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11-27-2006, 12:40 AM
While I was playing GOW I got to the part where the Berserker was lurking. Two friends are watching me play.

At this stage, after making it inside a building, there's a cutscene that shows a hulking Locust (the Berserker) in chains walking in front of two Locust handlers. It smells us, kills the handlers and starts sniffing around.

One guy in my crew tells us to be very quiet, another guy flips out (some expendable dude), runs around the corner and the Berserker rips him to shreds (you can see it in a shadow).

So me and Dom (one of my crew) run away to lure the Berserker outside away from everyone else. Conventional weapons won't kill it so I have to use a gun called the Hammer Of Dawn that only works outside cuz it actually just marks the target for a satellite beam.

So me and Dom are sneaking around then BOOM the Berserker busts through a wall. I haul ass (Dom just walks around aimlessly and the Berserker ignores him :dry: ) into the next room and the Berserker gets a bead on me and then charges me. I have to get her (it's a she) to smash through a door matador/bull stylee.

I jump outta the way and it smashes the door. I run back the way I came a little cuz the Berserker is blocking the door and I wanna matador her again so she is outta the way.

I'm standing behind a column (there are numerous ones in the room) and the motherfucking Berserker runs at me smashing all the columns in a line then kills me.

One of the fellas got so caught up watching the game that he said, "OH SHIIT!", jumped straight up outta his chair, busted his head on the basement ceiling, landed and broke the chair.


We were crying laughing!

True story.:lol: :lol:

11-27-2006, 01:13 AM
LMFAO welcome to the club hahaha

something similiar happened to me and a buddy of mine.

We played co-op, and when we got to that part we fucking freaked like little school girls hahaha

I was like HOLY SHIT and just booked it, my friend panicked big time and ran into a wall (in the game). Then while we were trying to lure it into smashing the door we were having a difficult time, adn then we both ran behind one of the columns and the motherfucker came smashing through the columns, we both threw our controllers on the floor, which in turn knoced a pop can over, which in turn spilled on my friends foot, and he got freaked out (didn't know what it was) and ran straight into the wall right of the sofa (in real life this time).

Gears of war is the shit.

11-27-2006, 01:34 AM
Gears OF war Rules , The best levals are the one in teh dark

11-27-2006, 01:53 AM
Gears OF war Rules , The best levals are the one in teh dark

playing it co-op is so much fun like the ones where you're in the city trying to get to the car, personally i love it when you go underground into like the caverns and stuff w/ that yellow glowing stuff, that part of the game is insane.

11-27-2006, 02:29 AM
Yup , i agree , and also near the end where there is an assault on the house , playing that part is fun

11-27-2006, 01:26 PM
Do you have very low ceilings, or is your friend a giant?


11-27-2006, 07:25 PM
Do you have very low ceilings, or is your friend a giant?


lol well i thought most basements were low but that is in my area where i live lol.

I plan to get a xbox 360 now for this game and table tennis and few others i never wanted one but some games that are coming out for the xobx 360 seem really good and fun

11-27-2006, 11:07 PM
Do you have very low ceilings, or is your friend a giant?


lol well i thought most basements were low but that is in my area where i live lol.

I plan to get a xbox 360 now for this game and table tennis and few others i never wanted one but some games that are coming out for the xobx 360 seem really good and fun

Yup, most games are multi-platform so w/e PS3 has xbox360 has. Don't forget Halo3 :D lol

11-29-2006, 03:23 PM
While I was playing GOW I got to the part where the Berserker was lurking. Two friends are watching me play.

At this stage, after making it inside a building, there's a cutscene that shows a hulking Locust (the Berserker) in chains walking in front of two Locust handlers. It smells us, kills the handlers and starts sniffing around.

One guy in my crew tells us to be very quiet, another guy flips out (some expendable dude), runs around the corner and the Berserker rips him to shreds (you can see it in a shadow).

So me and Dom (one of my crew) run away to lure the Berserker outside away from everyone else. Conventional weapons won't kill it so I have to use a gun called the Hammer Of Dawn that only works outside cuz it actually just marks the target for a satellite beam.

