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View Full Version : Want some information on Czone?

Patriot foreve
12-02-2006, 02:20 AM

i would like some information plz on this tracker,what does it offer ?

thx in advance

12-02-2006, 02:35 AM
it's a romanian 0day tracker (all torrents are english though) very similar to iplay, but has several hundred more active torrents than iplay and about 21,500 members =)

12-02-2006, 03:20 AM
default- Can you post a screenshot of the browse section of czone? I have become rather intrigued from the iplay/rsr/czone battle from the other thread :lol:

12-02-2006, 05:20 AM


Patriot foreve
12-02-2006, 06:00 AM
thx default for the info

12-02-2006, 06:53 AM
maybe u would like to see the stats allso

Max. Users: 35.000
Registered Users: 21,495
Torrents: 4,930
Peers 20,110
Seeders 19,292
Leechers 818
Seeder/Leecher Ratio (%) 2358
Total Download 1,48 PB
Total Upload 2,01 PB

12-02-2006, 07:45 AM
czone is one of my top10

Patriot foreve
12-02-2006, 12:15 PM
great but it has alot of space so are invites available there?

12-02-2006, 01:20 PM
czone is the best romanian tracker after iPlay atm and it has less alive torrents than iPlay

The system doesn't automatically give invites anymore...only elite members still have one invite.

the tracker is 0wnd by the czone network in Bucharest and has free signup for it's members...for everybody else there's only invite signup

12-02-2006, 04:12 PM
How often do they give invites there?

12-02-2006, 06:21 PM
czone is the best romanian tracker after iPlay atm and it has less alive torrents than iPlay

:blink: when i looked yesterday iplay had about 4400 active torrents while czone had 4800, now it's about even.

btw, i've been a power user there for a while (almost elite now) and still have no invites.

12-02-2006, 07:48 PM
there was a time when i had 10 invites and 40 gb upload as a gift (had an account from the beggining) i was power user and they took 9 of the 10 invites...and i invited someone who scammed me :lol: with my only invite left ...then i traded that account for something nice and got another one afterwards...but recently czone removed all the invites from power users also...maybe when u will be promoted to elite member u'll get an invite...i'm not really using it so i can't tell u for sure

12-02-2006, 08:04 PM
only elite members and above have an invite here. To be promoted to elite you must have at least 150GB upload and 1.5 ratio