View Full Version : Trying Very Hard

05-14-2003, 12:10 AM
Dell put this program on a brand new computer that my friend ordered from them,he paid the full amount!
He had some trouble and as he had extended service warranty, they fixed the problem but had to format his computer. They would not give him a disc to reload his Windows XP Interactive Training Program although he paid for it in the price! ( I think it stinks!)
However does anyone have it please? If so I will give it to him for his 64th birthday today! Bye. Norman

05-14-2003, 05:31 AM
Don't know what to tell you, but it stinks that Dell won't do that for you. Sometimes though, complaining to a manager or supervisor can yield better results.

This (http://www.individualsoftware.com/new/consumer/details/WN4_details.htm) would make a great gift for only $20.