So me and Dom are sneaking around then BOOM the Berserker busts through a wall. I haul ass (Dom just walks around aimlessly and the Berserker ignores him :dry: ) into the next room and the Berserker gets a bead on me and then charges me. I have to get her (it's a she) to smash through a door matador/bull stylee.

I jump outta the way and it smashes the door. I run back the way I came a little cuz the Berserker is blocking the door and I wanna matador her again so she is outta the way.

I'm standing behind a column (there are numerous ones in the room) and the motherfucking Berserker runs at me smashing all the columns in a line then kills me.

One of the fellas got so caught up watching the game that he said, "OH SHIIT!", jumped straight up outta his chair, busted his head on the basement ceiling, landed and broke the chair.


We were crying laughing!

True story.:lol: :lol:

Yeah, pretty similar reaction here - I was expecting the Berserker to bust through the wall... when he busted through the columns it was an "oh fuck!" moment.

Good game, good graphics, but waaaaaay to short.

11-29-2006, 10:21 PM
While I was playing GOW I got to the part where the Berserker was lurking. Two friends are watching me play.

At this stage, after making it inside a building, there's a cutscene that shows a hulking Locust (the Berserker) in chains walking in front of two Locust handlers. It smells us, kills the handlers and starts sniffing around.

One guy in my crew tells us to be very quiet, another guy flips out (some expendable dude), runs around the corner and the Berserker rips him to shreds (you can see it in a shadow).

So me and Dom (one of my crew) run away to lure the Berserker outside away from everyone else. Conventional weapons won't kill it so I have to use a gun called the Hammer Of Dawn that only works outside cuz it actually just marks the target for a satellite beam.

So me and Dom are sneaking around then BOOM the Berserker busts through a wall. I haul ass (Dom just walks around aimlessly and the Berserker ignores him :dry: ) into the next room and the Berserker gets a bead on me and then charges me. I have to get her (it's a she) to smash through a door matador/bull stylee.

I jump outta the way and it smashes the door. I run back the way I came a little cuz the Berserker is blocking the door and I wanna matador her again so she is outta the way.

I'm standing behind a column (there are numerous ones in the room) and the motherfucking Berserker runs at me smashing all the columns in a line then kills me.

One of the fellas got so caught up watching the game that he said, "OH SHIIT!", jumped straight up outta his chair, busted his head on the basement ceiling, landed and broke the chair.


We were crying laughing!

True story.:lol: :lol:

Yeah, pretty similar reaction here - I was expecting the Berserker to bust through the wall... when he busted through the columns it was an "oh fuck!" moment.

Good game, good graphics, but waaaaaay to short.

Fuck. I hate when a great game is too short. I would have played on Insane but you have to beat it on another difficulty first.:dry:

So I'm playing on Casual.:snooty:

I do the same with Tekken. I set it for 1 round just beat everybody and get all the extra characters first then bump up the difficulty.

I think I'm going to beat GOW this weekend and start playing folk on XBL maybe next weekend.
Deathmatches have got to be great.:happy:

Anyone know if M$ is trying to buy Epic.:shifty:

11-30-2006, 12:53 AM
Yeah, pretty similar reaction here - I was expecting the Berserker to bust through the wall... when he busted through the columns it was an "oh fuck!" moment.

Good game, good graphics, but waaaaaay to short.

Fuck. I hate when a great is too short. I would have played on Insane but you have to beat it on another difficulty first.:dry:

So I'm playing on Casual.:snooty:

I do the same with Tekken. I set it for 1 round just beat everybody and get all the extra characters first then bump up the difficulty.

I think I'm going to beat GOW this weekend and start playing folk on XBL maybe next weekend.
Deathmatches have got to be great.:happy:

Anyone know if M$ is trying to buy Epic.:shifty:

Yeah, took Jonno and I about 10 hours on Casual mode the first time through. Trying insane mode now... that should be more interesting. :lol:

11-30-2006, 12:59 AM
Fuck. I hate when a great is too short. I would have played on Insane but you have to beat it on another difficulty first.:dry:

So I'm playing on Casual.:snooty:

I do the same with Tekken. I set it for 1 round just beat everybody and get all the extra characters first then bump up the difficulty.

