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View Full Version : What do you think of "making offers" in the invite section?

12-04-2006, 11:03 PM
A lot of people post what site they have and then just "make offers...".

What do you think of this behaviour?

12-04-2006, 11:07 PM
Personally I find this very rude and I never make offers to any such thread.

The reason I find it rude is because the person is to lazy to write at least what s/he already has, and instead expects me to fill my pm-box with useless offers that could have been avoided if the person would just list what sites s/he already has.

Anyone else who thinks it is not too much to ask for the OP to at least post what sites s/he has?

12-04-2006, 11:10 PM
Doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother you.

Granted, your point is well made, but why not just ignore those threads then and move on? Nobody says you have to PM them, just wait for a post on that invite that fits your requirements

12-04-2006, 11:20 PM
Doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother you.

Granted, your point is well made, but why not just ignore those threads then and move on? Nobody says you have to PM them, just wait for a post on that invite that fits your requirements

I currently do, but I would prefer if people would shape up to give me more chances of trades.

12-04-2006, 11:25 PM
Also, not all people might be aware that this is rude.

12-04-2006, 11:25 PM
I guess i did that before, and now it just doesn't make any sense to me, but Zenican was right, no need to comment just ignore 'em and go on.


12-04-2006, 11:28 PM
I guess i did that before, and now it just doesn't make any sense to me, but Zenican was right, no need to comment just ignore 'em and go on.


Of course I need to comment because it could possibly make the site better. Why would I not comment on it?

12-05-2006, 12:37 AM
I'm on the same page as you. I generally ignore them. The few times I did answer, I was met with 'I already have it' or 'I'm looking for something better', or my favorite: "I'm waiting to field more offers so I can pick the best one".

Annoying, but what are ya gonna do? Gotta get those 5-star sites so you can brag to all your friends!

12-05-2006, 01:28 AM
Why would I not comment on it?
of course you are absolutly free to do, but you really don't have to waste energy on every little mistake, adding to this i think that the "making offers" thread is mainly dedicated to the "Making offers" FUNS, so why should i care since the message wasn't necessarily for me?

12-05-2006, 01:33 AM
Doesn't bother me, and it shouldn't bother you.

Granted, your point is well made, but why not just ignore those threads then and move on? Nobody says you have to PM them, just wait for a post on that invite that fits your requirements

Well I think you telling others what shouldn't bother them is rude in inself. Yeah honestly it sucks balls but they are making the offer so they get to say it how they want it to go. Just one of the many annoying thing we have to deal with from day to day. Also I can imagine people don't want to give it away too cheaply, they of course want the best possible deal they can get.

12-05-2006, 12:37 PM
Also double posting is considered to be rude but someone on this thread has already done that....twice.

Ever heard of an edit button!

12-05-2006, 02:01 PM
I've replied to one or two "make offer" threads with a pm and never even got a reply back so I take that as my offer was no good.

If you want my opinion on it, people should say "I have x,y,z and want a,b,c."

That way the people who don't have a,b,c to offer can move on.

12-05-2006, 02:09 PM
I've replied to one or two "make offer" threads with a pm and never even got a reply back so I take that as my offer was no good.

If you want my opinion on it, people should say "I have x,y,z and want a,b,c."

That way the people who don't have a,b,c to offer can move on.

Don't you just hate it when people don't reply back to you.

Ok back on topic i think its just pure lazy.

12-05-2006, 02:37 PM
i don't think that the "make offer" post is so rude. it depends ... let's say i will post "i have RSR, make offers". i guess i'm posting that because i know RSR has some value, but i don't know how much value and i expect to see what offers will i get. let's say someone will tell me "i can give you bitme bitmetv TTi, ***, all that for RSR". after that i can tell him that i allready have bitme and TTi and that i will accept the offer if he can replace those 2 with some other trackers of similar value. eventualy i can nominate one or 2 that i might want.
the situation i presented is special because RSR is a rare tracker. if the same post happends with learnbits for instance then the user is lame and rude. with learnbits he should know that he will only get one tracker and he can tell the others exactly what he wants (hoping that someone will give something for learnbits)
anothr situation where it's not rude (imho) is when someone has 50 invites to a tracker. in this situation he might accept up to 50 offers so he hopes ppl will offer many trackers that are completly new to him. he will just select from the PM's the ones that are interesting.
in conclusion there is no way you can tell that all ppl that post "make offers" are rude, but many are.

12-05-2006, 02:39 PM
I've replied to one or two "make offer" threads with a pm and never even got a reply back so I take that as my offer was no good.

If you want my opinion on it, people should say "I have x,y,z and want a,b,c."

That way the people who don't have a,b,c to offer can move on.
what about if you want a,b,c (level 3 trackers) and cause i really want what you have i will offer you a level 3.5 or level 4 tracker ? i guess you just did not expect someone to give you such an offer, but i guess you will take it...

12-06-2006, 10:45 AM
Also double posting is considered to be rude but someone on this thread has already done that....twice.

Ever heard of an edit button!

Why? At least I post constructive criticism with arguments why it is annoying, not just to be an asshole. Or maybe you have a reason why double posting is annoying?

12-06-2006, 10:54 AM
Most people don't consider it rude because it isn't rude maybe a bit of laziness but i don't see how it's rude especially when anyone can just ignore it.

12-06-2006, 10:59 AM
in conclusion there is no way you can tell that all ppl that post "make offers" are rude, but many are.

Well as I said my problem was those that don't at least give a general idea of what they want or list a few sites that they already have. The text "only 3.5+ ranked site offers welcome" is enough for me.

12-06-2006, 12:37 PM
Also double posting is considered to be rude but someone on this thread has already done that....twice.

Ever heard of an edit button!

Why? At least I post constructive criticism with arguments why it is annoying, not just to be an asshole. Or maybe you have a reason why double posting is annoying?

No its just net etiquette in the same way that posting in caps is. Some people may interpret that as rude whilst others don't. I agree its annoying but not rude.

What you have not taken into account is that rude and annoying are not the same. To be rude is to offend someone. I can't see how you can be offended by someone who asks for offers....annoyed yes but not offended.