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05-16-2003, 02:54 PM
:rolleyes: i was just wondering how many of you even bother downloading cam version of movies ?.. ( especially TMD's ) i can get a movie the same size as tmd's and way better quality. but anways, I HAVE 56k, and i never downloading anything thats a cam, i only get the screeners and dvd rips...and ive noticed lotsa ppl with cable/adsl are downloading cams, why would u want to download a cam! if u download @ more then 10kb a sec why the hell would u wanna get a cam.. just wait for the screener, or just dont get it at all...

so how many of you cable/adsl ppl actually download cams ? :blink:

05-16-2003, 03:09 PM
i have cable and i downloaded the cam version of matrix reloaded that was my first and last time downloading a cam version like it was ok but nothing lk dvd-rip or a screener so thats it :ph34r:

05-16-2003, 03:14 PM
y is everyone seems to think every movie will have a screener? ;)

sometimes the best copies you can find, will be cams... ctp has been solid this year so far, with good TS copies... but sometimes, if waiting for a dvd rip, all u have is a cam, why not watch it? Some cams are decent, most are shit...

i have the reloaded cam, but it will be gone once a nice TS copy hits...

05-16-2003, 03:30 PM
every movie u ever see will either have a screener OR a dvd rip, EG: comes out on dvd, someone rips it..

my point is that, instead of downloading a cam, u should just wait for it to be released on dvd... or just go see it... and u said some cams are decent....wich ones are ?? like can u gimmi the names ?, or is it only the ts ones ?

05-16-2003, 03:34 PM
as Schmiggy_JK23 has previously stated the security on the matrix reloaded was very tight.

They will proabably never of made any screeners so how can you download them if they were never made.

:D do not expect a dvd screener for this film any time soon. but i might be wrong

05-16-2003, 03:38 PM
now why wait for a dvd rip... which could be 4-8 months in the making... when u can get a cam untill then, if thats all you can get? Sure we would all love a screener, or a nice telesync, but if all u can get is a cam, and u dont think the movie is worth paying 8$ for, why not? Its their choice, they can download what ever appeases them.

I personally have numerous requests for the matrix, from people who dont have the means to see it... so, i downloaded it... ive seen it twice in the theater... but its nice to have, till something comes along better... thats why... when you have the bandwith... theres no reason to not get multiple upgraded copies of films...

Its like saying, well i am the richest person in the world... i have a radeon 9700 right now, it runs all of my games right now just fine... and since i have so much money, Im going to buy the 9800 as soon as it comes out, even though i dont need it, because I can... see the point? Get the best thats out at the time... when something better comes along, upgrade to that...

* on a side note, to everyone who reads this:listen people... SCREENERS ARE RARE! especially within the first few months of a movies release... they are not the norm... people need to get off this i need a screener bullshit the instant a movie comes out...*

05-16-2003, 03:51 PM
hmmmz... well im sorry, i didnt know there was so many poor people in this world that cant afford to see a movie for 8$ ;D

05-16-2003, 03:57 PM
so funny. half the movies that come out, are worth paying 8$ for, because they are shit... or mediocre... so if you want to give something a chance, u can view a cam, if its all thats out... a few times, i have watched movies on my pc, that i at first didnt want to see at the theaters... (i work for a company that does trailer checks, and seat counts for theaters, so i most movies free)... whether for cash reasons, or quality reasons, and ithas turned out that i have liked them, so i have bought the dvds... just because peopls downloads dont have the order yours does, is no reason to start a thread about it.

05-16-2003, 04:05 PM
in my country usually when film hits the cinemas I can download a good DVD Rip.......so my life is like half a year out of sync compared to US......so I don't need to watch cam's and I can enjoy quality.......there are some films with international release date (X-Men 2) that I have to wait as long as the others......also movies that generate big hyp (Matrix Reloaded) are in my local cinemas far earlier than DVDRip is available........and for the record : I have never downloaded any cams after my first downloaded movie (then I didn't knew what is a cam or dvdrip or codec etc.)

