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View Full Version : website with frontpage???

11-28-2006, 11:19 PM
I have frontpage 2003 and my dad wants me to make him a website but i have NO clue what to do.. can some1 tell me a good tutorial for frontpage 2003? or can some1 give me simple instructions on how to setup it up.. i already got the domain and the server i just need help using frontpage. thank you

11-29-2006, 08:46 AM
You would be a lot better to get a copy of dreamweaver or some thing similar rather than using frontpage because basically frontpage is f****** s***.
Also if you got dreamweaver or some thing similar you will be able to create a lot better websites.

11-29-2006, 03:44 PM
Frontpage should be easy enough for you.

What you need to do is desgin the webpage in design view. First make an index.hml

That will be your base page. Then put pictures, and all that stuff on there.

Next make a footer with links to other parts of the website.

For each link, make a seperate page.html. But name it logically.

Like if one link says photos, call the new page "photos.hml"

When your making the website, make sure it is all contained in the same folder. If you link pictures or something, make sure they are also in the same folder as your .hml files.

Once you have a working page (open the index.hml page in frontpage and use the "preview" tab to make sure all your links work), just upload the entire folder onto the server.

Simple, no?

11-29-2006, 09:17 PM
thanks ill try tht

12-09-2006, 12:14 PM
Congratulations, you have probably just created a non-compliant web page which will look awful in any browser than IE.

12-10-2006, 12:52 PM
Congratulations, you have probably just created a non-compliant web page which will look awful in any browser than IE.


12-12-2006, 03:10 PM
Best way to learn is to search for free html templates. Then look at their code. Probaly save you alot of time. In my opinion the only software you need for web design is a good text editor and maybe a gfx program. W3schools is also a good place to dive in.