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View Full Version : Burning Dvdrips.avi To Cdr

05-16-2003, 03:17 PM
My comp does not have much hd space, last i checked about 12 gigs left.
Since each movie is about 700-800 mb(per cd) is there a way to burn a full movie onto a CDR (not a DVDR+W) as a vcd? Most of my movies are in DVDrip format. I have looked at DVD help.com but im not sure what exactly to look for. Can someone point me in the right direction? :)
Basically im asking for directions to convert a DVDrip.avi into a vcd file, like a bin cue format video which can be burned onto a cdr and viewed later from cd and not from the hard drive :blink:

05-16-2003, 03:42 PM
Easy, easy, easy

Decompress.exe to decompress the file
View file to insure it is in sync
TMPGEnc to create mpg
This site gives you all the info on how to get the file to fit on only one vcd using that program
If the decompressed files was not in sync. Use avi2wav to create two seperate files to use in tmpgenc
View mpg to insure it is in sync
VCDEasy to burn to one VCD

That's how I do it and it works every time (unless there is a glitch in the file)

05-16-2003, 04:24 PM
kk, thx :) I probably wont get it right the first time tho, lol

05-16-2003, 04:39 PM
So his movie will fit on to a 700-800mb disk If so kool better give a try

What progrm Will I use to burn

05-16-2003, 04:41 PM
VCDEasy. See directions above.

05-16-2003, 04:44 PM
Why not just leave them as AVI and burn them on CD-R?

Then you copy them back to your harddisk when you want to watch it.

If you convert a movie to (S)VCD, it will usually take up two discs.

05-16-2003, 04:59 PM
If you just want to watch them on hour hard drive, great answer.

If you want to watch them on your tv (as I do), I create an mpg and they always fit on one CDR if you use that guide I provided a link to.

05-16-2003, 05:13 PM
hmm, if i wanted to burn the avi to disk using nero, what do i do?
Do i:
1)select video cd, leaving all defaults
2)drag and paste the movie
3) Click write CD?

Do i have to do anything with the folders that say CDI, EXT...etc? :blink:

05-16-2003, 06:19 PM
If you justwant to burn it as an .avi (not able to play it in the DVD player), then just burn it as a data disc, no special requirements. You'll be able to fit about 702-3MB on a 74 min/700 MB CD without overburning.

05-16-2003, 07:10 PM
k, thx :)