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11-27-2006, 04:28 PM
DENVER - A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan.

Some residents who have complained have children serving in Iraq, said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs. He said some residents have also believed it was a symbol of Satan. Three or four residents complained, he said.

"Somebody could put up signs that say drop bombs on Iraq. If you let one go up you have to let them all go up," he said in a telephone interview Sunday.

Lisa Jensen said she wasn't thinking of the war when she hung the wreath. She said, "Peace is way bigger than not being at war. This is a spiritual thing."

Jensen, a past association president, calculates the fines will cost her about $1,000, and doubts they will be able to make her pay. But she said she's not going to take it down until after Christmas.

"Now that it has come to this I feel I can't get bullied," she said. "What if they don't like my Santa Claus."

The association in this 200-home subdivision 270 miles southwest of Denver has sent a letter to her saying that residents were offended by the sign and the board "will not allow signs, flags etc. that can be considered divisive."

The subdivision's rules say no signs, billboards or advertising are permitted without the consent of the architectural control committee.

Kearns ordered the committee to require Jensen to remove the wreath, but members refused after concluding that it was merely a seasonal symbol that didn't say anything. Kearns fired all five committee members.


I wonder if those that complained will be praying for peace on earth and good will to all men over the season.
people have differing views over the conflict but in the end we all want the same thing.
So IMO even if it was "anti Iraq", the wish that there be peace there is a shared goal is it not.
The symbol may be attached to certain groups but to many it's just a symbol to mean peace.

If it was as some residents suggested "a symbol of satan" :unsure: then what's wrong with putting her own wreath on her own property ? the resident may be a satanist :unsure:

It could be said that it' not the prettiest wreath ever and something of an eyesore (eye of the beholder) but looking at the picture even the prettiest "adornment" couldn't save the side of that house from being ugly.

11-27-2006, 06:45 PM
Maybe he does not believe in Peace To All Men. I thought it was a Mercedes Benz sign the first time I looked at it.:lol:

11-27-2006, 06:55 PM
I liked the bit about Kearns firing all the other committee members. Everyone out-of-step apart from him.

I hope this goes all the way, I think this guy is going to get a big shock.

11-27-2006, 09:22 PM
I wonder if those that complained will be praying for peace on earth and good will to all men over the season.
people have differing views over the conflict but in the end we all want the same thing.

I would question your use of the word "we", and offer you the splendid idiocy of Mr. Kearns as proof of the impropriety; I don't think he is alone, either.

So IMO even if it was "anti Iraq", the wish that there be peace there is a shared goal is it not.
The symbol may be attached to certain groups but to many it's just a symbol to mean peace.

If it was as some residents suggested "a symbol of satan" :unsure: then what's wrong with putting her own wreath on her own property ? the resident may be a satanist :unsure:

It could be said that it' not the prettiest wreath ever and something of an eyesore (eye of the beholder) but looking at the picture even the prettiest "adornment" couldn't save the side of that house from being ugly.

I think the point is actually that anyone who tried to make the case the sign indicates anything other than "peace" in the American semiotic vernacular is sad, and sadly mistaken.

Actually, even if it were the case that it has a "secret past" as the most evil symbol in history, or has some other obscure and malicious meaning, I don't think the message would have much effect, so widely is it's "peace" message perceived.

I concur with the sentiment expressed by others here; I hope Kearns ends up with a nice domestic fir tree of the type customarily utilized to celebrate the season (and adorned as well with a really big "peace" symbol) shoved up his ass so far nary a needle is showing.

Happy Holidays. :)

11-27-2006, 09:44 PM
I would question your use of the word "we", and offer you the splendid idiocy of Mr. Kearns as proof of the impropriety; I don't think he is alone, either.

You think he wants never ending war ?

wouldn't that rule out victory?

BTW. I heard you the first time, you didn't need to re-word:unsure:

11-27-2006, 10:17 PM
Thread title says it all.

Absolute madness. Some people really go out of their way to be offended.

It's a symbol of peace ffs.

11-27-2006, 10:49 PM
I would question your use of the word "we", and offer you the splendid idiocy of Mr. Kearns as proof of the impropriety; I don't think he is alone, either.

You think he wants never ending war ?

Who said that?

11-27-2006, 11:38 PM
You think he wants never ending war ?

Who said that? well you seem to suggest that "we" don't all share the same goal, in this case peace. Using this person as the example.
We may have different views of the running of the Iraq thing, we may have different views as to if it was the right thing to do, but ultimately we all want it to end......... and victory would do that would it not.

I think he is more upset that someone may not share his view of the Iraq war than by the wreath itself. I just get the feeling by reading other reports on the same story that he may also have a personal thing against his target resident.

11-27-2006, 11:58 PM
This is one reason I never want to move into a house with a HOA.

They suck.

Every new development around here has one which is why the best bet is to buy land and either upgrade the existing house or build a new one.

Usually the houses are too close together and the HOA fees are high.

11-28-2006, 12:43 AM
I hope Kearns ends up with a nice domestic fir tree of the type customarily utilized to celebrate the season (and adorned as well with a really big "peace" symbol) shoved up his ass so far nary a needle is showing.

Happy Holidays. :)Kev, I'm sure you are aware that I'm not generally a fan of your posting style.

But I think that last expresses almost perfectly the feeling all of us have towards that idiot.

Nice one.

BTW, you just imagined your double post.

11-28-2006, 12:58 AM
We may have different views of the running of the Iraq thing,

I think he is more upset that someone may not share his view of the Iraq war than by the wreath itself.

As well he may, but any Iraq reference is his, not mine.

I have had more than my fill of objection to free religious expression, and here now is an instance where this picayune bullshit is projecting into the secular arena, but for the same priggish reasons.

I hope Kearns ends up with a nice domestic fir tree of the type customarily utilized to celebrate the season (and adorned as well with a really big "peace" symbol) shoved up his ass so far nary a needle is showing.

Happy Holidays. :)Kev, I'm sure you are aware that I'm not generally a fan of your posting style.

But I think that last expresses almost perfectly the feeling all of us have towards that idiot.

Nice one.

Why thank you, Chris.

11-29-2006, 03:52 PM
The 'peace wreath' will stay; no fines will be levied

She's gotten an apology and the homeowners association has withdrawn its threat to fine her $25 a day for displaying a "peace wreath" on her home, Lisa Jensen tells the Associated Press.
source (http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2006/11/the_peace_wreat.html)

Now, says Jensen, she's grateful for "the incredible amount of support we have received over the last couple of days"

"I particularly wish to thank j2k4 for his suggestion that a tree be inserted into kearn's rear" which apparently helped change the association president's mind. :O

11-30-2006, 01:54 AM
So what's happening to the 5 members who Kearns "fired"?

Did he appointed them in the first place?
If not, did he have the authority to fire them?

And who changed my name to Craig?

11-30-2006, 02:09 AM
I don't know about the fired members but kearns has resigned