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View Full Version : Omg!!!! min ago my sct account has been disabled...

12-17-2006, 12:04 PM

can any1 enter irc sct, and ask what happened???/

my nick alsayra2005

It free leech since yesterday, everything was ok... i was using my seed box, and bang-account disabled.......
im not a cheter, i have 100mbit so there is no need to cheat(((((((
Plzzzzzzzz anyone

2 days ago i changed my pass - could that be a reason?????

12-17-2006, 12:23 PM

warrior within
12-17-2006, 12:35 PM
you mean you changed the passkey ??

12-17-2006, 12:35 PM

just changed the password 2 days ago, just before freeleech..........

could any1 enter irc and ask staff about it, ?

Before i started using seedbox, i posted at their forum to ask if its allowed, - so it cant be that for a reason.........

12-17-2006, 02:09 PM
shit, so no1 there to help me out(((((((((?

well i guess its kinda sct xmas gift for me.........

12-17-2006, 02:21 PM
My acc was also disabled few minutes ago. I also have few seedboxes but as you said this wasn't prohibited...

maybe because we're from PL??

12-17-2006, 02:30 PM
It won't be because of your seedboxes there is nothing wrong with using them, your account will have been disabled if you where either cheating, trading invites, doing bad things or for any other number of reason.
But for what ever reason it has been disabled I am afraid to say there is nothing you or any one else will be able to do about it as the staff are not forgiving when you do something bad.

12-17-2006, 02:35 PM
It won't be because of your seedboxes there is nothing wrong with using them, your account will have been disabled if you where either cheating, trading invites, doing bad things or for any other number of reason.
But for what ever reason it has been disabled I am afraid to say there is nothing you or any one else will be able to do about it as the staff are not forgiving when you do something bad.
nevertheless it would be nice to know the reason... i've upped there a little...

12-17-2006, 02:36 PM
shit, so no1 there to help me out(((((((((?

well i guess its kinda sct xmas gift for me.........

I am not into IRC but i have sen a PM to one of the mods asking why, so as soon as i know i will PM you, hope this helps :)

12-17-2006, 02:38 PM
cheating? - i have 100mbit so what for
abusive behaviuor at forum?- i wrote like 2-3 posts
trading?-no way i would give mine acc away! invites? - didnt have any so far.....

So how is it then?.............

12-17-2006, 02:39 PM
shit, so no1 there to help me out(((((((((?

well i guess its kinda sct xmas gift for me.........

I am not into IRC but i have sen a PM to one of the mods asking why, so as soon as i know i will PM you, hope this helps :)
could you also PM for me? my account name is "leciak". thx

12-17-2006, 08:44 PM
is there really no1 who could ask about our situation? c'mon folks....plzzz

12-17-2006, 08:57 PM
is there really no1 who could ask about our situation? c'mon folks....plzzz

I did ask a mod for you and leciak but i have not had a reply, i sent a PM @15:44, the mod in question has been active so not sure what to think, perhaps you can get on a irc channel of theirs that doesnt require password. I do not use irc sorry so cant help you there.

12-17-2006, 09:20 PM
yeah cheers anyway, no u cant access irc sct, if u are banned(((((

12-17-2006, 11:05 PM
yeah cheers anyway, no u cant access irc sct, if u are banned(((((

have you tried their help channel? i think it's #sct.support

12-18-2006, 12:12 AM
u dont understand, once u are banned irc access is blocked as well............
thats why we asked folks for help)))

and we still do....

12-18-2006, 12:13 AM
Same exact thing happened to me 5 months ago. I was freakin pissed.

12-18-2006, 09:34 AM
yeahh u know whats the answer of mod?

invite trading(((((((((

but they forgot one detail....this account is 8 weeks old - i never had any invites given.............

12-18-2006, 11:28 PM
judging by your account name...somebody here gave u the account...and that's invite trading or sharing...

12-19-2006, 06:04 AM
as peci says, that name gets spread around
the user with that name trades alot so it probably got around that he's a trader
im guessing thats the most likely reason

12-19-2006, 07:42 AM
Thatz really sad one to heard abt Sct in this chrismas days :(

12-19-2006, 07:53 AM
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust,
and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

you can say that again...

12-20-2006, 02:54 AM
Also depends on what country your from. I heard they recently banned a whole country from accessing their site due to the fact alot of ratio cheaters were coming from there.

