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12-28-2006, 02:53 AM
Ok now, I am getting fed up with my little baby always getting sick... I bought my computer 6. jan 2006 and have since that gone with it 7 times to repair! some minor but two complete crashes where windows had to be reinstalled. These visits have now cost me about 650 Euros so now I am going to make sure nothing will happen on my end atleast and I am sick of paying for the repair of not even 1 year old computer. They have never been able to find any reason, no viruses or adaware, and I dont mess with settings... well last time I was told it could be because I had so much data in my documents so I dont do that anymore. So my first questions, what can I do to prevent these crashes and sickness of my baby?

I am now using avast, spyware dr., regdoctor, TuneUp Utilities and ad-aware, any suggestions of something I should use or shouldnt use?

Second problem, since it came from last repair where windows was setup again it has frozen many times. most of the times it has to do with vlc. Sometimes I cant open a file, just get the sorry for the inconviniece error blablabla, I close the window and bamm, its frozen. Somtimes I manage to play the file just fine watch all of it and when I close, its frozen, now I tried to change to open in meda player and when I clicked the change button on the files properties it froze. It seems to be similar with powerdvd but windows media player is working so far althou the sound is often missing, probably some codec thing (where do I get that btw?)

So I would realy appreciate any advice on one or both problems. I want my computer feeling well...;)

12-28-2006, 05:50 AM
...last time I was told it could be because I had so much data in my documents...
They are either stupid or are lying.

I am now using avast, spyware dr., regdoctor, TuneUp Utilities and ad-aware, any suggestions of something I should use or shouldnt use?
Get rid of regdoctor quickly.

What are your system specs?

12-29-2006, 04:37 AM
Well to be fair they did say that it could be million reasons for these breakdowns but I kept asking them for any possible reason so I could prevent it and then he said the computer always had to load some profile(which included my documents) and having it so big ( about 180GB) could be the reason for my breakdowns...

why is regdoctor bad? anything else I should have?

system: XP home edition

any idea why my computer freezes using vlc and powerdvd? :unsure:

12-29-2006, 06:27 AM
Make and model of your pc and how much RAM(memory) does it have?

12-29-2006, 04:46 PM
AMD Athlon(tm) processor
2.21 GHz. 1 GB of RAM

12-29-2006, 08:52 PM
So far there have been 2 members try to help. Both have asked for your system specs.

We now know that you have:

Windows XP Home (does it have any Service Packs?)(have you done updates?)
AMD Athlon processor (we don't know which model XP or 64)
1 GB RAM (we don't know what type, speed or brand)

We know nothing more about your system. It could even be a laptop for all we know.

There must be more to your system than just that.

Sometimes I cant open a file, just get the sorry for the inconviniece error blablablaWhat error? blablabla.

What are your temps?

I would suspect that codecs or device drivers are the cause of "freezes using vlc and powerdvd".

12-29-2006, 08:59 PM
Spec is ok but why are you paying for repairs on a pc that is still under warrantee?

Has to load a 180gb Profile? :lol:
Either you're not understanding what they're saying or they are talking lobbox!

freezes using vlc and powerdvd?
Get the latest drivers for your graphic card and install the klite mega codec pack, also update your modem drivers(modem drivers have caused me video, freeze and crash probs for no reason).

"regdoctor, TuneUp Utilities", leave these alone until your pc is stable.

hey VB, half way through me typing my post, my missus started yapping so it took me a lot longer to post, was trying to say what you did. lol

12-29-2006, 10:30 PM
The warrantee is only for hardware and they say that non of the repairs have been caused by malfunctioning hardware. When they set it up last time they said they had update some drivers. I dont know how to do it or where to go to do it...

My windows has service pack 2 and is always up to date and its AMD Athlon 64 processor and its a pc. Where do I see specs about the RAM?

I am sorry if I am being slow but I dont know much about these things...

and what does temps mean?

12-29-2006, 10:39 PM
temps: temperatures
mobo,cpu,hdd,gpu temps?
download lavalys everest & install.it says everything about your system specs...

12-30-2006, 12:51 AM
yeah man check the temperatures with the Lavalyst everest it will be a big help (i use it) and with the VLC problem, i always have the latest driver to my graphic card and download the newest VLC avaible online and no need of codec packs:) , sometimes VLC dont like the files and refuses to play them but thats because videofile is damaged or rare and it needs a special codec just to play a video that after some days gets deleted, but otherwise VLC should work fine even with 1GB of ram, as the other said the temps are important. i hope my computer experinces helps u a liittle anyway...

ur baby will be fine :D :D :D

12-31-2006, 03:23 AM
Ok now I have the latest driver for my graphic card installed, got the newest vlc but everytime I try to open it I get this

http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6049/vlcproblemsty4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

One improvement, I have tried to open vlca few times now and it has never frozen, althou I always get this message
EDIT: well windows media player just froze on me when I quit it...

the temps

http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/342/tempszo7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

more things about my computer

http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6026/specstu0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

any sugestions what could be the problem and if theres anything more you need to know please tell me

12-31-2006, 04:01 AM
Try uninstalling vlc and reinstalling it.

Btw, you might want to edit your post above to remove your username and e-mail address.

12-31-2006, 04:05 AM
I did uninstall it, downloaded the newest one (again) but still the same, and just now Windows media player froze on me when I was quitin it...