

But go here and choose the driver and OS that you have, to download it

ATI web page - SUPPORT (http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html)

05-14-2003, 08:59 PM

05-14-2003, 09:57 PM
For Windows ME get these files!

You need this DirectX9 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/downloads/drx90.asp)

And this Windows Media Encoder 7.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/WM7/encoder.aspx)

...and this DAO/MDAC Component Package (required). (http://pdownload.mii.instacontent.net/ati/drivers/mmc-7-9-dao-mdac.exe)

...and this ATI TV-WONDER DRIVERS (required) (http://pdownload.mii.instacontent.net/ati/drivers/tvw-pci-ve-driver-1-11-0-0.exe)

...and this ATI Multimedia Center 7.9 (http://pdownload.mii.instacontent.net/ati/drivers/mmc-7-9.exe)

05-15-2003, 01:02 AM
grrrrr, i got all those but its still shyt :(

05-15-2003, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by TheFilePirater@15 May 2003 - 02:02
grrrrr, i got all those but its still shyt :(
Seriously, You need to get rid of WindowsME.

Windows98-SE is so much better. Actually WINXP is the best (so far), as long as your system can handle it.

05-16-2003, 02:22 AM
my sys cant handle XP (not enough mem) also it took 4ver to get the drivers to work for ME could i copy then to a cd and use them for 98se

05-17-2003, 11:38 PM
ok, i either need win98 video drivers for (emachines etower633ids) i tried emachines.com and driverguide.com anyone know any other sites?