I think I'm going to beat GOW this weekend and start playing folk on XBL maybe next weekend.
Deathmatches have got to be great.:happy:

Anyone know if M$ is trying to buy Epic.:shifty:

Yeah, took Jonno and I about 10 hours on Casual mode the first time through. Trying insane mode now... that should be more interesting. :lol:

Hmmm....10 hours on Co-op and Casual. That's not too bad.

Are you on XBL?

If so, what's your Gamertag?

11-30-2006, 11:29 PM
Yeah, took Jonno and I about 10 hours on Casual mode the first time through. Trying insane mode now... that should be more interesting. :lol:

Hmmm....10 hours on Co-op and Casual. That's not too bad.

Are you on XBL?

If so, what's your Gamertag?

Not on co-op - it was mostly Jon playing - I can't play games for long stretches, I get bored of playing.

Not on XBL at the moment, although I think the package I bought gives me 3 months free or something. :unsure:

12-01-2006, 12:09 AM
Hmmm....10 hours on Co-op and Casual. That's not too bad.

Are you on XBL?

If so, what's your Gamertag?

Not on co-op - it was mostly Jon playing - I can't play games for long stretches 'cause I'm no good at them


Not on XBL at the moment, although I think the package I bought gives me 3 months free or something. :unsure:

Post your Gamertag when you get on. XBL is quite fun with the right games.

You might wanna check out M$s wireless nic also.

Jon L. Obscene
12-01-2006, 02:17 AM
I'm now playing it through on Insane and it is much harder although I found that by the time I finished it on casual I still hadn't really got to grips 100% with the controls (showing how short the game is lol) but have now, so not finding it quite as hard as I first thought it would be. Much more interesting on insane though, with normal or failed reload with the chainsaw gun you can expect to pretty much empty a clip into a locust at close range before he drops and wretches are quicker and take a bit more to kill.
Gotta say though, I love the Boomers...........BOOM! :lol:

Advice: Learn the perfect reload well, you ARE going to need it in insane mode as a perfect reload with the sniper rifle will take down a locust in 1 shot to anywhere on the body as opposed to 4.
Also learn how to effectivly close Emergence Holes.

Advice for final boss: Ignore online walkthroughs about the Torque bow and sniper rifle method, go with Grenades and Chainsaw gun, I'll say no more ;)

Overall a good game, best looking game to date, a few glitches and as Nik said......waaaaaaaayyyyy way way too short.

And she is a competant player, she's just not really into tatic warfare games such as this. She likes to run round blowing shit up ala Ratchet Deadlocked.

Jonno :cool:

12-01-2006, 10:21 PM
I'm now playing it through on Insane and it is much harder although I found that by the time I finished it on casual I still hadn't really got to grips 100% with the controls (showing how short the game is lol) but have now, so not finding it quite as hard as I first thought it would be. Much more interesting on insane though, with normal or failed reload with the chainsaw gun you can expect to pretty much empty a clip into a locust at close range before he drops and wretches are quicker and take a bit more to kill.
Gotta say though, I love the Boomers...........BOOM! :lol:

Advice: Learn the perfect reload well, you ARE going to need it in insane mode as a perfect reload with the sniper rifle will take down a locust in 1 shot to anywhere on the body as opposed to 4.
Also learn how to effectivly close Emergence Holes.

I haven't even tried the perfect reload (I know about it). I do know how to plug Emergence Holes..........a grenade.

Advice for final boss: Ignore online walkthroughs about the Torque bow and sniper rifle method, go with Grenades and Chainsaw gun, I'll say no more ;)

I hate using cheat or Gamefaqs unless I'm completely stuck.

Overall a good game, best looking game to date, a few glitches and as Nik said......waaaaaaaayyyyy way way too short.

