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12-16-2006, 07:45 PM
Is there a way to search through groups in usenet readers like Newsbin and is this practical - does it take so long that its not so useful.

Or is it better to use a search engine like binsearch.info ?

With torrents, I know that sites like bitme carry learning materials (although I can't find an invite, but that's a completely different problem). What's the best way to find out which newsgroups are the best for learning related downloads.

Sorry for the noob-ness of my questions. Any help is appreciated.

12-18-2006, 07:48 PM
If you know what you want you should allways use binsearch.info or similiar, this will give you a nzb in 10 secs which is as easy as it gets.
Binsearch.info has a browse group function which is praticly the same as browsing headers and comes in usefull if you dont know what to get. The problem with newsgroups is you can post in any group you want so you can find e-learning material everywhere, just use binsearch.

12-22-2006, 04:26 AM
Thanks for your help. Usenet is cool but the only problem is that finding a specific file can be a lot more difficult than say looking for something on bittorrent. binsearch.info makes that search a lot easier but its only as good as the nzbs that have been submitted. I wonder if there is some sort of guide that lists what newsgroups are mainly centered around e-learning, because its sometimes hard to tell what content a group contains just by its name.

12-22-2006, 04:41 AM
The simplest way is with clients like Newsleecher which have search built in...

12-22-2006, 08:34 PM
I use binsearch.info

12-23-2006, 03:43 AM
The simplest way is with clients like Newsleecher which have search built in...

Thanks for the recommendation. Newsleecher seems like the way to go. I keep thinking that a search through all the headers of all the newsgroups would take a long time. Is this really an issue? And what is the minimum amount of RAM you would dedicate to a usenet client to handle this? Sorry for the multiple questions but trying to hunt down a file on usenet has always thrown me for a loop.

12-26-2006, 06:45 AM
Is there a way to search through groups in usenet readers like Newsbin and is this practical - does it take so long that its not so useful.

Or is it better to use a search engine like binsearch.info ?

Some of the search sites (even including this one) are pretty good, although for sheer bulk the commercial Newzbin (for pay) site is about the 'best', although they do miss a fair amount (IMHO). The best way I've found is to utilize a programable newsreader like Newsrover that can do lots of the searching for you, for nfo's, first parts of rar archives, nzb's, ect., then pack the result up into nzb's for easy d/l.

But a lot of traffic these days is 'under the radar' when it comes to typical methodologies, as some rely on 'pirate' web sites or IRC to give their members 'heads up' when things are posted, others sometimes release postings to the 'public' only after some time has past (eliminating users of low-grade news-servers, i.e. with less than 45-60 days retention or thereabouts).

I've found that the 'best' methodology is a mix of techniques, both easy and hard. At some point, with today's easy access to movie dvd's (i.e., Netflix et. al.), and easy recoding systems (DVDRebuilder and fast/cheap systems) it's sometimes a coin flip as to what's harder. Or gets you what you want at a price/effort point you can live with.

12-26-2006, 10:58 AM
there are a lot of searchengines around the net, for example

Binsearch.info and Yabse i use those two most of the time.
Also there are a lot of litlle search sites, google them and you will get a list.

to find a movie/program just put in keywords or copy and paste the name from a torrent site and put it in the newssearch.


12-31-2006, 04:09 PM
Buy newsleecher and use supersearch.