05-16-2003, 04:05 PM
It depends on my mood, but I download some cams from time to time. Indeed the "screener" thing is misunderstood, and people have been spoiled in the past. In fact, I don't download DVD rips very often, since I buy/copy everything that I want on DVD. I'd say that I download more cams than anything else. Though there is much better quality out there than TMD. B)

05-16-2003, 04:06 PM
edit : sorry double post....my bad...

05-16-2003, 04:07 PM
It depends on my mood, but I download some cams from time to time. Indeed the "screener" thing is misunderstood, and people have been spoiled in the past. In fact, I don't download DVD rips very often, since I buy/copy everything that I want on DVD. I'd say that I download more cams than anything else. Though there is much better quality out there than TMD. B)

I'm on cable, so file size isn't important. B)

05-16-2003, 04:12 PM
deja vu :o

05-16-2003, 04:24 PM
sonys handycams are great so stop crying u got 56k
i got cable 600ks ha ha ha looser go and buy the dvd 6 months later !!!!!


thats inevitable ! :ph34r:

05-16-2003, 04:42 PM
I have only ever downloaded one cam - X-Men 2, which I saw at the cinema anyway but just wanted a copy of it. In fact I haven't even watched it yet.

As for screeners being rare, I understand they don't always come about for a movie, but they're not exactly rare. I certainly have enough of them. If one's not available I'll usually wait for a DVD rip, which come earlier than the DVD would in the UK anyway.

05-16-2003, 05:10 PM
I think he meant they will be more rare in the future. Less screeners are being made, as the industry is trying to combat piracy. In the music industry, they are releasing preview/advance copies on vinyl now, so that early copies are of poorer quality than the CD versions that come out as retail. B)

05-16-2003, 06:15 PM
In the music industry, they are releasing preview/advance copies on vinyl now, so that early copies are of poorer quality than the CD versions that come out as retail.

Yeah, I heard that too. I also heard about journalists being invited to listen to the CD at the record company instead of being sent a copy. Kinda sucks really.

05-16-2003, 06:36 PM
Just look at it as a sport : who is the 1st and in what quality?
Most are indeed awful to look at , so I wait for better releases.
But to picture in your mind how they do it sneakily is fun. :)

05-16-2003, 08:55 PM
I have to agree with some and others, but my question is, why are cam versions coded so small 320x240? I know when someone copies from thier camcorder its bigger than 320x240 IM sure they can code it like at 520x320 or something like that. and I know some people have 56k but why should I and others suffer for poorer quality because some have 56k. why not code the resolution for every one 520x320 so at least we can enjoy the bloody movie. and I'm sure each and every one of you think that 320x240 is small. jezus I have a 14.1 inch monitor on my laptop and I find these cam versions are to hard to see and watch, let alone most people have at least 17" and up. and tmd IMO is the worst out there! but thats just my 2 cents worth.

05-16-2003, 11:33 PM
I agree with be_man. Y cant they make the cams just a bit better quality. We will then be able to enjy it and no one wuld be bugging for screeners since burning t vcd is good enough to watch on ur tv

05-17-2003, 02:08 AM
dude just go watch at the moviez sheesh i mean its not like its so expensive what its about 5-7&#036; <_<

05-17-2003, 07:30 AM
yeah thats what i said

* i didnt know there was so many poor ppl in this world that cant afford to pay 8&#036; for a movie*

05-17-2003, 09:01 AM
its not that expensive? ok lets calculate here just for fun. ok I am calculating here in canadian funds because I live in canada, but from what I&#39;ve seen the prices are fairly the same in the states also(I&#39;ve been to a cinema once or twice in the states) so to just get in it costs like &#036;9 bucks mosts nights and we have cheap nights tuesdays and wednesdays, which is &#036;7 so I will use cheap nights as an example to make my point. &#036;7 then you want to buy popcorn depending on what size you take but lets go with a small=&#036;3.25 and a small drink &#036;2.25 which brings us to a total of &#036;12.50 not including taxes. then just imagine you take a date which will double that (assuming your a gentlemen and pay for your date) or you take bigger sizes of stuff or you take more expensive food like tacos and cheese or candy&#33; it can get expensive fast&#33; so thats why I guess there is a great appeal to people who like to D/L movies off of kazaa. I mean... I remember when going to the cinema was cheap&#33; now its expensive&#33; :blink:

05-17-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by be_man31@17 May 2003 - 09:01
its not that expensive? ok lets calculate here just for fun. ok I am calculating here in canadain funds because I live in canada, but from what I&#39;ve seen the prices are fairly the same in the states also(I&#39;ve been to a cinema once or twice in the states) so to just get in it costs like &#036;9 bucks mosts nights and we have cheap nights tuesdays and wednesdays, which is &#036;7 so I will use cheap nights as an example to make my point. &#036;7 then you want to buy popcorn depending on what size you take but lets go with a small=&#036;3.25 and a small drink &#036;2.25 which brings us to a total of &#036;12 not including taxes. then just imagine you take a date which will double that (assuming your a gentlemen and pay for your date) or you take bigger sizes of stuff or you take more expensive food like tacos and cheese or candy&#33; it can get expensive fast&#33; so thats why I guess there is a great appeal to people who like to D/L movies off of kazaa. I mean... I remember when going to the cinema was cheap&#33; now its expensive&#33; :blink:
I didn&#39;t relize they force you to buy food now. New thing or just in canada?

05-17-2003, 09:14 AM
xspikex> I&#39;m not saying we are forced to buy food, but why do you go to a cinema in the first place? surely not JUST for the big screen&#33; you go for the popcorn+drinks or whatever&#33; I can&#39;t imagine going to a cinema and sitting there without eating popcorn or whatever and sipping on a coke. they go hand in hand, like donuts and coffee, like toast and butter, like... well you get my point. :lol:

05-17-2003, 09:25 AM
Actually, when I go to the theaters even if it&#39;s not on my money I usually don&#39;t get food/drinks. I guess I just feel like sittin there and watchin the movie :/

05-17-2003, 04:24 PM
Cam&#39;s ruin your viewing pleasure... they really do&#33; :o

05-17-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by XSpikeX@17 May 2003 - 05:25
Actually, when I go to the theaters even if it&#39;s not on my money I usually don&#39;t get food/drinks. I guess I just feel like sittin there and watchin the movie :/
Most movies are not profitable for the theater. They have to pay crazy prices just to get the movie there for viewing. The things you buy at the concession stand keep things afloat. Each customer must buy &#036;2.80 of consession stand items to create a profit for the theater. So if you don&#39;t buy any food, someone else will have to buy double. This is why there is such a big upsell when you buy your popcorn/soda. "How about a large for only 50 cents more, it comes with free refills." Part of the game.

Personally, I like the movie theater atmosphere, the smell of popcorn, big soda in hand, the big screen, etc.. I enjoy the entire package. Double the price of movies, and I&#39;ll still go. B)

05-17-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by huuramis@16 May 2003 - 15:54
:rolleyes: i was just wondering how many of you even bother downloading cam version of movies ?.. ( especially TMD&#39;s ) i can get a movie the same size as tmd&#39;s and way better quality. but anways, I HAVE 56k, and i never downloading anything thats a cam, i only get the screeners and dvd rips...and ive noticed lotsa ppl with cable/adsl are downloading cams, why would u want to download a cam&#33; if u download @ more then 10kb a sec why the hell would u wanna get a cam.. just wait for the screener, or just dont get it at all...

so how many of you cable/adsl ppl actually download cams ? :blink:
How long do you download a 700 MB movie with 56k ? 2 weeks ? 2 mounths ?

05-18-2003, 03:54 AM
&#036;8 ....where do u live, to go to a decent theatre it costs &#036;12 for a ticket &#036;4 for a drink and &#036;4 for popcorn, now if you bring a date .....that can add up to &#036;40 for one movie and munchies&#33;&#33;