Speaking of stuck, I got stuck in a wall, and had to quit once but that was the only time.

And she is a competant player, she's just not really into tatic warfare games such as this. She likes to run round blowing shit up ala Ratchet Deadlocked.

Jonno :cool:

Suuuuure, defend your woman.:whistling

Jon L. Obscene
12-02-2006, 12:26 AM
I haven't even tried the perfect reload (I know about it). I do know how to plug Emergence Holes..........a grenade.

Yes I figured you knew how to plug a hole :shifty: I guess what I meant was learn tactically how to do it and learn that you need to asap.

I hate using cheat or Gamefaqs unless I'm completely stuck.

Yep me too and usually when I do give in and check how to do something I find out I was right in the first place and it's just hard and takes a while. The advice I gave you isn't a "How to" as such, it's more of a pointer of the most effective weaponry to use, you still have to figure out the tactic which is the hard and skillful part.

Speaking of stuck, I got stuck in a wall, and had to quit once but that was the only time.

Yeah like I said, it's not without it's glitches, there's a part where a boomer and a couple of wretches come down in an caged elevator, I cut them to shit before the door opened and part of the boomers head was stuck in the wall going spacky :lol: ala F.E.A.R.

Suuuuure, defend your woman.:whistling

Of course :01:
But I do state fact so :P

Jonno :cool:

07-16-2007, 02:55 AM
Interesting news:

The only knock I had on GOW was it's length.

Well now the PC version is getting 5 new single player levels.

Remember the Brumak? Well you get to fight the motherfucker.

I always thought it odd that the only time you see the Brumak is in a cutscene.

GOW for the PC....I'm getting it. Helluva game that will be worth playing yet again.

Imagine the mods for it.:w00t:

07-16-2007, 12:09 PM
From the content that is being added it looks like they are doing a decent PC conversion rather than a half-assed attempt that some companies do. Could be good.

07-16-2007, 02:41 PM
From the content that is being added it looks like they are doing a decent PC conversion rather than a half-assed attempt that some companies do. Could be good.

Yeah the Unreal Engine had PC origins anyway. I can't see this being a bad conversion.

5 more levels is a lot plus add in the level editor plus add in that game will look better (with a very good gfx card) than the 360 version. The Xbox version was already amazing looking.

This is making me really pressed to get an entertainment PC up and working.
If I could play Crysis, GOW PC, and more on my basement TV, I'd be very happy.

mr. nails
07-17-2007, 07:10 PM

now... let the real gaming begin!

07-17-2007, 09:32 PM
From the content that is being added it looks like they are doing a decent PC conversion rather than a half-assed attempt that some companies do. Could be good.

Yeah the Unreal Engine had PC origins anyway. I can't see this being a bad conversion.

5 more levels is a lot plus add in the level editor plus add in that game will look better (with a very good gfx card) than the 360 version. The Xbox version was already amazing looking.

This is making me really pressed to get an entertainment PC up and working.
If I could play Crysis, GOW PC, and more on my basement TV, I'd be very happy.

Wow found some clips

Now previously this is all you saw of the Brumak (well this is if you fuck around and take too long). I like when the Boomers go "BOOM".


Now here's part of the new fight on the PC that's going to be on PC. Notice that Fenix is taking no damage on the demo cuz he'd be dead already. The Brumak kinda lights his ass up.


Did anyone notice that this vid is from the 360?:ermm: I noticed the same thing for Bioshock. Or they just left the Xbox control menus in.

I also didn't notice before that the Brumak has a "driver".

Here's another PC clip


Gears Of War is a real game players game.

07-18-2007, 02:27 AM
Man I love that game. I met some good online friends, by going through co-op.

07-18-2007, 02:34 AM
Gears OF war Rules , The best levals are the one in teh dark

playing it co-op is so much fun like the ones where you're in the city trying to get to the car, personally i love it when you go underground into like the caverns and stuff w/ that yellow glowing stuff, that part of the game is insane.


07-20-2007, 10:52 PM
Better quality clip