12-20-2006, 02:43 PM
Also depends on what country your from. I heard they recently banned a whole country from accessing their site due to the fact alot of ratio cheaters were coming from there.

I think we are talking about israel here....:lol:

12-20-2006, 04:45 PM
no we are tlaking about poland here as well((((

look at that, thats how sct explains banning:

<~illogic> all .pl users are getting banned
<+leciak> any particular reason?
<~illogic> yah, you guys cheat too much?
<~illogic> .. errr...well all .pl users are gonna get banned eventually...
so that doesn't really matter
<~illogic> sorry
<+leciak> this is raisism
<~Feeling> lol
<~illogic> ahaha
<@Terska> what are you going to do? call the cops?

maybe its out of context, but idea is to ban certain nationalities, case they all cheat(?)
like me, i never even had invites at my account, but first reason of ban was: invite trading....hahahah can u imagine?
I aslo never offered my account.
Well if thats how its going to be at SCT then i dont care any more.
I will rather use sites which respect users, were being strict with rules ,means that u can sleep well not being afraid of losing your account because of the reasons taken from moon.........

12-22-2006, 12:46 AM
no we are tlaking about poland here as well((((

look at that, thats how sct explains banning:

<~illogic> all .pl users are getting banned
<+leciak> any particular reason?
<~illogic> yah, you guys cheat too much?
<~illogic> .. errr...well all .pl users are gonna get banned eventually...
so that doesn't really matter
<~illogic> sorry
<+leciak> this is raisism
<~Feeling> lol
<~illogic> ahaha
<@Terska> what are you going to do? call the cops?

maybe its out of context, but idea is to ban certain nationalities, case they all cheat(?)
like me, i never even had invites at my account, but first reason of ban was: invite trading....hahahah can u imagine?
I aslo never offered my account.
Well if thats how its going to be at SCT then i dont care any more.
I will rather use sites which respect users, were being strict with rules ,means that u can sleep well not being afraid of losing your account because of the reasons taken from moon.........I agree.:cry:
The mods on ScT are assholes about everything it seems.

12-22-2006, 01:28 AM
Thats the bad part of giving any power to those who like to abuse they can do whatever they choose to and no one can do anything about it. It's making ScT look more like a waste of time not a place to want to help grow kind of like many scene SITES they don't care about anyone but what they want or can get. I'm afraid that happens anywhere the wrong person gets a hold of a little power. They have what others want and can make them jump thru hoops to get it.

Thats the main reason why I don't go out of my way to aquire axxs there, if I happen to get in one day great but if not then it wasn't worth what little effort I put into it.

Next they will be requiring birth certificate/drivers ID and first born just to get on a 5 year waiting list, pffff

What a waste :dabs:

12-22-2006, 02:03 AM
all .pl's are banned on ScT...

12-22-2006, 02:15 AM
all .pl's are banned on ScT...

Thats a shame....... seriously:blink:

Personally the only members that should get banned are those who cheat only.:ermm:

12-22-2006, 02:51 AM
all .pl and .il ranges banned. I'm sure there aren't some but what ho. Good for them though. .pl aren't as bad as .il but tbh most are pretty terrible cheaters. I know it ruins it for a lot of you, but you should have been more dismissive of your citizens. There are so many polish sites discussing trading to private torrent sites, its awful.

12-22-2006, 04:12 AM
all .pl and .il ranges banned. I'm sure there aren't some but what ho. Good for them though. .pl aren't as bad as .il but tbh most are pretty terrible cheaters. I know it ruins it for a lot of you, but you should have been more dismissive of your citizens. There are so many polish sites discussing trading to private torrent sites, its awful.Because we all know there are no english sites that trade invites to private sites. OH GOD NO!:rolleyes:

12-22-2006, 04:15 AM
How is it possible to get an ScT invite?

I have been hunting an invite for allmost one year now on different sites - no luck so far?

Any clues or hints please PM me:-)

12-22-2006, 04:17 AM
How is it possible to get an ScT invite?

I have been hunting an invite for allmost one year now on different sites - no luck so far?

Any clues or hints please PM me:-)You have to have the right site to trade, be in the right place at the right time.

In my case I was able to get one for a mere FTN invite. It usually isn't that easy though.